I3eidler Photo lu. a jacket dress of wlîite crepe, simiply fasioned, Mitss Adelaidé Joncs, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Leslie Whitney Joues of 1020 Cen-, tra! avenue, Wilinette, became the bride aof Wesley Fullerton Brad- * burn, of Appleton, WVis., son of .1r. and !Mrs. Alexander Bradburu of Caro, MIlch.,' Wediiesday eve- ning of last weck. Her tulle veil zcas fastened to a closefitting cap * of the saine material edged with a .hirred band and cau ght at each side %vith cisters of orange blos- sois, fier banquet was of -white aoesnd baby's brealh. As "sanýie- tIing old" sIte carried a hanipdker- chliif "wich lier grandînothier had cirred 7cliruslie u'avs a bride. H-er oily attendant wvas lier cousin, Miss Florenice Osburn of Wi'lmingtofl, Ill, who m7as dressed in, a graceful. froek of soft biue- chiffon. with its flower pattern. in pale pliin and dark blue. Shie wore blue slippers and car- ried Talisman roses. LaVahn Maesch Oi Appleton served Nîr. Bradburn as hest mani, and Leland Caseý and Lyle IjicI eibarner- of E janston, Lee M. Krafft of Oak Park, and. Benjamin F. Hollister of Chicago were ushers. The Xilmete Parish Methodist church, where the ceremony took place at '8:30 o'clock, was decorated with baskets of pink and white phlox which c*,ood illQt in front of the chancel, and. omfcers' mess. Thne atternoouîi wm be taken up with athletic contests, a dress parade, and a tea dance at the officers' club. On Auigust 25, the chapter is invited to spend the day at Great' Lakes. Luncheon %viIl be served at noon followed by a tour of the. station.. Dress parade and. drills ilI occupv the afternloon. Cali Firemen to Blaze at Wesgtmoreland Club The Wi1mette' Fire departmnent was called to the Westmoreland Country club on Glenview road Monday night at about 9 :15 o'clock When oneý of the canopies on the front vreranda caughit fire.. The blaze %xvas extinigui.shed without, any ap- preciable damage. Fire Chief ý Walter. Zibble sâid the.loss l)rol)ably would flot exceed $25. The ire Nvas started by a, lighted cigaret, Chief Zibble believes.. Mrs. John T. janiette. 315 Ahbotts- f ord road, ýKeilworth spent the wveek- end 'with her sister and family, the J. P. Callens. in Milwaukee.~ Mr. Janette accompanied by James Burns of Win- netka, returned Sunday f rom. Notre Daine, Imd., where the%- went f0 niake a retreat of four days at Notre Dame cathedral. VRIDAY Flaky puif pastry. filled withi juicv apricoýts, 6 for. . ................... -23,c SATURDAY A fluf fy white cake iced with old fashioned chocolate icing .... ........... 3 9 VRESHLYMADE LADY VFixa£" Per. dozen .... Fre Delivery -un 50e Orders f rossa it her Store Tirn WILSON BKR M0mber Wilmette C1amber .-of Coommeroe 'd like to eat that, Ut i doesn 't agre with me. " H-ave you e ve r spoken those very wôrds, when some tempting dish has been placed before the faniily? But you'I1 neyer utter. theni again if you'il take. Rexal Milk - of Mag- nesia 'f téer you have eaten such a food. Since EIMýw How do YOU feel about dry cleaning ? Are you satis- fied that you are getting f ull value for every dollar you' spnMiraclean was de- veloped for those wbo are bard to convin ce. It bas features that will instantly' II1166 WILMBTTE AVENUE WILMETTE 1061 Central-Wilmu.tte Avenue& Phone: WiI!mtte 28 anid29 _________ ember WtVlmette Chamber o4 Commerce Apwlcot Tuinoves Choggeolate Laver "Cake WILMETTE 1162 Winiette Ave. Phono «W&LmurrU 414 KENILWORTH 406 Green Bay Rd. Phono 1KENILWOWrTH 4715 I'm Sold I