Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Aug 1932, p. 8

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Is Finishing Work on Uséful Articles tMonday, August 8, the Village G~reen ýhildren started 'making footstools and doll. chairs and tables. Miss Skidinore had. to go to at Ieast*,five diffecrent stores before she blought wvhat she 'wafited. T'he footstoois are of eleven dliffereit sizes., though ýtwo, footstools are made the saine. Sorne of, thein are made of .old coats, dress gonds and skirts. The boys aànd girls who didnt make. f ootstools started to, make doll chairs f rom ice cream containers. Af ter the chair was carved, out. it wvas stuffed, with cotton and finished with a piece of goods. Someonie 'àated a complete set of' furniture and made four ch airs and a table f rom a cigar box and painted thein. Ail the children are vér.y ecger to get their furniture, baskets or whatever they are rnaking finished' before this Friday, because the playgrounid will closethen. "What Will .our children do wheii the playground closes: ?, is the question, aIl mothers will have tg) solve next week.- Vivian Miller, Village. *Playground Children Learning Tap Dances Miss Stade came to the park tIwo turnes last week to help us with our1 tap dances. Many of - us have bought taps for our shoes and can make more 1 noise now. Many of us know our danxce quite well. We. now dance witî nmusic. We find the Victrola is lots of help to us. Miss Stade will corne twvo tirnes again this week. . Many of us hope t0 join her class at. Howard school this fall.-Betty Stinson, Vattman park. LEADER'S MOTHER DIES After Frolie on Beach Friday is the last beach day. We are, ail g'oing down iii Miss Skidniore's car. 1 arn going to sit- ii the rumble seat, because it is so nuch fun there. WVhen :we get down there weé are going to wait, util Miss Skidnore cornes. Thlen we shall go in the Nvater. W'Neare going to play gaies. Theni we shail get dressed and wait on ..the stairs for Miss Skidmore. rheni,1arn going horne'in the rumble seat. Wheni we: get to the park I arn going horneI and gel dressed and theni corne back and cdinh t)rees.- TÈoni WelerVillage Green. Youngsters Find. Plenty to Do at Village Green 'Ne are ver%. busy at Village Green. Tuiesday rnorniing we wére t1o practilçe territory and il started- 10 ram. so we ivent ni the shack. Miss Skidmlore said. -Let's rget busy and miake foomt- stools." The lboys wvere.runiniig around to the.stores gettiîîk boxes and bjringiig theni back to ýthe. shack.. 'Ne had to wvork bard. We have sorne very pretty f ootstools already ýfinishied. ' e prac- ticed territory aIl afternoon Tuesday. -jo)hn Sargenit. Village Greeni. Game, of Bean Bag Is Sport for Boys, Girls W\ýe have f un at the Village-Green play- ing beau bag. Older girls play against the older boys, and the voutiger girls play, against the vouinger boys. One hun- dred points is thle gaie. Thle üiie who gets 10onie hundred first wins the galme. \Ný play %vith the beaun bags alniost evrmorniiingainl afterioon.ý Miss- Skidmore eidys pavini-.I)eati bag with. tCue chilçlren anld, we like to have ber pawith us.- Shirley ,Baconi, Village PLAYGROUND BOY BUSY ,"A n %;ttrCni n lGz T for Village Green Wednesday, August 10, the Village Green junior girls defeated the Vati- mani Junior girls ini a K-ickball gaule played at the Village Green playgroupd. The Village Greeni lineup wýas: catcher, Shirley Bacon, pitcher, Ruih, Pape, first base, Dôrothy Ortegel.. seconid hase, Fioren ce Janiaes, third base, P atsv 'Nel- ter, shortstop, *Patsy Syrnons. ,right field,. Mary EIÎliethý Bacon, center field. Virginiia Sargent, left field,. Betty Jane Felke. The Xattmaii park liiieup'ivas : Catch- mr. Cornelia Morris, pitcher, Hilda Voel- fer, first base, Marcia Anderson, sec- ond base, Lillian joues,' third base. Dor- is WVhite,, shýort-stop., Janet Bttîon, left field. Eugenia Church. center field. Bet- tv Sullivan, and righit.field, M.\arjorie Wood. The un-ipire %vas 'Marjorie Peterson and the scorekeeper was Grete von Reînsperg. Hope 'Miller., Village Greeni. Village Green, Vattman Vie in Territory Came Thursday, Auigust Il. Village Green hiad a territory coiitest.agalist Vattnian. The players of ,Village Green were Florence Janaes, Tornm Zarernha. Alvin Pientka, Ra\, Tripicchio. I)orotîhv Orte-' gel, Rosalie and 'Marion Schneider. The winncrs; were Dorotly Ortegel, first, Hienr% Janiaes. second, Rosalie Schnei- dfer, second. -Marion S chneider. third, Ray Tripicchio, third anîd Florence Jan- -ies, thrd -Ma1o Miller, Village Green,. Vitlage-Wide Territory Contest Fleld Thursdayý Thlî lae -wide terrtorv contest wvas field Thurt4ay. At tlhe' Vattinan park thé senior group was rpeeted hy Jerry Bori ai-d- Eric »Ine1o. 'the -internediate group, %Vas represented hy Bettv Todd and M.\ary Aun Miller. The juniors wvere. represented by Geojrge Bassler, Peter Scbaefer and Peggy Pe- terson.-Bruce Borre, V'attmn park. Titie in Kickball is Won by Girls of Village Green We had our last kickball gaine of the season on Wednesday,, August 10. We were vex y excite d. and, eager to win, as Vatîrnai park has wvon one gaine and Village Green: twvo. We' had only five players in the beginnitîg, but at the start of the s econid inniing Hope Miller joined us.. The Village Greer, lineup was as fot.lowvs Frances Ortegel, -catcher, Hope Miller,. pitcher, Vivian Miller, first base, Bessie Costo, shortstop, Marionî Schneider, left field, and jose- phine Costo, right field. Lu .the first inning.Village Green had a lead of eight runs, the>score'being 16 tQ 8. W/e played seven inni ngs. In, the ,end the score wvas 40 10o 21. in favor of Village G reen. 'Ne bad won in spite of the fact ý that Vatîrnan had. a ful tean. We havewon the championship, since Vaîtrrnan bas wvon one gaine and we have- won t-hree.-josepbine Coôsto, Village Green. Village Green Has Need of Playground Equipment Village Green, needs a 'water founl- tain, a lavatory2*aixd more playground equipienit. Because. of the depression. ive were îlot able to'get these -tbings. 'Ne hope to have thern al tiext year. Despite al Ibese disadvantages Miss :Skidrnore has mnade tbings very inter- esting for us. Projects have* included. territory contests and rnaking footstools. 'belts, pot hoiders and varions other things-Ed Stancoe, Village Green- Sand Modelers Offer Best Work at Beac h Last Friday we had lotsof funx at the beach. We hiked down abot il.-30 o'1clock. and bought our lunch. "Hap' Gathercoal'buiît a ire for, us and, we roasted' weinies. *'Ne played gaines on the -sand and later wvent to the beach house to put on our bathing suits. The sand nmodelers were gatbe red so as to bc ready 10 work. 'Ne were proud of soon ne past history. mVany otu re>îa lill;E. -~.very busy finishing up our projects be- Every Thursda, f ore the, ast day. We desîre 10 have contest and runnil wnany things to bring home to use. We bean hags. Miss1 kicow these things will help 10 remind to ahI the winners. us. of our happy times at Vattîman park. f or contest day.- -Janet Buttoei, Vattinan park. lage Green. RDS Playing with beau bag s is. f un. Wh1len MAY CHANGE PLANS territory vou put the bean bag in one hole you We had planned to go to Great Lakes we play zet ten points. When you gel if. iu the to sec the dress parade, but we do flot s Dixies last hole, vou gel one point, for it is thinlc we can go because wte have re- re Friday the easiest hole 'to gel it in. Other holes hearsal for a play. If we go we shahl hio, Vil- counit three points. and five points.- go Iln cars.--Pats.y Welter, Village Dorothy Ortegel, Village Green. Green.

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