Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Aug 1932, p. 10

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Greets Animais Frdyat Lincoln Park Frdywas a gay and joyful imorit- .ing aI Vattmnan, park. Wby?, Be- cause.we were goingto ake our an- nual trip b 1Lincoln park to. sec our. .animnal friends. We left Vatînian park aI 10:15 o'cldock in -the njorning. 'There wver a"bout fifty-five children in five :groups.. The chaperons wcrc M 1r.s. ?Scherzeri Mrs. Davis, Mr. Wýilcox, miss *I-igins, Mrs. Fanckboncr and d'Hap< ,Gathercoal. We. hadiuaniy .Pundies to take care of, including u iney. First wve ate our lunch ; then we .Visited the animnal'houses and p 'our noney. When, 3 o'clockcan aroeive were aIl glad 10 be going, hoie. We got good service at cachi ichangc. A-n .elevated officiai met us :and started us onf again. . had an, aged grandfaîiîer witlî ns and nio- body was lost.-D)orothv-ý Da\vis. V'attrnan park. R. M. Johnston' Talks i at ýFiénal Play Program éFriday, Augusî 119, R. 'M. jolhuston, the chairman of the Recreation . board, caîie ho hear our progrin. ~e awarded niedals 10 the ciiildtreîî 8 of Village Green. The childrem wvhO :received medals w e r e laniche OKreusch, 58 points; Itarlitn Sclnei- !der, 42 points; Albion Pcnk.18 Playground Award Winners meudals aS rezmrds for thtir it4' di itt suin mci- fst Frida ft fh jli lsîny roJru of thtIlu',c public plaYvgroun1ds. 1'. ù'~'i,,,' <cffb rilut) Irof13 Ott'~'IJ>tfcr 'cheft'. M 04, .1/t/kvlF> 'oz, /hum PAlbonIe,,f1k1 A. kav 7ripici hio. torilf> ian' 1S~e,*1I<rioni Sbùutr )'oh a.I I Ild<;rd Ii>LIhr.10,,I,' Jrcsc. ndI'av .':ol Winners in Dol Showv Are Awarded Ribboisi ami ul 'ur. l "'l-..- 1"' They were al glad to get their nied-i Friday, Auigtus 19,, ribboiîs w als.-HenrN Janaes, Village Greeni. awarded to the children w~ho wonî 1 rwzcs Ili the doîl shiow. 'le Vilag GeenHa H bi awar(ls were as follows : interiudcli tte girls-Hope Miller, firsî; Doris of Winning Kickball Title ie %nnis, second, and Virginia Sar, 'r'he senior. girls aI Village Greencu t firI; juýnior girls-Ruth Ket- -ii' esenor er,,fist;Mary Elizabeth Bacon, ail eybalp owl hkC1 second, and Marjorie Etienne, îliird. hachampioîîship. Thýle)y bave woni Ribbons were also given for the every year so fair. The followîniig girls track mieet, and miedals wcre awarded piayed on the senior teani: catcher, to the. highi point wNinniers.-Hop)e Pearl Mounitain; pitcher, Bessie Costo: Miller, Village Green. first base, Vivian Miller; second base, __________ T-Tnpiff Miler:third ae.hz - Ftnc~ Girls W'in at K~ Boys BasebalI Friday, Augnust 19, G;reeni had its closing pn -senior boys and the plave( a bah gaine. In the boys and girls would Chance of wviInning we PL in.gs of basebaîl and 1wc 1The line-uip for thê Doris Stancoc,. catchc Schneider, pitcer; Vil first base; Josephinle Ce b)ase anxd center field, tain, third base; Mary shortstop; Mary le Blanche 1reînir1 left fie ______jat 'Village Green Lures Big Crowd, The closing programn was hield Fri- dA y afternoon, Augus.t 19,, at,13 30 o'clock. A large crowd - 'as present,: including -Mr.. and Mrs.' Davis,, Mr., Johnston, and the friends and famnilies of the I)l aygrouid- childrenl.. Mr. Johinston was:,the speaker of the after- 110011.! The irst, thing on tie. prograi was a. short play, given by the younige r, chli- Idren. The titie was "'The ýThree- Trees." The cast of characters ivas: trces, Mary Elizabethî Baconî, Dorothy Ortegel and Florence Mil nikel, stream, Shirley Bac on; hutîter, .Ray Tripicchio; and rabbit, Frank Tripiccio. Th'le Play was first acted ont as Kay H1off - meyer rcad it. ýNext it wvas :tcted Out with îmusic.> Tixat' was -fol1owved by the' awardlig of medals by Mr. Johnston. Theî Vil- lage Greenî rcceivcd' five nmedals. Those who received tlher are:- Blanche Kreusch, senior, gold miedal; Dorotliv Ortegel, junior girls' division,- broiize Francis Photo) medal; Ray Tripicchio. jjunior boy, auoroz;~ divis ion,, bronze medal; Marion Schinci- der, senior, bronze medal,anlAio P*intka,. junior b)oyIS' division, gold TuleY arec: . dal. luiahder- ilidl .4.11- (<,f t The next thiîîg on flic prograni va" n*<ri!?<f the presenting of a gif t to MNiss Skid- miore f rom the piayground childrc,î. jT he gi f t wvas. a beauti fut pair of, book, ends. Next gifts wvere prescnted to L'ckball; Grete von Reinsperg and Katherine Cham 1ps Hoffimeyer for helping at the piav- ',)roun4iç every day. Tlîey ecdi rcceivedl the Village, savings accounit 1hooks toward their, ograin. ihe 1college fundýs. Jeroine. Ciceini aînd seio grkHaryHasselberg' reccived gifts for. ii order thiat coaching the bail Icamn and supplyitng (1 have a faI1-ir car for transportitig uis to the beachi« ayed. twvo iii and' back. respectively. Mrs.. Sarg'ent oîo kickhall. reccîved ,a, gift also f or assisting us girls wvas. with Our handicrafi. protects. ýer; .Marion 'After the- gifts w*ere presented, at via M iller. I)aschai aie lia eld. girls against ýdsîo.) Secoff<l bovs, ftic latter wînninig. .A kickbail PearliNLotii- gainie followed wjthi the saIIneli-u. WhîIite, shlort the gýirls wiîining Ibis tiie. ,. shortstop Then a tree wvas plantcd on olîr pIaV- eld, and Be,-*roiuiicl i honor of the Washingtonî I bi-etennial ob)servance being. helti aseaî ganethis vear.-Josephine- Costo. Vill~ ickball. \Wc Greeîï. 11ien we wVIV' UIaUIcg ULnUi, tolii IjoJveu Jur U4lain they are nieeded at home. We hope to be able to take learned to make many kinds ofj next year. Many of stitches around t'hem to make them bought taps for our' sh jwetty. Sidney Morris, Vattman I <nake more noise.- oark. IVattman ipark. more oft tieni us have even ýoes so we canl Doris White, : 4 '-'*veio.pe ienIIIWto cvCI Ume IJtZV PARK IS LONESOME PLACE last week. They are painting them. After last week the Park is a lone: -Vivian Smiith, Vatîman Park. some place. The main reason is. be- cause ail the children are on their iii a while, but we can'î do aîiv hand- vacations or at the beach, We shall work.-Rbbert Heinzen, Vattîman cone over to play. aI the parke once.1 Park. N

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