5lJ1LiVLAiAIg nw Ai swAimm1ingev tb --, - -- on. Sunday afternoori, August 28, at1 12.* Judges' çleçisions wi11 be final. 3 O'clock, when they attend the north More .detailed descriptions of five shore Life Saving championship on the of the six events follow: beach at the Club) Vista del Lago. 1. Lifebuoy throwing-Dohie on Lifegüùards of beaches between the sand at a target ini the sand Evanston and, Highlandl Park are fron a distance of 35 feet. etigible to participate ini the meet. . Tired s%-immiers' carry--6O feet The Club Vista del Lago, sponsor- .1against timie (wý,ithout -approach). iiig the i orth shore Lif- Savig3.a- Retrieving object-Swim to pioîiship, ,lias donated an attractive '30-foot mark. Retrieve a. 10-p.ound perpetual trop.hy which will )c en- object. Carrv it mo the 60-foot mark. graved withi the naine of thc com-, Against time. mnity represented by the wînnîniitg .4. Cross chest carr -Carry sub- life saviig teafn. ýThe victorious iect 60 feet. community ivili have tlhe riglît to ~Rsn o pe-wm 6 kee th trph fo on yer.feet free style. Make underwater ai)proach andl return *witlî suhject. J udges for-thenîcet, ,%vlicli is to be . nit,inan%. carr%. anl annual event, will bc- provi(led by ______________ the Chicago cliapter of the Ainerican IMs ao1n wgr Red Cross, thWrouglh the cortes%, <)f ls ar ine ïd t Dr. H. W., Genties. No mnembers of Dies of He-art Attack dieClu Vita elLag w11 hve Mrs. Caroline B. Swigart,.wife of any say in tlhe awarding of (lecisiotis, RÏîndB wgart, died ofa heart it isannouced.attack Mondày evening at lier home, Entriez Close Saturday ý1037 ýAsland (aveniue, Wihtnette. MrTs. The.,entries for the mneet xiii close S-wigart %,vas the me,.ther of George Saturday, Auigust 27,1 at 12 oclock and Estelle Swigart, vho 'are weil noon, at the \7,ista del Lago. Guards ow to tnorth shore music lovers. wl)o conipete in the events are ini- The fluneral services lîave been de- structed to report to 'Clark Leachi on I aved. peiiding the return home of the Vista (tel Lago beach ,at 2:45 1Mvr. Sigart who, vas in, California o'cloek. Stindav afternoo n. -lien Mrs. S.wigart p)ass,ed away. The Clark [Leach, iii, charge> of. tIle ser Ivices probably xiii he held on Sat- wVaterfront activities at. Vista: del urday. Lago, has .'beeni planning such a nineet for, several vears. He now eX- prrsses' confidence that Suniday's chiatipions.Iil'îip viii l)e the first one ofi ats kind. )l()prpSe, ofthecme tition, hie states. is to determine the iinost efficient 1f e saviing teani on the niorth shore and' to stimiulate interest and 'efficiency iii ife saving activities. Leach lias given t'he iltîalifying' tests to the lifeguiardls, now 011in o the Wilmnette, \\WitnetJ.;a and ln coe beaches. ixevents xiii feature-the chaîxi- :no s 1 ips on Sunday : lifebuoy throw- ling.:tiredl swimmners' carÉry; retriev-' înijkanl object; cross chest carry: rescue for sl)ee(l, and. artificial respi- ration., Railes for Coatest The rules for the contest oow 1. This is a competition to deter- mine- the nîost efficient 1f c saving teamn on the north shiore. 2.' The contest is open to beaches' b)etwýecni Evanston and Highilan'd Park. 3. Each teami consists of twoj men ne f wi-bni mllc+ istbealife- W. M, Kinniey, 126 Abinigdoni ave- nue, Keiiilwortli, is spending his vaca- tion motoriîng in the East. ____ CET ACQUAINTED. P RIC ES Beautifui PUSH-UP $395 PERMANENT ANY THREE .$ 1.00 FOR ........ Rich and wholesoane as the crear n a your morning, cofie- this i. the main ingredient to go infô our deliçious ice creamn. Serve it as a dainty surprise when guests corne. It te mnade to selI for 75c.a quart. NOW ONLYLL A QU ARTIr SPECIAL, DOUBLE CONES OR DIXIE CUPS .Your Choice of These Delicious Flavors Banania, Toffee, French Lemon Custard, Chocolate Chip, Choc- olate. Vanilla, -Strawberry. -Ma- plenut, Peppermint, Orange Ice. ý.ýIL CANDY' including Orange Peel, Toffee. Fruit Cordials. Cream and .a hundred and. one other varieties. Regular $1.50 and $2 value. lncluding Govrt. Tax DUL.TCHIMI 1187.WILMETTE.AVE-. / Stores in Evanston,Gln e Lake Forest Yes, We Deliver SPECIALU FOR PRIDAY and SATURDAT EXTRA SflCIALI Red Raspberr4es per c Peau Çlelephone) Special Cali2 fornia, 3 lbs....9 per box 19 Michigan, bu.nch ..... .15e Toaos D«.>PAGLIAdRULO Jewelew 1166 WILMBTTB AVENUE WILME'ITE 1061 es Daity Mme. HutingfotZrs Csmeties 1126 Central Ave. Phone Wiliuette 45I WE. HAVE ITI Memnber Wïme tt 6 Chamber of >QommerGe RWMM