Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Aug 1932, p. 6

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FOR ELIVERIEJ EVERY DAY VUIAT andi SATURD)AT SPBCIML5 Legs 0o, Lamb M.ofe 230 Pot Rast 0 Poiloe 220 n'rouerae,2lb. Calves' Liver rrn.490. Veal hops l. 2 VealRoas lb.190 Baeomb. 5 Delicatessen speitiespeae and cooked in Our own kitchen, including- pickled tougue, corned beef and délicious. bakeà ham, alo. ckens bak.d jt.., or. FRUITS andi VEGETA13LES Oranmgos, for, jqice,' 4.dm .. Canmtalopes, good ime, 2 for... Grapos, choice a.ed- les*, 2 Ibs. Kels.y Pluma,35 luscious, baket 35 AfigatQr Peans, Juin- c b. Foria'. açi Michigan, Celery, criop, 2 bunches .~ Cucuamlis, large home gronec 5c g Powder, -(Dr. Tàniatos, home- grown, basket .. 19c 2%cf c 1 torn, Yelow I 25c ~Be1t cawCrots,£@ Apples,'for cookisig, t 5 lba..2« Head Lettaice, Ice'. ber,. 2 heada. *9c Peas, fuall Young c pods. 3 lbs. ______ Wxor Gren Beana, home grIrown, 2, qts. American Cheese, IX TIELECHONESI WIL MU-12--4-5 t5ur'ial ilîne at ±vimonial i .*fl'.. Roberts died of a heart attack Tues- day, August 23. at biis home, 1014 Lake avenue. He bad been in f ailiflg healtb for some tinle. Mr. Roberts, who vvas 71, years of age, wvas boi ini the old jefferson Park district of Chicago. He gradu- ated froni the Univesityo> (f Illinois with the class of 1882 and this vear at- tended the 5th anîîiversary' cellebra- tion of bis class at Champaigui. His entire: business hlf e -Was ini tht' %rvey- ing and et.inteering., fieldL. Mr. Roberts atssumred the, duties of village engineer in 190.5 and served the village co tiiuolàti in that capaity for,25. years. As the village grew lie did tlhe sUrveying N'ork preparatory to the opening of. niany nieN%- streets and the engineering ~<>kfor ms of the paving projects in the, coiiuiiity. H-e also prepared the flans for the relief sewver system wvhicli Nvas laid heneath the old svstenim '.'îthat hecarnie inadequate to serve tht e cds of the village. Thne Sanitar.v district ofý Chicago cited ,MNr. Ro~berts as an ecxcellent auithori.ty on sewer building and occa- sionally sent representatives t( \VIl1. mlette tuohserve bis -woçrk. He w-as known throi ghouit the co,)nntrv as an authorit%- in the engineering fieldl. Mr. ROhecrts ,ýis -zurvived l hY bis widow. Addic. and' tlîre cliildren.1 Keith (4 Giencoe. jpli fi i.Godfrey.j M1., awli NIrs. F. C. Autstin <)f ( ;,lcîicoe., GIVE BRIDGE TEA Mrs. M.; B. Cottrcli. 112- 'Sixth1 street, and Mrs. N. S. Givén ,ý-cru co-hostesses at'a bridge tea yesterdav' at the formner's home in honor oýf Mrs. Sain 'Vowell. w-ho lias returned recent1l- froni Texas afttr ain absence of a vear. MOIVINO 521 Main, St Wih,îette braui4 Chiacken A La -imge Centrefla Brand-3 cm -Pea- The Bible and Works of Mary Baker Eddy and ail other authorized Christian Science Literature may be read, borrowed or purchased at te Î7 Rgeading Room. THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITRD TO ATTEND THE CHURCH 'SERVICES AND VISIT THE READING ROOM wihsand other articles of xooa have been received tlîis. sunîmiier at the Guild's five receiving booths in Chicago railway stations. Distribu- tion then is made to thirtv charitable institutions in the city. The "Flower Guild" make, it. pos- sible for tht suburban gardener ,tr share flowers, fruits and vegetables mrith invalidsà hn, cripples. shut-ins, with sufferers iii hospitals. and with old and friendless people who are ministered to bY social set- tîtinents. 0 f the, many' social ager.- cies at wvork in Chiicago. noue d(upli- cates the function of tht ".Flrwer .Guild." miss , ila Dennis. social worker at the University of ChicagoSetile- ment, wrote the following note to T. V.. Purcell. l)resi(leit of thte Guild: "Tht flowers and,,fruiit have been receive(1 withi more eagerne.ss this year than ever hefore. The flo.,.ers are given to the chljdren in tht1li playground to take honme. and, the, fruit is given> to the* babies o I the upeniployed and sick clhildren. WXe squeezed soine of the oranges onie day and gave cups of it to somne vroît;g children, 3 and 4 years of age. It al)li-are1itly imade an 1inipres sion, fo~r ever sîtîce they -ask for 'jus.' " In a. year of depression in a neighl>orhood milesz fromn the lake vwitlî no carfare to go* to tht îparks.. gar(lti flowers arc really aplîreci1- ated."ý Nfanî>, morth shore. resi(eiiis arc. assisting ini this et.terl)rise. G;ardeni owners whio are not cocilptritliif are urged to do) so. Thet\Vilmette chairmneî arc M rs. Wallace W. Kerr, 707 Forest ave- nue" for thet Wilmtette Garden club.ý 41nd -Miss. l<ouise Robinson. 441 *Hib- bard. roa(l. for tht. Evenling Garden clu b of Wilinette. Chiai.rnieni for K<enilworth .are Mr .l:N..Gilleti. 533 Roslvii road, for tht Knil: ort* Garden club, and Mrs,., MarN- Wilds. 244 Oxford road, for the Kenilworth Home and Garden club. Louiseand Caryl CoWailn, daughiters of tht L eonard LCn, 234 Maple Hill road, Glenicot, are returning on Satrday after sp)ending tht summer at Catmpi Agavak in r'orthern Wis- consin. 98c I Old Dutch Cleanser, 3 Cam&.. 2 c M.' ......... w ics» m OIL ........ ........ Qinairt., 490 Faney rubber a iroue value Sbe, frée withýe&ieh. parebuse Umm

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