beeg, starring W arren William, as the whirlwind campaign leader, will pro- vide enough cbuckles to tide anyone over a flock of blue Mondays. Every -scene in this thoroughly amusing pic- ture is well Worth viewing.. Besides Kibbee, Who's a Whole showin him;- self, Warren William,. Bette.Davis, Vivienne Osborne and. Frank. McHul do excellent work. Jack Oakie has, the comedy lead in #&Million Dollar Legs," one of the f un- niest pictures 'ever filmed. To W. C. Fields, Andy- Clyde, Ben Turpin, Hank Mann, George Barbier and littie Dicki e Moore-all tried and true farceurs-bas been entrusted the rest of the comedy. On Monday, Tuesday and Wedneg- *day, August 22, 23 and ?4, the Varsity lias two interesting features, "Street of Women" and "Congress Dances." Roland Young shares starring honors with Kay Francis. in ",Street of. Wom.. en"with Allan Dinehiart giving a fine performance as the ivealthy idier. Kay Francis lias a powerful dramnatic role, whilçe Young coîntributes bis sparkling lines. In addition to the suiperb character- izations by Lilian Harvey,. Lii Dag- ove r a.nd. Conrad Veidt, "Congress Daices",will offer two lilting Viennese WValtz.songs,, "Liveé, Love and Laugh" and 'just O'me for Al Time." This picture, made in. Germ-atny, has Eng- lishdiog MNr. and M rs. Charles Van Deur- sen, 1101 Forest avenue, left Satur- day for a visit witb tlîeir son, Hardin. Xan'Deursen, bis %vife, and small son, wbo have a lovelv inie in Laramnie, Wyvo and ,whose gtuests tlîey ivill be for about ten days. Their sonwbvo is Ini the music departinent at Wyo- nîing universitv. illi ineet tîmini at D)enver and tliev plan to spenid inost of >t th isi otoring around that part of the country. Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Burlin- game, 812 Greenleaf.avenue, anid th'eir two children, MNaryKathryn and Bol), have just returned; fromi a motor trip through the east. On tlîeir way they stoppe d at, Findlay, Ohio, to visit friendjs for a few days, and then drove, on to Mount Vernon, Wash- ington, Atlantic .City, and; Bosto.ô' Tb'ey were gone two -%Neeks. Miss Helen insiwdaughter of- A. Dl'diil cd foutr ,b1iiterib!eon s 1zw ere 1a warded tb Bériar . Br s oft- the Bel-rnie studio,. Evanston. for tlhe above tlzotogra.pks twhiich lie e.rliblited atlh niriual iiuteriiatî,w-l 0.. .11. 1. con!vcntioei of /hotographers at Cedar HOME FROM ORIENT C. E. Jarchow, 1636 avenltiC, returned Friday after a five inonths' absence, th ree of wich %vere spent ini the Philippine lslands visiting agents for the International Harves- ter cofnpany. Mr. Sarchow sailé& from Mandia, stopped at japan for a .niost interesting overland trip through that country, then visited Shanghai and Vokohamia, and spent a day in H-onolulu. lie returned «oi the S. S. Pre.sidemît H oover. *Mrs. Doctor Eiserthart itlî lier clîilren lias returned to lier home in. Buirlington, Iowa, after hiaving s pet four wveeks witli lier parents, Mr. and Mdrs. W. G. Wagner of 808 Greenleif avenue. The Wagners hiave visifing- thern this week thieir son, G. D. WVa-. ner,. and bis famnily, of Burlington. Mrs. Niv Yra Bronson T1ownscend, wl'ho formerly lived Ii iGeceand Evanstoni called on a niunber of lier nîany uiortlî shiore friends dur- ing bier brivf sta-y In Cliicagoà. Shie, leaves todav (Thursdavyî for ber home mii Los Angeles. r.and .Mrs. Nuel 1). Belniap, 1422, Asburyý avenue, WVinnietka, recently entertained 'Mr. and Mrs. Otis L. H-eath of 1426 Asbuiry avenue, Win- inetka, as their .ekn guests, at their sumnnier, home at Menomninee, Miclb. RETURN FROM EAST 1035 ,ake -aveie1- whh -Douglas-antd Helen Beth,, have returned to their hoéme in Wilmette after, an. extended mfltor trip t1irough Ontario, Quebec, and Vermont. While in Monitreal, thiey visited Mrs. Hindley's old home. Trley are nio\ entertaining as thieir bouse guests for two wveeks, Mrs. Hindley's sister, Mrs. W,. E. Baker, and lier son, ýEdmard, of Montreal. -Mr, n Mrs. Walter F. 1S.hattuck 1n family, 75Genwood avenue, ýlen,,coe, lef t Ithis Wedinesday for. their summ1er hme ini Wisconsin. 01 Sat- urday Dr. and Mrs. Rufus B. Stolp and. 1r. and MNrs. Grant Ridgwý%ay of Kenilwvorth wvill join thiem and lie their guests for a week. MmI. and Mrs. Fred Murray, wvho lived ini thieir home at 815 Genvo atvenute, *W 1ilrette, for, tep -years,. and who bave, for the past tliree and a hialf yea'rs, resided at the Orrînigton hotel ini Evanston, are now. living at the, l.(lgevwater Beach hotel in; Chicago. MmI. and -Mrs. Paul' H. Davis, 256 WVoodstock avenue, Kenilworth, with Patricia and Paul, Jr., will spend tisc week-end at Culver, Ind.. T-he- young people ilI havé, a bouse inàrtv 41ere. snowfl in New York, 1Los .Angeles and Chicago. Open bouse is being held froîi August 19 to 29, inclusive. according to Daniel R. Ganey. sales manager. A cut away chassis of both the V-8 and V-12 Lincoln cars, 'with. skeleton- bodies stripped of ail finish and upholstery, disélosing the. inner construction .or what tbey' terni- the inbuilt quality of Lincoln construc- tion is being shown. Transmission units ail wiorking parts. the free-wheeling unit plus -a. parts ex- hihit board where ail the: parts are exhibited in ,variou$ stages of tlieir manufacture, a -V-12 crank, shaft mounted on standards wherebv the action of an electric fan causes it to rotate,-demnonstratinigits perfeict bal- ance, and last but Inot least, the Johannesen Gauge exhibit, ivorth any one's tiîne who lihas, not s.eeji these tnbcl.e.vable mcasuring ini- struments and heard 'how it is I0s.- [-silile to nieasure w~ith themi as close asone-millionth of an' inch, are l)e-ý ing, shown. fteentIy at one" of i]sehiiùn soene wth a flair for figur'es Wils cuirlous as to the relativitv (of one-Ifil- Iion"th of an inleh to. a ile, wt h resutan anwerthkt on-îlîIIoîith >tf an inch to an inch is qthie s~I so sIxkteenth 0of an inoi to il.ile. Anothiet' anwrand a orect (),le wa.b that olîlq- niillionth part of an inch' is thre' th(ousand tme finer thian the thieknelSs ,of a hunian ha jr. .JohianneSen GalIges are X'ua produet 'of Ford Motr onipa ad the us.ýe o! these and othe(r imodemrueflSiImenlt : for' the 1»recjsis,îî and ihalle\.- lence of the Lincoln. A ordial invitation is extenled1 ]s,'- whee u hi isue to ail rt-;deI.s 4f this publication to ,vjsit thji.sexhiii any dy or Hvouîil)g up to ;and inliw M r, and Mrs. R. W. Starrett, 221 \\ood)cstock avenue, Kenilwdrthi, ail- nounce the birtli of a son aàt'the-Ev- anstun. hospital, Monday', Au'gust15 Their other two cliildren, Ralph and -Nancy, lcft.Friday to visit thei'r grand- mother at summer hiome at Eagle River, Wi s. Chiaelote Jecanne'Brighiam oôf Chil li-ý cotlîe, Ohio, returned to lier hom.e re, cently after, having visited for fiveý weeks ivitb 'lier granolmotlier, Mrs. F. M. Forry, 1610 Washington avenlue. Mrs. Forrey?'s granidsont, Kenneth lirigliam. of St. Charles, Ill., is with * ..-..- .. t<* * flS5tflt - -o- MNr. and Mrs. G. W. Brevvster and their baby of Fresno, Cal., are visit- ing Mrs. Brewster's sister, Airs. E. J. Clampitt, 908 Central. ave. ue. Ifý -c --etrias a tnur - M ir. and Mrs. Robert' S. Smnith of water, . M icb. mer bomne. 324, Cumpor road, Kenilworth, bave o---0-- had Mrs. -'uarles N. Weir of Chicago Miss Marian and Miss Frances Roger Barrett wilI return to Kenil- as a recent bouse guest. Bluthardt, 415 Essex road, lef t Kenil- worth Saturday f rom Camp Owakonze,--0 wvorth Sunday for Cloyne, Ontario, Ontario, Canada. He is the son of tbe J. R. Davis of 712 Kent road, left Canada, to be guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver R. Barretts of 623 Abbottsford Kenilworth Monday on a business trip Sprague Moore. road. to New York.