Pure cane granulated im whte .I.tlm sacks. 10 lbs. 49c' COFFEE Our ýSpecial Sautos. Wiald d meflow. lb., 25c MiId: Yeliow Americans. Wistonàaim Cream Brick. APICOTS MOorpark dried. Fiibest and, arj1st. BAKING POWDER Dr. Price' s regwulaj.25c ie. ea. 19c Guarante.d stmicty fresh. lu cartons. dot. 24e TEA Lipton's Orange iPekoe. The.. regular 5SU si.. D l. -43e THISIES -WhoIe wlieat wafers. Regular 30c, cartons. 21 for 23é CHOVW CHOW Crosse aNd Blaickweli.' The. regul1ar 56c ixe. ea. 39c, SWEET POTATOES Baby Stuart Jerseys. Just heat and serve. No. 2% tins. MARS Blioutalu flartletts. a c GRAPES CaiItora.Se<iIess baskt PEDLACH]ES t'altornia Elbertas baskE APPLESlehlza" Juebess 5 lbj Extra Filue WImte Xlcblffaut la rira qua. 1 8c Pt 1-;c. 2bunehes i'nc eeberg Filest 1New -No. 1 Wbltes Hv ome (;Townl anfd rhe cotn- and this the Most by Quil- Hleidinger's grove is. an ideal picnic grove, it is pointed out* having -a, large indoor,,basebaîll field, plenty of tables, and sbady trees for bridge and 500 players. -The. grove also contains a large shelter, in case of raim, wbicb 'will accommodate four or five hun-- dred people. Rain or'shine,,the affair is on!. Directions for reaâching grove from Wilmette:- Talce, Ridge. road south to Emmerson avenue, Emmer- son avenue turn right (west) and continue'straight west until you reacb the grove.. The grove is just one block east' of Harms road. Watch for signs near the grove, is the ad- vice. How to reach the grove f roin Chi- cago:. McCort.nick road north to Dempster,' tu rn left (west) on Demp- ster to Harms road, turu right (ntortx) ton Harrns road to E1mmerson avenue, Emmerson avenue turn right (east) to the grove. Mrs. Vernon Louckes, 234 Shieridani road, entertained at a bridge. danc- ing, and supper party Saturday in' honor of her bouseguests. Imogene Çrimm and -Mildred Burton of Nasb- ville. Tenn. TO YOU. SALE Dur«ng Auguat A sale to make more ing througn a fence and uown a forty foot embankment to the sandy beach below, The child climbed into the truck while the diriver, James Henderson of Evanston, stopped for a. few miinutes at The 'Cottage. As the truck htirtled ýdown the en'bankmenl. the child ýwas tbrown out, but his bead was pinned >beneathý one oftbe wheels. Witn.esses of the accident, had some difficulty iii extricating the in-' jured boy from the wreckage. He taTs taken to the Evanston lios- pital, suffering. with -a possible skull fracture and severe lacerations 'about the. hed and bod. At the hospital late Tuesday afternoon bis condition vas reported to be iroved., Young Opera Stars to Assist, in "Traviata" Miss Rutheda L. Pretzel will give a lecture-recital on "«Traviata" on ,Mon- day morning, August 15, at ber boine. 1035 Bluff road, Glencoe, at 10:45 o'clo ck. This is the last operatic lec- ture of the season. Miss Berenice Ripley, coloratura soprano, Dlavid Drollet, tenor, and Ludllow* White.- bari .tone, are the assisting artists. Miss Ripley made her operatic de- but in New York severai years ago bad as been praised entbusiastically iconcert and operatic work, for ier personal cbarmi and the unusual beauty of hier voice. '.%r. Drollet, wbo has been witb the Philadeiphia Opera company for the past three years, bas sung leading rotes witb op- era conipanies liére and abroad. Mr. Wbhite *,s acknowledged as a young artist of e.,,ceptional talent. Ail tliree artists have appeared in coast-to- Coast radio broadcasts, Miss Ripley over CES, Mr. Drollet and Mr. Wbjte over NEC. LEAVE FOR CALIFORNIA Mrs. Thomas Adams Fitch, and ber baby daughter, Betty Lou, wbo bave been the guests of the Claude E. )CERY antd MAI~ and TWELFTH . Watches, clocks, jewelry, silver.- ware, and beeds- restrung. 1166 WILMETTE AVENUE WILMETTE IG61 4 il 'I 1