ASecond 51cm Made of YOUTHLASTIC. Stretches both ways $500, and. But please' if you MUST exercise in your corset do if Ini this VYOUTHI model,whh is made of that new miracle-' elstc;IT STRETCHES ýIN ALL DlRECTIONS!, Now you have a picture of "Le Gant." We think youl like iti .Wear M.iSIMPI ,--and you. can:W ear a a High Waistline.' ère So the -salesman told you these shirts. wouldn't shrink. Quite a joker, wasn'f he, telling you that. LOOK AT THE COLLAR! L00K AT THE SLEEVES! Say, don't buy me, any m ore shirts from these house- to-bouse comedians. From now on buy. me ARRQW. SHIRTS..,. Sanforized Shrunk and only S2.50 MEN'S SOCKS S Full-Fashioned. NOW 50; .Pair Silk and Liste- in fancy, colors and also plain col- ors. Ail siik with liste heel and toe. - $350 7 r GIRL SCOUTS -are you roady for camp? d * R 1 IL 1 \1N1 N WOIIIJE? Dept. Sor-l1146-48 Ave., Phone Wtl. 581 Men's Sor.-I 152 WiIm.t Ave., Phone W;Imet+*e Member W4lmettç Chaffber of £.ompWroq g... -