Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Aug 1932, p. 8

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f rom t variety. --made FRIDT OeenApple pie, From tart Benton Harbor Dunchees pls23 SATUEDAT Cholm ate Malted 1111kCake The> have prove. niensl>39 pepper EXTA SdCIL AL SeI Free. Dolivery en $Oc Ordera trou. EIlher Store Tu.WILSON DAKUt WILMBTTE KENILWORTH 1162 Wilmene sAve. 406G.... Bay Rd. Phono WLmWYIU 414 Phne KiRNmLw@DTI 4775 Member IVVUmette Cham1ber of Commerce central-Wiluiette Avenues-Phoues: ýWihn.tte 28 and 29 here :s the conduet the service and preach. The m-jslc for next ç;undày n-ioriing*s service will be as foll-ows,: Prelude - Prelude and ANdagio" from "Organ Coneerto......Camildge oo-OLord, Rebuke Mle Not". :.... ................... Wooler Offertory-"Ildyl"..........Hopkiins Solo-"I Heard the, Voice of Jesus S jay". .............._.. .Speaks ]Pomtlude-"m-.Sortie'"............ Rousseau :Welter Tepnney wfll be the so!oietý TYhe.unlin services.whieh have' bet-l hald«throughout July and Augu$t wili be brought to a ellimax on Labor flay Aunday, September ,4. ln a union coi- munion'servie, which wIl be heid in the Baptist cue.M' Hitidley-will be the preacher- for' this occasion, Wlth Mr. Allison and .MIr., Venekia sen of the Baptist and Presbyterian churche.s uf- filating at the qac,'ament of tht' TMrd's Supper. Ail depaî'tments of, the Church ,-4,-hool will reeun)e î%'ork on Sunday, Septeniber Englisk Lutheran Gre~lea avnueand Sev'enth' stro'eet, A Hpuse of Worship. Relv. David R. kabele, pastor Sunday echool...94 Morning worshlp. i a. in. a. m. Speelal Muslc-AugUs-t 28' Prelude Largo ...... .Handel Anthem-Teach -Me to do the, Things ..ý..................... F1lo Qffertory-Sinîple Areu.......Thome Postlude Awakenlng 'Chorus ,.Gabriel On Friday evening at 7 :30 the Luther. league wil gather at the church. for its M*ppit social. The comimittee is keep- Ing the nature of the social a1 surprise. All the yoting people are invited. Next Sunday the pastor will preaéli on the, Gospel teit for the Fourteenith Sunday ' after Trinty-Luke 17 :11-49. The question le-. 6"Where are. the nine?"] Through the.courtËsy of the Naiinal I3roadcasting. company, Dr'. F. H. Knu- bel, president. of the United Lu thera n Church ln America, has again been in- vted to broadcast, this year during the months of August, September and Octo- ber. These broadcasts wlll be made froni the National Br-oadcasýting eoi- pany's "Cathedral of the Air'.' studio, ere. St. John' s Lutheran Wifinette and Park avenue.-, Wilniette Hernian W. Meyer. M. A., pastol' 406 Pýrairie avenue Telepbion' itt E* Church Teiep'honc 3111 9 :15 ai i.--First services and-serni<on 9 :30 'a. nm.-Surday .School and iblue cia sses. il ai. .-Second service and -<trm.iîti Chonir rehearsai 'wil l ie ai 7 :47i M"n- day !Evûnlng. Riev. .J. ,H .. Ookel wili ngain qîpet uï'ý Our' puli)t Sunday, at both service.-. HiW sermon will- be -The* Churches <CIrepteFt. Memberie." Let u s lot forsake the apsus-iiblilngof ourselves together, but taikt- part in publie worshlp. even if it ije cnnécted wlthý difficulties. Permit nothing to i<ee-.1 you from, gotng9 to churéh, for. there you hear the Word that will strengthen your falth ànd comfort you in thc trials of this lite. Oh. maàke Th Y church, dear Saviie'r A lamb of burnished gold, To bear before the nations ThY true light as of aid;. Oh'. teach Thy wand1èring pili jrixn" BY this, their path to praise .Till, clouds and darkness ended, 'rbey see Thee, fae to face. Methodist Charch Lake and Foret avenue., IDr.Iliorace G mtprsdn f Garrett Biblicalinistitute, and until r'e- cently jiastqr 0f this ehurch, -ilil (on- duet -the serVices Sunda'y moirnilng. Augugt 28, at il o'clock. Hi- sern'),i subjeet wfl ibe: hig that .lid..' Mrs; FEdgar A. 1Fellers tviii 1,e t11w sol.oist at the services tl, ;Sunjd;av The Pulpit Supffly conin'ittee nî* Iltt eýhurcli will "announce the nwjat. o.f the church early in etm.' Miss Frances Kirk is 1leaving tlie end of 'this.,week for lier h]lomne* in Dallas, Teëxas. Miss Kirk' has heen spending-the summer witli her gad fater S.A.W],eelock of 822 Cen- tral avenue, and> is nom- visiting lier aunt, Mrs. Raymnond- 1A. W Nhýeelock, 89 Robsart road, Kenlilworthi. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Diiiiîî and their son, Ray, of 225 Dupee place hiave iust retîîrned frnni an t ,ueeîz'~k Lavem&de Shavumg Cream . .35e Probak Blades SAC, D.t49c Thr.. for The Presbytèrlan Sumîday sebool wi let at the Womanl's celub rooms at9 en the Coun- .ait foi' its usual session. Mr. and Mrs. Hugli Petersen, 212 The pastor is ready to be of service Warwick road, Kenilworth, returned. ln a pastoral way flot only t>"ê rdi to the irSme members -of the three churches, but to& ia t hi sme ome at mer- otherm In, need. Arrangements for such cerý, Wis.

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