y wIifl any a sentence, E N a slight skid is 'terrifying. Thousands were killed or njsred in skicl- ding accidents asot year. Greater driving speeds --quîck -action brakes - smooth, oil-filmed road s-ail bave increased the. skidding hazard. A il have increased the rasPonsihility of tires. Cord construction bringa- greater protection against blow-outs! Itsextra sale:> doesn't costyogs an extra cent-it's priced the> same as any standard tire. A generous trade-in sHow. WThen a husband is "lost" to his wife for several years has he the right to claim her love upon his re- turn? That is the dramatic problem that confronts Clive Brook as -thé British officer in "The Man fromn Ytesterday."' The picture is unusual. in that, althou!gh Brook plays the titie role, he is flot on the screen during any of the middle sequences. Charles Boyer, the European fayor- ite who makè's bis American screen bowr in this film, carnîes the. action with Claudette Colbert during this part of the pfictute., In "Hell's House" Teatro del L 1ago patrons will see Juniorý Durkin get-. ting sent to C«form school for chum- ming with a,,bootlegger, Pat-O'Brien. How WincheII Does It *ForTusa and Wednesday of next week the Teatro is off ering. as a 'double attraction Ricardo, Cortez and .Helen Twelvetrees ini "Is, My Face Red?" and 'Lois Willson and Raymond Hatton iii. "Drifting Souls,." A tabloid columnist's methods of gathering spicy personalities are re- veai-ed in RKO-Radio's "Is My Face Red?" Ricardo Cortez plays the. columnist and, Helen Twelvetrees portrays b is show-girl sweetheart, and gossip "stooge." The picture i ae upon a play by., Ben Markson :and, Allen Rivkin, which created. a sen- sation when presented by the Holly-. Wvood Writers' club, Cagney as a Pirize Fighter '*Winner Taiçe All,"~- a film 'of the prize ring, and "South Sea Adven- tures," with Zane Grey, the noted author, as its star, will be shown. at the Teatro del Lago Thursday, Fri- day and Saturday, August 18, 19 and James Cagney is the, star of "Xin- ner Take AIl" Manian Nixon has thé, femiînine lead.; The, film also provides theater-goers an opportun- ity to see Virginia Bruce, -vho, they tell us, i .s s oon te become John Gil-. bet's fourth wif e. Alni.ost a million dollars was spentý in filming "South Sea Adven4tures," wýhich is a. result of a tour of the expressi was ilmis ne or i te ost grippjng of the 'recent court room exposes. For those who like western'pic- L ture occasionally the Teatro is of fer- ing "Whistlin' Dan." Ken Maynard does bis stuif as of oId.