Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Aug 1932, p. 3

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1.V1 uemioyinentI) A total of 487 hours of -work per week!1 That's the record in Wil- mette's ernployment campaign up to and including Tuesday night of this week. It means twenty* hours of work, at 50 cents per hour, for about twenty-one persons. Tbat's about double the score of* two weeks ago. ATTEND THIS MEETING! There will be .a'meeting-of al who, are interested in the "Mý,at- a-Block" movemnent at the Village hall, Thursday. evening at 8 oclock. Ail the captains ýand those 'wlho are. canvassing are expected to.be, present. Corne out and take part, in the proceedings. Thbis wilI he "everybody's ineetiing." I -would like to f eel1 sure that 1 could ,ritt, .co ncerning this. meeting, tbat "'Everybody living ini the village attendçd," and that '4a go(-od time ikas had lw ail." But lionestly, folks, we sinîply inust (Io.ietter than thiat-doln't you think so?ý Do not overlook the fact that, the. nuinber of uncniployed list- ed at the Village hall is more thani 600, and that there are actually mnore t han,000 W persons; living iniWl mette, who have nothîtig to do. Wilnette Ca» Do Better Here is one reason for thinkiing that we cati do l)etter along thîs 'une. Up) to this tine abo ut one biaif of the captains assigned to 'the varn- ous sections have made 110 rgports at ail. If everyone of tbemn would get. b u,ý-v rigbit inovv it is a safe wager that next week's report would be greater than th.e conxbin.ed reports of the past. Thie captains are again appealing to the residents, of th.e variousblock, to corne. frNvard and volunteer ti canivas their own blocks, If e\ver\vbodv w ill -do this-tha't is ever.\bIodc ý. ho is enîployed.ý and is p)hvSîcallv àable to cail op tlieir iii- medâiate neighbors-ýthi.s entire ".job" cau be'cleaned Uip in a few days. So cone tbrough" this week. Te They Are Helping Tefollowling i'aues of persons * who have agréed to furnish at 'Ieast one.liOur's Wbrk per week at 50 cents * petr hour are to be added to the list publislied in i i i î.uerntt LyrF..ast tive scheme nas neen suggeste o wthe Evening Garden club of Wilmette, by Mrs. E. R. Stone. Tbey are so very hiardy, grow almost of themselves, niake sncb a colorful display in July- -Why not," Mrs. Stone says, "make it-a distinctive Wilmette-idea to plant hollybocks so generahly, tbroughout our village ýtbat hollyhocks' and Wimette vllbe almost synonymous t" Finds Ida Piractica The idea is so practical and so. f ull of. possibilities that the. Evening Gar- den club is sponsori g nd also tbe slogan, -Holllybocks foi Wilmette." Iis especially. suggested that, the space iin the alleys of about a foot 'be- tween t he paving and the back f encesý be planté d witb seed now. Some v'illag- ers have.already done this and the ef- fect bas been beautiful. Tbus you bave vour bollYhocks and still bave your yard space left for aIl the other flowers Earl E. Orner oif the Chicago and North \Western raiiway, .anid JohtnJ,, Moran of the North Skhore line have given. their consent to the planting aogthe righIt-of-ways.. Furnieh Sedc Seeds will be furnisbed f ree, to al %Vb. o wish >tbem, if they will, caîl at the office of , ill and Stone, 404 Liiden. avenue. Mrs. Stone bas prepared more than five hundred packets. Tbe Girl Scouts have already distributed more than twvo bundred packets. 0f if those wvho bave surplus seed wili bring it to Mrs. Stone, it ill be appreciated and u,111 be given out to otbers. 1 Rigbit now is the tume to plant the seed. s0 tbe planits will get a start be- fore iinter sets in. The.n In. the spring they wil miake their appearance again. After the first blooin'g season of holly- bocks, is over, i f the flower stocks are cût off they w~ill: throwv up, new stocks and ...bloom again. Will you, help put this ".Héllyhocks- and.Wilmette"? ideaover? As the plant- ing increases and, the l:lowers appear in aIl their glory it wil be, a wond erfuùl cihJlage advertiseinent. Axa-t ý qcv4IjiTi-.m tai following a recent meeting of the board that unless $25,000 worth of tax anticipation warrants are sold the schools will remain closed. It is, imperative that a sufficient sum beraised to guarantee the oper- ation of the Josepb, Sears school un- tii -Christmas if the school is to -open at al, members of the board of edu- cat ion f eel. The $25,0O woul be enough to take, care of the operatin g expenses for three months, Trhe- Kenilworth board of education rwt unly cnt -the sc.hool budget for iîext' year twetity percent, b)ut' re- duced the ta-X levy for 'the. 1932-1933 terrn from $105,000 to S90,000, Teach- ers' salaries. have been reduced f rom 1to 15 percent. Sehlool Board to Ponder Finance Problem Monday Menibers of the Wilmette board of education wilI meet Monday night, Au;- gust 22, to discuss plans for raising nîoney to open the Wilmette public scbools next montb. At, preèsnt thereý is practically no. cash on hand, and the schools are. faced -with an indefinite shut-down.. The stiuation is f urtber cornplicated by the f act that a recent Supreme court decision niakes it impossible for* 1932. educational tax warrants to be sold as jnvestinents. The warrants inay be used, bio\ev.er, to pay taxes. The Supreme court decision does flot affect 1931 tax warrants. There was a disappointing response to the- hotise-to-house campaign. con- ducted last spring for the purpose of raising nioney 'to kecep the Wilmette scbools 'open.. NoNw the village is faced with an upprecedented stain-no public . schools in operation-unless cash cati be, obtained witbhin the next f ew 'f ments i uesciay night, and alterco n- sicterable discussiôn on the matter it was decided to readvertise for bids, which wiIl be opened at the next regu- lar meeting ofth board on Tuesday, September 6. There were four_ bidders-tbe M Foley Construction conipany1 of Evans- ton, H. G. Goelitz Constriuction. com- pany of Oak Park, E. A. Meyer Con- struction company. of H Iighland Park, and Arcole Construction coipany, Of Nuîes Center. .M. Foley was tbe low bidder, with a total of $33,173.50 'for the entire job. 0Of this amount. $12,873.29 was to be paid by the Village and $20,3002t by the county. The -highway is to be fifty-two f eet wide, and ýthe county will pa y for the central forty f eet. .Penalty Agaiit Village Because of the f act that the county is ready to pay cash for the work, white the Village intended to pay for ils portion, witb special assessment bonds, the contractérs p laced' a greater charge against the Village in propor-. tion to its sbare of the work. There is no market for the bonds now, accord- ing to the contractors. Members of the Village board, and. -Village President C. P. Dubbs-in par-. ticular, objected strongly',to this penal- ty against tbe Village. ."We h ad, better stop ail construction work than pay the penalty the. contractors ask" Mr. Dubbs said. The board of local improvements, after rejecting the bids, first voted to ask the county to proceed with its por- lion Of the. work. Trustee S. N. Tide- ied to reacive as a wbole. for blids où Start Extension o. Skke Bouevar Preliminary work was started last week. on the extensioný of Skokie. boulevard across Wilmette 'from the point where the completed portion of the bigbway ends about a block south *of Willow road to Cicero avenue i \Tiles Center. J. H. .Hopp, 1616 Lake avenue joseph Schildgen. 1703 Lake avenue Johni Stinson. .1701 Spencer avenue Jacques Willis, 1606 Forest avenue Carl Schaeffer,, 830 Sixteenth street uig beach for a swinx. The. Wil- Park board has extended to the' courtesies of the beach1l they are in Wilinette. Call Wimeffe 4300 mber, but necause of a w'sun- anding concerning the use of a iwhere the meeting ivas to be it was decided to postpone it October. il ulit i.1

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