Clca-Cu...11LLtoS witb a very. liglit green miatei a large porch, the white house making a charining * ground. The dispiays were. arranî. four classes, for wlîich ribbôn given as follows:' Class I-bine lower. arrang * Mrs. HoWard ýKnight. of C %von first prize for delphinil différent shiades -placed in a Chinese bowl on a teakwood Mrs. Otis Heathi of Winnetk; odprize._ Class II-miniature> arrang Mrs. Otis Heath, first prize « tiny milk glass bowl *with, smal roses, forget-nie-nots, and brea th; , Mrs. Herbert Lucas'ol netka, second place. Class II-breakfast tray. Lucas won first prize for h( greeén and tan tray ,with Italian es in shades of green and t plain glasses on which were ing figures in colors, a. cigare withi orange anîd yellow zinniw low napk.ins, and a peach o*1 plate. Mrs. Harold' MacKelà. Winnetka won second prize ir élass. Class 1V-arrangemient of flowers ini any receptacle. M1rs. de!! Clark of Kénilworth took prize with lier white bowl c4i with orange stripes and filled zinnias ini orange anîd vellow. Otis Heath wvon second prize fc displav. Alrs. Mark Cresap of Inidiai, and Mrs. Hugh Foresinan of 1 worth awarded the ribbons. Te;i scrved during the afternoon. Next and Last Summer Part y for Woman's C The, next and -last of, the serii sumnmer parties given as means of ing to the eVer-swelling building of the Womnan's club of WiVilnîei to be one on the afternoon of \Ve day, August 24, The Nvays and r cotrimittee, of which 'Mrs. Hanr Finney is chairînan, is sponsoriiný affair. ,rial, on1 of the l)ack- ged ili s were Llencoc iuni iii a blue stand; ýa, sec-. ,ement. .for, 'a AIl pink babv's f Viin- noon, August 23, and Wednesday eve- ning, August 24. The locale is to be the Pink Mexican garden on the sky terraces above the pent bouse of Mr. and Mrs.- Howvard Willett, 2130 Lin- co In Park W"est, Chicago. The Illinois Society for the P revention of ýBlind- ness Atnong Children. is to. be the bene- ficiarv. The hour of Tuesdav7Is performances is 3 :30,ý of Wednesdav's. 8 o'clock. In case of rain the plays *%vill be given.' ini the Little Theatre of.the Pent house.1 Garden club niembers interested in attending may, cal! Mrs. Edward Scheidenhelm- and ' Earle D., Lyon, through whom the invitation was ex- tended by the Sky Garden club, %which As spqnisoring the performance.s. Photo by Carlos Entertaining Be gins Mrs. Mrs. Frederick Tilt of 342 fo DoothDalin er 01(1 efr o'th ,ati7 ndish- Grgory aTenue. is chairpnan of the miss DorotîY Darling of Kenil- brovon, Wilrnctte A.rdepi SIhore board, Worth, who is to be one of the early danc- which is unprela.rn ii iscf ,-s Septeinber brides, is the guest -of t i>ox t l l! l horior at pum.erous affair.s preceding s, 3el- va pay a active parl ini thé îwide- her -bedding. On Thursday , Auguist .pread zoork of theAre Shore.ý5 Mrs. LeRoy Woodlan-d of 333 ln tîîis nier and wintcr tcamnps.. Wjilinettes kitchen shower and on Fr-idayr, Au- participation i"s alivays outsýtand- g ust 26, Mrs. Leland II.DaHot in.of 333Wvarwick road, the bride-t-- OUI .1 b.e's sister,> is giving a bridge lunch- \X'ei- on. Mrs. Burt A.- Crowe of 234 cfirst Fait Minstrels Raleighi road, with lier daughiter, ce cked Mrs. Laurence T. Knott of New 1 itlii iii Bene fit '.or,, will entertain at a breakfast NI s. tu-ancsKavier and bridge on Tuesdav, Augnist 30. Iiith iiiiieiae wkeofthehih-On 'September 1, MJrs .. SidnieY Y. Bl.936 Hill road, WN ieika, vill iHilIl h successful St. Francis Xavier sum- give a lunicheon and bridge and Miss Kenil-nier. bail c<ôiiiesg the chuarch benefit Georgianna Fowler, 1. Warwick a wa 1s Minstrel show, now being arranged by avenue, Winnetka, is givilig a dinner The Younger Set of, the parish. AI- party and dance at the Drake bote! tlioughi the dates for theshw on WVedncsday evening, September 7. Septembher 9 and 10--are consider-__________ ably or than tone thiv awvav, Nxt Bridge Party a :iubrebersals are being lîeld twvice veekly S bore aturda -Iti an atthis early stage several eliilryo Sheridan orSff' ies 'of ,Cantors, Jolsoils, Kate Siniths and The ncxt bridge party ini the series fa(d-ý Bing Crosbvs' have, reported to Direc- of cer--two-week gaines platined fund tor Edward Schager, Jr. as Part- of. the social. diversion >at te, is. The shov' is not strict!y a ininstrcl, -Shieridan' Shore Yach' clui ae ~de- there being several clever skits and place this Saturday afternoon. inasmusical ubrii addition to the Thursday night suppers, Fridav nlight theblak-fce onidy.daîîces, Saturdav luncheojîs, and At a recent mîeetng the cst plectedtveek-enîd races are thererilè The exhibit arrangements were un- usually -attractive and they wcre eni- joyed by many flower loyers. The display included table arrangements for dinners, luncheons, and annivers- ary,.and birthiday parties, and there Was. also a special. display' ;f gladioli. *rs David Mayer and MUrs. Lewis Lepman of Glencoe were chairinc of the flowerý show, and thleir assistants were Mlrs. Julius Rosenwal of Ra- vinia, Mrs. August Gatzcrt, MLrs. H-erbert: Philipsborn, and Mrs. Jack C. Benjamin of Gleficoe, and Mrs. Richard Ulmanin of Highland Park. The ribbon winners are announced as follows:' Flower. arrangements, section A; arrangement of . flowers ini. copper vases: first prize, Mrs. Charles Ru- ben; second, M%,rs. Eugene Mandel; third, Mrs. M. J. ýSpiegel (if Kenil- w'Ôrth; honorable mention, Airs. J. S. \Veinbeýrg and M1,rs. Julius Rosen- 2-ýarrangement of min- iature containers: first. pri7c, 'Mrss julijîs Lackîîer ; seconîd, M,\rs. Josephi Spiege! of \Vilnette ; third., M rs. Lewis Lepman of Glencoe; hit.ntora)le' mention, Mrs., Herbert Maver of Glcncoe, and Mrs. Alfred Steri.' 3--arrangýeieàt of gladioli: first l)rize, Mrs. Hfernian Black; Cnd 1rize, NIrs. Henîry, Getz, thlird, Mrs., Herbert Felsenthal. 4-arraiigemneit of floicrsiiiSC cified containers : first prize, MIr S. .1. S. Weinberg: seconid, Mrs. Ilernian Black; thîrd, MIrs. MUoses E'iseinstadlt. honorable mnentioni, NMr s, Robert Mandel. 5-arrang.enent of aniy flowers ini a pair of vases sital)le for a mantel: first prize. Mlrs. Arthuîr ppIenhleim- er; seconid prize. , Mrs. Nliit-oiiFlor- slii; and third prize, David NIav er ; honorab)le imcnitio)î M Melville Rothschild. î*Nrs 6-arrangenient of plants or flo.W- ers on smiall1 occasiotial talels Mrs.. M. E.,:Shire, *first- rize; Mrs. Clar- encëe Schaaf, secoîd prize, and Mrs.' Lewis Lepinan, th*lrd prize; rS. 1-ierbert Mlayer, honorable mnention. Z-arrangemnent of flowers for of- fice desk b%, htsbaiid : first prize, David Mayer, Jr., second pni ze, WVii - liàm .Eisendrath ; *tlir d lrize, Ben Stein. Section B, table aralîgements: din- esent were M Nelson of y were ol marriage aln other The marriage of Miss Kate Hirsch- rs., J. .berg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Syl- who van Hirscbberg, to Henry Kohn wil their take place Tbursday, August 25, at her home in Glencoe. UL age: firSt: prize,, Jean Rosenthaàl; second pnize, Betty Jane and Patsy Mayer, third, Edward Lillienfjeld. Special shadow. box,. Mrs. joseph Spiegel.. Section D. The ribbon winers ini ný is ag )l of Ai licen'se. iae LJi on and