Po or Weary1 Willy. . No 'Place f0 caU home. The sky for a roof,' His'PiIIow, a st one . "W EARY. WILLY"' ADVERTISING . . LIKE THE LILIES 0OF. THE FIELD,:"TOIL-S NOT 'NEITHER DOES LT SPIN"l Knights. of the road.. .. those erstwhile, wanderers you meet along the high- way and.leave behind in 'a cloud of dustà You catch just a gàlirpse, of, them, as they plod aàlong. You wonder. how they live . where they corne from . where they, are going. Appar- ently they ac complish nothing. They are just Weary Willies.. "toiling not .. . neither do they spin." Mr. Advertiser, how much.of your advecrtising appropriation goes for "Weary Willy Advertising"?P let us. make ourselves clear.,. How. much of your .advertising wanders aimlessly. about the :country. in national Publications and metropoli- tan dailies, accornplishing nothing? Its only resuits are buis. tration of his1 efforts in one spot. You probably know these statements are truc. sntitiogical then, that the success -of your business depends upon the same prin.ciples? Select the territory where your greatest salés lie and concentrate -your àdvertising there. Business can- flot helpbut corne. ReaIIy, it's tirne your advertising set- tled down. It's tirne- it arnounted to something. The longer it wanders, the more bills you will'have to pay. In the rich territory served, by the eight publications, of the C'hic ago Suburban Quality, Group that, adver- tising w'ill be something. You can con"b centrate it arnong people with mnoney to spend and willing to spend it on your produet. These people are themâ. selves solidly established. The.v have EVANSTON REVIE OAK LEAVES W WILMETTE LIFE MAYOODHERALD WINNETKA TALK HIGHLANID PARK PRESS GLENCOE NEWS LAKE FORESTER