George E. Leal Dr.. W. W. Hawkins George E. Leal and DavidC. Leach,, commander and vice-commander, respectively, of Wilmette Post No. 46, wowere.delegates to the fourteenth annual convention, Department of Ilïinois,. American Legion, 'Danville, August 13 to 16, were chosen as-members of convention committees by Dr. W. W. Hawkins of Wilmette, retiring commander of the Seventh district. Leal serv~ed on thTe resotutions commrittee, and Leach *as elected secretary of the Americanism committee. At the Legion sessioni Tuesday, August 16, Leachi reported for bis committee to 1,500 convention members. His talk was broadcast. Dr. W. W. Ham-kins-, for the past vear commander of the D.C Leach Seventhi district, is succe eded bv Grover Sexton of Sheridan post, Chicago. The Seventh, district comprises the fifteen posts in that section >of Cook county extending from Wilson avenue to Lake county along the lake and as far west as Morton Grove. Mrs.Sheman ackHAVE DINNER GUESTS Mrs Serm n ac Mr. and Mrs. Hou-ard Knighit of Prom Visit in West Glencoe eutertained ten guests at Iflat wonderful coffOO cake t S ood£ J aliced and toasted--onIy ............... * Cherry pie,, Large Size........ IL FRIDAY, AUGUST 26 * * * CL. ea. JeUly I RoU .......... .....5s'0u Allgator Cor be Cake. ....300 Ca. Large Larer Cake......... 390Ca SATURDAY, AUGUST 27 *Alnmtbnd Roil Coffeoe Cak .....300 *AiaorCollees Cake...30 * Large Layev cakes .... 39e 1129 Central Ave.. Wilmett. Phone. WiI. 2998 ~ cm ber WUt Cet. and hier son, B il, have returned from a'seven iceks' visit M'ithi the former s parents. MNr. ami ,Mrs., P. D). Middle- kaÜif, in Palo Alto, Calîf. WVhile she ivas there IlMrs., Sherman was the so- prano soloist on a Bach an'd contem- porary program given during an or- gan service in' the chapel of. Leland and Stanford universitv. A luncheon was given in lier hionor after which she was the guest artist on a musical program. Mrs. Shermn iwas ls aftter which the guestsý atteng supper clance at In.diani Hilli dub. for wonderfud Coal, jri' th e B l NOW I Phone WiL1 32 For 31 Years Serving 'Wonderfal Fod SH LitMER AV£~. AND WAUKEGAN 508 Main St., Evanston Pho» .Gr». 6132 le, Çauber of Commerce _______ jr'