SIX TELEPHONESEEYDA FOUR DELIVERIESI PRDAY'AND SATURDAT SPECIALS Native Beef, Rlib Roast, or Re b 270 Log of lSplng Lamb lb. 27 U~R U~usdnim1aIum W bote, Vw IgFany Qualty, 27iQ Vea Ras foîeles-lI-Fd, 240 Daoon* ~preflIfl,45 Sweet Col grM!n,,do FIRUITS and VEGETABLES'.1 ru home- j9 Peas, y"ung full podu, 2i9.cý New Potatoes,* good 23 reprWxeas Peaches or Pears, Young and crsp, quart batket .. Celery, pemfectly bleaclied, Grapes, faacy Seed- 5 Michiganî,2 c legs, 2 Ibo.. .... 5 2 buuiches ....2 c Oranges, for juice, CarrosorBe, 3 dois. home gow4 buce.~ Hou.> Dew Melons, 9 vine~ ripene4 each Cookiug Appipa, choice. 5 lbs.. . ... 25c Tomatoet, choice. Cabbage, oi heads, home oerow u. 3 lbs... 2 .S lb . ..._...__.... SMUIALS FOR ALL WJENC OVALTINE,9 Large can ............690 Butter, Meedow Goldtj Country Ro.,2-lh. roll 5 3 fresL, 2 doz.. ....4. Chateau Cheese, 2 pI.agq 25 BriexmewrButter W*fers, package 39cý Bisqqickp* paLkaie > Pickled Peaches or P (Te& Garden), sunday Sérvices Sunday school .... 11 9 :45 a. m. Morning worship .. .. ia. nm. <Speclal Musc-August 21) P'rettde-"I Walted for the Lord". ......Mendeissohun Soio-'iMy vTask'"......... .... Ashford Mrs. John HOPP Words of Jesus-ASK-" This iz th second in a series of three sermosflo the L-reat words of Jesus. We cordi- ailv Invite ail the inenber of the three churches. ail the frlends aRd visitol's of these three congregations.,aid al wvho niav bJe without a church home. The music ýwil be fürnlshéd by the. Congr'egational church. Choir rehearsal Friday evening :at choir of the Contregational seven o'clock. jechureëh -xiiifurnisqh the musile. *Next Sna the pastor wilI Preaceh or. the dospel teXt for the Thirteentli Sunday after Triinity-LÙke 10 ý23-37. .There is a significant question asked-, "Master. what* shall 1 do to inherit eternal lfe ?" Invite, your summer visitors, to corne to church xvth yrou. . The services are from il to 12 o'ciock. . Just that .<'n" littie hour may1 mean much to you. Corne to the friendly church wlihvv the way. is. made plain. First Congregation a * John G. Hindley. mnse This, church Is joining with the TBaptist and Presbyte: ian churches in union rnorningý services during July and August The service will be held ln this, church next .Sunday norning.. thie Rev,ý Jamies T. Vnkisnpreach- MNrs. Ethel 'Heide Wishover was soloist at theservice last Sunday morn- ing, -substituting for Mr. Walter Texi- niey. who was called out of town. Mi. Tenney xiii be the soloist for next Sunday's service., His solos will be ý'Light.," by '3teven.son, and ."Tbe Penitenit,", by Van de Water. Theý Beginners and Primnary depart- nents~ of our C.hurchi school will ineet at 10 o'clock under the direction of Miss Doîrothy Boyington. Children will al1so' bc cared for during the rnorning wôtrQhjip' hur by Miss Boyington and her assistants. Home aind Garden Club., Has Day in COuntry The. Kellilworth Home and Garden club was entertained at luncheon last Friday by 'Mrs. Arthur Wakeley at lier sumfmer home at 'Lake' Geneva. After luncheon, the guests .visited the bird sanctuary at Witchwood, on the Hutchinson estate, the Lake. Geneva Flower show, and the nursery of their The Pr eehyterian SundaY whcd~ill ineet at the Woman's club rooms at 9.-30 c,'<,cloek asý usual. Union services of the three churches will be held, at the. Congregatioflal chiurch on August 21 and 28, Mr.. Vene- kiasen preaching each Sunday. .The pastor !A ready to be of service to anv who may be in need and wil he availabie 'upon. eal. Arrangement,- for these~ services may be made through Mrs. Neilie- Boltwnýod, 723 Park avenue. phone Wilmette e88. Regular services at the church wil be resumed on Sunday, SeptembeÉ 4. St John's' Lutheran Wilmette and Park avenues, Wiimette Hermian W. Meyer, M. A., pastor 406, Prairie avenue Telvphiore 1396- Church'Telephone '31 Il Services 9 :15 a. M. First services 'and sermon. 9.:30.a. m. Sunday Sehool ani Bible. classes. il a. m. Se cond service and simn Choir rehearsal ilil>c at î.:45 Mofn- day e,'ening. Rev. J. Ir. Goekel xiii again ocp our puilpit Sunday at both services. i'; sermion will bc "Deiing witli Prejii- dices", The best compliment you ean pay the serMon is to bring a friend tio hea r the next one.' We are ,aiways glad t< , her that oir, people e-njoY the serinons, but we would also like to have thern tell it-'to éthers, who probably neyer or, seidorni go to church. You might,,win,11 someone for Christ. in that. way. "Tholi shait s anctify th e. holy-day," is c d's command. Boys, Take cLong Trip to Duke Child's Camp Nine north shore boys Ieft Wilmette e-lu. RelIsh sme and fllackwehl . 4-oz..jar, K~appa Kiappa Gamma at Nortnwest- teaejIUV .vcry session Ofithe Uiyipics. ern. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Murphy of 103 Burt A. Crowe, 234 Raleigh road, Woodbine avenue returned Sunday Kenilworth, and bis son, Roger, spent night f rom a motor trip to Detroit and the past weekend with Mr. Crowe's Windsor, Canada. They were gone mother at Qwosso, Mich. about five days. Cod