Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Aug 1932, p. 10

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Green had'progressed to. the semi-final matches at the first of this week. 1Dudley C. Stone, recreation. assist- ant in charge of the tournaments, an- nounced that final' Matches in the boys?. tournament, both the elimination tour- nament ,and the ýconsolation tourniament. were to be pflayed this week. Robert 1)eViniey and Stanley Cochrane quali- fied for the final matches in the con- solation tournanient and Wayne Coch- rane -and Tom .McCann won the right to, battie for the -champion ship in'. the: eiminatioti tournameùt. *Kay Naper Win*' Match Only crne match ha.d been played iin the girls" tournament Monday noon of this Week, and that wvas betwecin Miss gay Naper and Miss Peggy Walker, Miss Naper defeating Miss- Walker, 67-4, 6-4. Scheduled matches between Miss Elsie Paterson and Miss Florence Schinler and between. Miss Jane ,Krier ;and Miss' Dorothy Berschi.'and hetween Miss El' sie Thelen and Miss Betty Mc- Cann were to, be played Tuesdayv a'f er- ýIn the men's tournament, Lawrence Schàefgeni and Jerome Ciccl',ini have qualifiedfor the seini-finals to be played this week, and Leonard Krupnick and Charles McC.aîin- have defeated their opponents to qualif y for the' senii-final matches. Jack Me'e,' 'who defeated George Thelen, ý6-4, 6-4; is schieduled to meet Bert Weh-ber 'this week to de- termine the qualifier for the semni-final matches and another match to be played this week will be betweeni Clifford Darling' and C.' B. Cochrane. Presiden t Is Invited to Closing Exercises Village President C. P. Dubbs, lias, 'been invited to make the awards to the medal winners of the' Wilmnetticîlay- grounds at the closiîîg programps to-. snorrow afternoon. The'.awards illI corne at ieclose of a short prograni' demonstrationg sôme of the activities couducted on the playgrounds during the suimer. At Vattman. park,. beginiiniig at 2:30 o'clock in the 'afternoon, there will be. [en's ýpL 'COS VS. y early to playgroulRl chlkren wflo re- ceive the highest number of points in playgrounid coinpetition throuighout the summer are announced by members of' the 'Recreation staff. Dorothy Davis,, Vattman .playground, received the highest number' of points for tlhe entire season, winning four.first places. in, vil)age-wide. competition and in one local, competitive event. She had atotal Of 64 points. for the season. She also bh1ad a perfectattendanice- record. The nearest competitor was Blanche Kreusch of the Village Green play- groun'd, who. had 58 points., She, also placed first ini four village-wide com-, petitive events. Others who wonmedals f or high points were: Eric Samuels on, Vatt-iian park, 53 points, Howard Bail, Vattinan park, 50, points,, Nancy Henderson, Vattman, park, '43 points, Hildegarde Voceller, Vattman park, 43 points. Mar- ion Schneider; Village Green, 42 points, M-darcia. Anderson, Vattman park, 41 points, Ray SmalI, Vattman patrk, 40 points, Albion Pientka, Village Green, 38 points, jiinimy Steen, Vattman park, 38 points, Màir' Ruth Fanckborier, Vattman park, 37, points, Dorothy Ortegel, Village Green, 34ýpoinits, Peter Schaefer, Vattman park, 33 points, Ray Tripicchio, Village. Green, 32 points. .Gold medals were given to bo,-thi boys and girls who were high point winners iin the junior anîd iinterinediate classes, but only one set wvas awarded in the senior class whlere boys and girls bad to comipete for the saine medal. ' I Fril ilaY. August 19' 2 :3 : .p., mI.-Fornal closing programn. Vatnar :30 playground. Vattman park. 3:0p. m-lo gprogram. Village G retn playýgrou»d chi Idren. Village Green. 7 :15 p. in. 2en's p)layground bail.-St. Joseph vs. W.Iimette Tailors. Village (ireen. 7:i :1). .-Men's p)laygiounid bail. St. - J?5hns vs. West En'îd Florist. V'illage (.'reen. 7 :15, 1p. .-Mns playground baIl. Hoffmian Flùrist vs.' Wagner's Service Wtýesnliy, AuRuist 24 2 P. ni.-Swîmming lessons for children. Beginners' class. Wilmette beach. 3ý P. m.-Swimming lessons for chil- dren,. Advanced class. Wllmette beach. 7 :15.p. m.-Men's playground bal. Bap- tists vs. Ridge Pharmacy.. Village Green. 7 :15 p. m.-Mén's playground bail. Joe's Tigers vs. Methodists. Village Green.. 7 :15 p. m.-Men's playground bail. Hofrniann Florist vs. Lynam T 'exa - cos. Village Green. Th,îrsday. August 25 2, p.. m.-Swiinmlng lessons« for chil- Idren. i3eginners' clase. Wilmette beacb. 3 p. ni.-Swimming lessons for* chul- dren. Advanced class. Willrette beach. }rIElay. Anust 26 2 P. ni.-Last mieeting., Children'a be-, ginning swlmming class. Wii 1mette beach., l p). m.-Last.meeting. Advanced swim- ming cliass for childiren. Wilmette, beach. 7 :15 1.)..MespiaygroulTd bail. Final garne. j)' Tigers vs. Baha'i. Village, Green. 7 :15, p. im.-Men's playgrround .bail. Bapti.-ts vs. Wsigo ak.Vil.- lage.Gen 7 :15 p. , .i-iNen's playground' bal. Final gaine. Metliodists vs. Ridge P 4iar-macy. Village Green. ILeague Games 1 lt i revent games in thie>iMen's Plagîo'ndhalIl leagtue follow: Ankola ('offee A. C. West Endi Flori.st «;) P". Brol E.Bleser W. Rogers P. Bleser ('. NOrdhebti'g R. Chester V. WVl 1e S. Bohnein 1.1.'Wînerg . ieiller 1-Sieren W hlli IL. Gindsltcy B; Rtussel .1. L:tngdon, P. Bleser 1. lIolfman St. John's <i G. craill'] WimteTaiioi's (4) D. Miller J. Miller S. waters causing the discontinuance of one play- ground and the laying off of one in- structor, th'e program of activities was in no way curtailed, according to a re- port issued from* the Recreation office, 914 'Central avenue. In -his ýreport of the summer 'play-. ground scason, Daniel.M.. Davis., direc-. tor of recreation, stated' that the full, program of activiti' es was made possible ,)Y the efforts ,of the Recreation staff members, ail of wlîom. carried, double duty' 'this sunirner, and~ by the assist- ance rendered by a corps of, voluntary helpers who served in various' capac- ities during the summer. Voluntary Helpers Praised In acknowledging the services of the volunitary' helpers, Mr. Davis and. his staff members issued the following statement: We, wishi to niake public acknowl- edgment and« publicly express our ap- preciation for the invaluable services rendered to our playgrounds by a group of voluntary workers wvho have, given loyally and getnerotuIsy of their limne-a'nd energies wîthout compensation through.. oût the entire season." L.isted. ini the. group of helpers are Miss Mary- Ann Higgins, ývho has been in charge of childrefli'Of kindergarten and_'primajry age at. Vattman 'park, i'ssGladys Wood, wýho"has assisted with the kickball teams and hiandicraft proj.ects at Vattmian park, jerome Ciccinii, who lias coached botli the sen.- ior ii( junior plIayg-rounid hall teanis at thîe Village Green playgrouiid, Miss Grete %von Reliisperg, whiolhas assisted witli' handicrait p)rojec'ts and story wvork, at the Village Green fflayg'round, Mliss Kathierinie. Hofinicier, who lias 'as- sisted ini cohiducting the activities. at Village Green, Lee XVilcox, coach of the junior playgrouind bail team at 'Vattman 'park and Frederick Aschi-.. hacher, coach at Vattrnan. Children'g Librarian 'Helpo Ackno.vledgment is, also' made to ýMiss Mary- Winner Hughes,, chil dren's l.ibrarian Of the \Vilmette Public library, whio lias coniducted, weekly story hours at eachi playground during the entire season, and hias also prepared lAygrouiîd libraries ikur the chldreni's ,v aLLUI4S pSri, Lmira. Lxay ilr :ermediate girls - Mary junior ,Vattman park, first, Rosa- lage Gre ,er, Village Gtfoeni second, man p neider, Village Green, third. Village girls-Dorothy( , first, Peggy Pe , second, Floro reen, third. 'St. Joseph (3) W. Hawkinson *R. Klinge -S. Hawklnson -V. Deinlein H. Schieuter '.Hopkins J.. Hoffmann lCen'lworth. J. G.:v a'Uftam Tfman Florist .......16 nilworth Ice ..... ... 13 kola Coffee A. C ...1 Joseph .............10 iultz & Nord.......... 7 [mette Tallors ....... 6 mt End Tallors.......5 John's ..... ........

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