1612 S. Sixsh -Aruu, MayuWd Three floojr-eight room- and it cost only $142 to: heat tiis home with gas during th e lest hatnseon(drth present house-heating rate). Thousands of other homes In Northern Illinois ar e enjoying this dean, carefree fuel For an Intresingnew bookiet on what gai héat i costing in these homes, write the ,Public Service Company Of Nortberu Illinois. ail tîmes for two reasons. One is in order to safeguard and protcct your- self. the other is in order to avoid setting an example of disregard for traffic regulations. Such disregard. grows quicklY in a conm.unity. A, seed plailted by. some promfinent or -well known Citi- .zen cjuickly sprouts into a, thousand. similar, violations by the observing public. W'ICHITA POLICE DEPART.MENT Good Safety Code> for Pedestriants During the past year approximate- IV 50. percent of ail ýhighwav, acci- dent victims were pedestrians. Prac- tically the saine percentage has, been maintained duiring the first three moniths of 1932.î A P edestrian's 'Code, of Safetv is, suggested by the National Safetv cotin'cil which. if foilowed. %vill save manv lives. 1. Cross at intersections onlv awd a1wavs use crosswalks. h.It is incon- venient, at times but. it is alwavs much safer. Look Both Ways 2. Stop) and look both wavsî be- fore stetppiig fromi the curb. Be sure the m-av is clear, befôre cross- 3. IIeed the traffic officers and traffic signiais. Eveii then l1oiîk care- fully before step)piing into the street. Some irresponsible driver xnav fail to note the signal change. 4. Be.carefuli in getting off street cars. Look- before steppiug down, even if there is a safefv islatid. Be. doubl v cautions we crossing be- hind ,a street car- Be on the Alert 5. Discipline --%ourself te be alert at ail times. Rememb.er the pedestriai alwaYs corne out secondC best. 6. Be just a -wee bit suspiclins ALL drivers. The fact that 33,000 people were killed on ou.r h ighways -Ash Can ýDerby" Sweepstake race of $50 automobiles will be run at the RobyN-Chiicago sp)eed-w\ay on .Sunday.. Septemiber 4, the entries are starting to corne in. The first is Stanley Ra.mmieli,:1650 North R'ckN-.ell street Who enters a 1922 Earl touriing car which hie calls "Oil Can." Rammeli says that lie. is se confident that his wîÏ'll-- outdo aIl other ash cans in, the Chicago area that he wishe.s.tu challengee any owner of a- dilapidated automob)ile, vaiued at .flot more than $50, a nd adds that-he will make his competitors look like a beaten rug. Many sportsmen have taken an in- terest ini the lamons Van Camp clas- sic, and have'offered prizes. In. ad.- dition te the cash prizes for the Ailh Can Derbv the winner of first Nçill receive one handsome Woo>lw%-orth' cani opener; second, ýone beautiiul. Kresge ,corkscrëw,, third, ene ex-. quisite 1932 calendar. The. prizes for the drivers ivith the worst looking' cars ire first, one pair of dark tinted glasses: second, a bottie of smelling saîts: third. one left hand mne w rench- Prizes for costumes are first, one tin. ljzzv wa-,ch; second. 'one, pair -lightlv sdgatr;third, 011e toNN r9pe. Eachi of, these everits also car- ries a cash piefor the. winner. I-t is expected that flot less thani sevetv-iveentries wiIl be received for the W\orld's, Worst Automobile race aiid the eveuit is sure te attract thue largest crowd that lias ever at- tended an event at the Robvý-Ci. cago:speedway. In addition te the Der4v. thie'-c will be professional automobile races- with some'..of the best dirt track. driv-ersof the. country entered. Thlere Ivil be, motorcycle races with ail the leading stars of the country and stock car races with.practicallv every make of 'automobile entered. The mec-t is being run under the management of thé newlv organized National Speedwý,ayls, Ic.. and en- tries miav lue made by addîessing the &.ý I- ver i, Painti .ng- - Decorating ] 1412 Elmnwood Avenue, WiImtte 52i. Wilmnette 2997 W~innetka 1912 I ý- -I Phone Wl 32 "Lastyear our. GASHEAT. COST .$142. I I1 Phone WiI. 2600-2601 Sae&Srvc M(ember. Wimette Chamber of CommerceÏ--mummo 1 NO\\' it is all 1