Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Aug 1932, p. 33

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4 ROOMCýOTTAGE. CONVENIENT smiooIs and depots. Winnetka 1017. 601.TN13-ltp IN , WýNNETýKA, 8ROOMS, OIL heat. frigidjaire,, garage, no agents. Plione Winnetka 1686. -66LTN14-itp, Pm FOKRNT--FURN. HousES FO)R -REN¶-WILMETTrE. MICHIGAN Avenue home, te MaY 'lse.1933. Rleasonable rentai te responsible Tam- iiy of 2 or 3 aduits. No children. 8 .r4-oms. 2 baths. oil heat, electric t-frioerpition. Write B-126. Box 40. wilmette, III. 61L141tp 63 ,wANTED TO RENT-HOMEs MODERN .7 OR, 8 ýRM. 'HOUSE IN 'Wlimette, Kenilworth or Winnetka; nil heat ; 2, ba'Ih.s; eléetric efg. neëar'grade echool and transportation;- 70od, neighborhood. Depression price; no broker. Write full particulars te Rl-129. Box 40, Wilmnette. _________ 62LT14-ltc 40OR S BDROOM HOT.IS1É 2 or- 3 Baths. Winnetka 254-1 ___________ 21,TN14ltp (~'UP1~AN»BAY i'Tu T SHO1RT î)urs',, but su'table references waflt * cottage or apartment on estate, or *eiseivhere ln good neighboriiood. Ph. Davis 764Ci. 62LTN14-Itp RENT OR BTTY WILMETTE TO (11ieoe. 2 aduits. 7 or 8 rnis. Good condition. 'Write fully.'. B-130, Box 40, Wilmette. 62L¶'N14-ltp 63_WTD._TO RENT-FURN. HUES. WA.NTED FUIRNTSTIED HOUSE, FOR> ni onths, smail family. Highestt references. Eariiest possible occu- panry. Cail between 9 & il a. m. Room 1279, Longbeach 6000. - - ___ __ _631,TN14-ltp FVRISHI3HOUSE. SMALL ADULT, - O6LTN13-tf FINE STORERQOM. 5-01 CHrSTNt[grr St.. Winnetka. acrosa street from pub- lie school. Winnietke. 690 66LTN53-tfe 543 Lincoln Information eaul & STONE Winnetka 1544 74LTN3-tfip 8 ACRES ON TECHNY RI)., 2 MILES west of Waukegan Rd. Part cash and monthly terme. Winnctka 3716. 74LTN12-3tP WILL EXCHANGE NEW BRICK gasoline service station. on Wauke- gan Rd. near Hoéward, St. for small Modern home in Evanston or Wil-, mette. Dec Stoker, Winnetka, 2869, Central.6370. 85LtN1l4-2tp 66 FOR SALE-HOUSEI4OLD QOOoS 6 BURNER ' GAS -STOVEWITH pilot lig4it, 2. baking ovens,, 1 broil- ing oven, 1 plate *armer. Ail ex- cellent condition. $15. Call Giencoe 1250.86LTN14-ltc DINIETTI-E', LIVING ROOM, BEDRM. sets; Upright, Player. piano. Cal Wêdnesdays 9418 Linden Ave., Apt. L, Hubbard Woods. 86LTN14-ltp 86 FOR SALE-M 9 CELLA NEOUS VIBRATOR, VIOLET RAY, TRIEAT- ment lamip witli red and blue lights, like netw. $20.00. Tel. Winnctka 1121. 8SLTN14-Itp Boy's 'AND GIRLS RANGER BI- cycle. Like. new. Reasonabie. Phone Glencoe 119.. 88LTN13-tfc 89 WANTED TO SUY-MESC. * A. MARTIN I31-YS 2 AI KINDS 0F -MEN'S USED clot1iing and shoes; also ail kihds of furs. Phone Uni. 0347. 89LTN14itp TH IL OLAfLE CHAS, I 1LAKCE Co SM0 N. Western Ave, Chimeg Oppoit. Rmoi il-Wntern Au#. entrançg Tel. Longbeaeh 1161 Fre booklet. Ae opp. Oakwoode & Mt. Hope ont. Loop office: 228 N. La Salie St. Colo., where they. bave a summer cabiin. Miss Lulu Wright, a member of the faculty at New Trier, wilI join them out there next week. The De- Berards expect to be gone about ibree weeks and on tbeir way back eastw~ill stop-at Kansas City, Mo., to see 'their son, Emmons. The De- l3erard. famjily formnerly resided in Wilmet te. GO TO CALIFORNIA Mrs. Mabel Arnold, assistant sec- retary of the. New Trier High sc.bool board of education, and ber. daugh- ter, Ruth., plan to spend the remain- d1er of this month in Califoria visit- ing relatives. Mr. aând Mrs. Davenport. -Iowa, Catherine. lire wveeks itvi Mrs. and Mrs. John Ashland avenue. formner'Elizabeth John H. . True of and thleir baby-girl. spending several True's parents. Mr. W. Cullen., of 1226 Mrs.* True -is the Cullen., NOTICE! TEEASTJRY DEPARTMENT ornee of the Comptrolier of the Car- rency, Washington, 1). C. .Tuiy 31, 1932 Notice ls hereby given te al persona. who may hbave claiis' against ý"The First National Bank of Wlilmette." Wil- mette, :Illinois, that the sanie muêt be presented te Melvin B. trieon,, Re- ceiver, with the légal proof thereof withtn three menths froni this date or they may be disallowed. J. W. POLE, Comptroller of the Çurrency., July 3lst, August, September and October. L12-tc NOTICE TO DOG OW-NERS The Village of Wilmnette has the foi- iowing dogs in the Pou nd. 1-Smali Hou nd-,M\a le-Brow n, with black, back-long ear3 1-Police Male-Black and 'Brown !-Airdale - Female:- Biack backm- Brown, feet. Uniess >thesàe dogs, are reclaimed hy the. o wne rs ithin 5 days ; they ivili .be (lestroyed ags provided by the Village l)og Ordiniance., &LBERT ZIBBLE, Lundahi of Kenilworth, and Mar- garet Gould of Winnetka, have been admitted to the freshman class at Wellesley college, according to word receiv'ed at the, high sehool office this week. Another member of the June, 1932, graduating. class. at New' Trier, Anni Boyd Linti of Wilmette., bas been a&- mitted.to Vassar. Miss Linn took, tbe college -board examninations in Eng- lisb, French,'history and physics. Antoirjette C. Brown of Hubbard Wood-s, a. graduate'of North Shore Country Day school, who took post- graduate work at New Trier last vear, is on-the Smith college waiting it.She has been accepted at tbe college. CRUISE ON LAKES Miss Marie K. 'Meyer.. 1046 Linden avenue, bier. sister.,.\rs. Paul Reuter and daughter, Charlotte, of, Seward. Xeb., camie*back 'Saturday froni a four-day cruise on the'Great Lakes to. Mackinac Island aboard. the. South' Anmerican, and made the return voy- age on the North Ainerican. They stopped at the Grand biotel while on Nlackinac Island. Mrs. Reuter and lier daugbter arc visitiing.«Miss Meyer f or two weeks. Mrs. Kerry C. Meagbier of 716 Cen- tral avenue returned recently froinia trip to Detroit. Mich. Sbe drove there ovecr a week ago witb the David F. Halls, 809 Central avenue, wbo w-ere on thieir way to Blenhiein. Ont. Judge and Mrs. Charles M.\. Snyder and Miss Harriet Vran Natta of Fowler Ind., spent Sundav and Mfon- day with Judge Snyder's brother and bis wife, Mr. and Mrs. U. G6. Sniv- der. 318 ,Prairie avenue. Mrs. Doroétby-Macauley of., ,Los .Angeles was the guest ofhonor Tu'es- day at à luncheon and card party for, a ew fri ends given bylber, daugbter, Mrs.' Albert F. Cordts. 521 Tenth street. wbom sbe is visiting.- muu Classified Ad Be fore WJLMETTE Phone WILMETTIE 4300 *FOR MORE THAN' 20 YEARS THE HOME PAPER 0f THE COMMUNITY". 1 - ý - '7ý - --- 7:,- ý- - - 1 - - 1, ý 1 - . . , . - - 1 ý ý Il . . 1 . ý 1 1 1 1 - .

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