Lago club. tAn 8mile course- was laid directly ini front of thè Vista clubhouse anid the entire race eould be watchecl f romi the club-three timnes arotind the course. Winners were Twinkle Ditto 412, Max Hayford and, jay TýWichell, skippers; Pegasus, 802, 'rumibull and, M,'%agee, skippers; Carol 500, Harold Elliott and Sam Goss,, skippers. Only one boat dropped out during the race, the other, fourteen finishing.> The skip- pers were.the guests of Vista del Lago for dinner. Central A. A. U. onie mille champion- silip for, women was wvon hy Emma Shemfaitis. time 32.* 32; Marion Dose fiished second and Martlys Lapin>third. Wý.inners received gold,' silver and, bronze medals presented by Vista del Laoclub. There wasa field of fifteen. Ail three winners of prizes were rep- resentatives of 1. W. A. C. We believe their coachl,.\Mrs. J.. W. Reilly, is to be c(flgratulated on' the excellent perform- ance. of the girls. Frank Snary and Fred Springer comedy (living team. of Knollwood Country club, Lake Forest, gave an ex- ii.tioni of comical diying. Their div- ing held the interest of the spectators altlliugl a glatit hydroplane kept.-circ- Iing the diving.stand apd club) and final- ly landed on the beach. The Wilmette coast, guard liatrolled the course during the swim and merem- bers of the guard under Captain Jan- sen gave a capsize drill.. .During the afternoon the Svedish Olynipic teani, which wvas visiting ini Wilmette for the day, visited. Vista del 1.ago club, through the courtesy of Her- bert R. Hedmnan. Miss Ingeborg Sjo- (!ist. Olympic beauty, and witnner of fourthi place' in high diving last week at Los Angeles appeared and was wild- Iv greeted by -the'spectators. Through the courtesy of Commander, E-dVard A. Evers of the 'Nav, 1al reserve, ademonstration of, deep sea diving was given with the aid of Lt. Carl A. Peter- son and former C. P. Q. Clark Leach, -whu went under water- in the deep-sea: Sunday afternoon Aügust 28, the entertaintrnent prograni schedules the "North Shore Life Saving Champion- sbip" open to aIl beacbes between Ev- anston and Highland Park. Events scheduled,.are life huoy throving, tired swimmers' carry, retrieving o6bjects, cross chest ca rry, rescue f.or speed, and artificial respiration.,1 SThis. is a competition to detef Mine the most efficient hfe sav 'ing team, on the north shore. Standard ýRed Crossý methods wilfgovern each event. Start- ing ture will be 3 o'clock. Entries will close Saturday, August 27,. at moon. Mrs. Lloyd A. Schipfer. 639: Spruce street,. Winnetka, wasî hostcss for Bridge luncheon Monday, August 22. Mrs. Knight Blanchiard. 1015 Chest- nut avenue,. Vilmette. .will l)ehostess for bridge luncheon Monday. Auigust . r.and Mrs. Louis W. Sauer, 6361 Chiurch street, JEvanston, will be- host and hostess at the special f eature diii- ner dance Saturday, Augu*st 27. 1 Mr. and Mrs. C. I.. Frederick -were host and hostess at the Saturdav eve.. ning -dinner dance Auguist 20. FLIES TO SELFRIDGEý Maj. Gen. Frank Parker, retiring commiandant at Fort Sheridan, Iefi Curtiss airport last Fridav nmorni g' for Selfridge field, Michigan. The, John Cory's siaîl daughter. Susanne, of Deerfleld celebrated lier sixth birtbday last Monday at a party for a few of her friends._The Cory's formerly resided in Winnetka. IAnnonce SpciaI. FRENCH LESSONS et:your home or my studio FSpecial Rates Wlunetka 1I1 Th-e R epealer excclusive with Stevens in Evanston A Phone Wheeling 160 for reservations