produiction, inclucing the staging and costuming, was exectited by the members of the class under the su- pervision of Gordon Van Kirk, in- structor in the course, wbo directed the play. -The titie role of Lady Fanny Ban- tock wvas taken by 'Joy Stovei, who played the role of the ex-attress who marries- an Englisb lord witb intèlli- gence and spirit. Her interpretatien of bôth the amüusing and' the serious scenes showed real dramatic feeling. She deserves much credit for ber:per- traval of this exacting role. Ned Shap- ker. as Lord Bantoçk, vas also a con- vincing. characterization. Fine in DilicuIt Roles 1Two of the niost difficuit roies, those of the elderly Misses Wetherell, were handled vwith definiteéskill and restraint that of the.meticulous Edith by 'Ma rgaret Ce'bb, and theslightly Sentimental Alice by Florence L. Ca- rev. Thiese characters had much-te do ivith, the- exposition of the,,play. Tom Wflson was castas Bennet, the toe -cnscientiou s family butler, and pertrayed this difficult role with comimendable sincerity. Next to Lady Bal.tock's this was the tiost exacting part, in tie entire play. \rilliam i.Rothschild. was Newte., Lady, Bantock's rQbustious ex-man- ager, a-part with great cemedy possi-7 bi1t-is~ nd isrenditien cf the rele was niost, satisfactory. He played the amusing situations with real under- standing -and appreciatien cf their. value. Bill Miller hiandled deftly the part of Dir. Freemantel. the elderly .nedical adviser and friend cf the Bantecks. "Trouipe" Enitertaig Onie cf the most entertaining points ni the play was the visit which twelve cf, Fannys former companiens ini thé "Our Empire" troupe niake te Ban-il teck, Hall, and thie resulting censter- nation of Benneit, the inipeccablie but-, er. Preniinent ini this group cf.thea- trclpeople e Jean Haskins, who affected a cocckney accent;- Peggy Steele, as the irrepressible. "Aales,"' and Rosemary- Price, as "Caniada." Catlierinie Hepburn. Elizabeth Bel- denweck and Rennacker were effec- tive iii smaJl reles. l'he tempe cf the. performance was excellent and the interest of the au*- dience wvas sustained througheut the play. - ler.'s the Cui.t n esii al the achools T0oý help you enjoy vacation days Miss Dorothy Diettrich. 1085 Green Bay road, Glencoe, is return- ing te ber homne on Sunday freom a two weeks' vacation in Rochester, N. Y., wbere she bas been visiting friends. litte4 'r teiep houe? home in a minute at moderate cost.