Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Aug 1932, p. 7

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,bookcs may- De <rawn tor arlotner weekc until Saturday, August 20, and treas- Herman Brassert and bis s< ures and clues inay be reported up to 547 Roslyn road, Kenilwort and including the following Monday, Saturday on a motor trip to nc August 22.. Wisconsin where they expeci In order that, the treasure hunters some fishing. may become acquainted With each.'other, ail of the reading club certificates: wilî .Xilliam W. Wheelock, F be avarded at the same timfe and the Young,. and Harry W. Cru( date lias been definitely set for Thurs- Kenilworth and E. H. Sweetc day night, September 1. If the weatb- mette lef ' Wednesday on a bc er permits, the awarding wi1l be held of a few days' duration. onI the lawn of the'ibrary, and par- -o ents -and friends of the children, Mrs. F. E ani Davenport ,wel as those receiving certificates. a re itaàineed, the members of ber cordially invited. club at luncheon Tuesday home 404 Gregory avenue. 'o. -th L rt corn Home, grown, dozen ........ oks .of of Wil.- ýoat trip, e îiter- sewing at ber Alhert F. Cordts of 521 Tenth street' rs. 1 p MQidý1f~ToN will return the end of ýthis week1 f rom Y .. is visiting her -son, J. C. -McQuide*,ý the Evanston hospital where lie bas and his family,- 731 Elmwood avenue. heeni confined eight wveeks sufferjng1 for the month of August. f rom a, broken bip.-o-- Miss Elizabeth Breidenliacli an d ber mother, of 825 Lake avenue, havel gone to Indianapolis for a- three .w-eeks' vacation. Mrs. J. P. Seng. James, and Toni;1 1222 Chestnut avenue.ý returned 'homie last Tuesday, afer a week's niotor tnipto Mfackinac Island. Mrs. Stanley NV. Hopkins, 127 Prai- rie, avenue,- spent 'this last wxýe e k-end -at Logansport and Renssalaer, lmd., vîsi.iting friends. Betty Craig, 127 Prairie avenue., qpent dte past week-end visiting Dr. and M.\rs. F. L. Scambler at their suinnier home at 'Pistakee Bay, HL \Ir. and Mrs. \V Marshall Branch of 704 - Roger, avenue, Kenilworth. wî,ill ,spend the . week-end> at' Prairie- (li-Sac, Wi's., visiting friends. Mrs. Cornelia Keith, 310 Warwick road, Kenilwvorth, bad lier cousin, Miss Marie Crane, and Miss :Anna, Rend- ricks, as ber -guetsts over-the week-end. Mrs.. L.L. Kiinball and Mis 1s Don- othyv Whitcombe have mioved frorn 229 Wood court, ,Wilmette, to 1311. Asbury avenue, Winnetka. Miss Matha Dioty of Geneva, Ill. anived, on Monday to spend the. week with Mrs. William H.e B. Ste- phens. 619 Central avenue. -.\r. and Mrs. Frank B. Martin of Detroit, Nlich., arrived Tuesday to visit Mrs. F., M. Forrey. 1610 'Vash- -ington. avenue, for about two weeksý. Dr. Lester E. Mee, and fainily, 1227 Chiestnt avenue. left Tuesday morn- ing to motor, up to Crystal La Ike, M idi., -to spend a few Nveeks. -o)- Mr,. and Mrs. Josephi Nate of Den- ver, Colo., are the guests cf the lat- ter's parents, Mr. and Nirs. R. M. Campbell of 631 Central avenue. PAUL' ,KRUPPA Painting,- Decoratinig 1412 EIwod A*.enuç, WiI.mette 19e Peau(Felephone) Special CaIl- .29 fornia, 314s.. Home grown, 3 bunches.*. -o c Faney Alberta, I5 California Bartlett, basket IL efor jie 4 dozen $1 Cai.seedleusGiap ,basket...5 C. O. D. and Telephone Orders Carefully FilIed COSMAS DROS. 5Fr.. D.Ifr.rws DdL~ 1143 Wilmette Ave. FreeDeivery Phonfe -On Ordrs $1.00 'Wilmette 2693-2 694 andi UP it IT IS A FRUIT OR VEGETABLE, WE HAVE ilI .Kember Wilmette Chamber of Commuerce w HAT a "grand andi glorious f ei ing" you undergo when next winter cornes around andi you Iwow that the ---------------------------1--------------M The Bible and Works of Mary Baker Eddy and ail otber authorized Christian Science Literatute niay be rad, borrowed or p>rchased at di. Reading Room. TfýH PUBLIC 18 CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THE CHURCH SERVICES AffD VISIT THE READING ROOM = = i

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