had been associated with Loyola uni- versity for the past, 21 years and w1ho wiIl assume his niew duties as 'execui- tive dean at the University of De- troit. Amqng the 1) rQiflenti leaders p)res5- eut were Dr. Graham Taylor, MNiss Malry E.. McIDowell, Dr. Otto L. Schuiidt, John M. O'Connor, Judge Sonsteby, and-Mr. and M,\rs. Sanmuel IAnsuIl, Jr., D. F.. Kelly was toast- master. Fatiier Siedenburg is internation- ally known' as the founder of thc first Catholic schiool of sociology, and organized such- a school at Loyola univers ity. Tue sday commemorated the 39th amnn iversary of hi s enitrance inito the Jesuit society. .The Rev. Robert M. Kellev, presi- (lent.,of Loyola, paid glowing tributes. to Father Sied enburg for his great. service in, the cause of educational andl social work. Father Siedenburg wvas regent of the downtown college of Lovola uiliversitv,; lias beeni deani of Loyola and bis particullar work was at the downtown college. The dininer %vas occasionied by his being transfcrred to the University of De- troit wvhere hie will assumne th e post of' executive dean. Matth-ewv'J. Hickey. Jr., of \Vinnetka, the chair- mnan of the affair, presented Fathier Siedenhburg with an automobile, a gift from his friends. sentials of education. Mrs. Laura Htihes. Lunde, chairman of the De- partmnent of E-ducation of theéIlli- nois Leagtie of Wornen Voters, pre- sents the situation with 'great clarity. "FEducation is not like good roads," SaVs. Mrs. Lunde, ."something which caîi hé put off tii! be tter times. What the ch.ildren miiss today: they can neyer get later. "A study of local ,school districts' ability. to support schools shQwvs many poor -districts with a low assessed valuiation, unable to« finance their schools tliough they have high tax rates, while nearby are wealthy dis-, tricts easi lv supporting their schools witli vcry low tax rates. This diffi-ý' ctltv could.be largely overcorne by- estl)lshig arger units- for taxation which %vill.-include both poor and wealthy districts,' thus equalizing the tax burden. ",More than one-thiird of the 11,900 odd school districts of the, state, ha<i less tlian sixteen pupilq in them ilast year. Senator Hicks of the Illinois Tax Commission hias estimnated. that if a minimum of thirtv pupils per school were estàblished. a saving of: 431-c could be made in the cost of rural schools. And he includes in the cost of the schools the transpor- tation of pupils and one supervising teacher for every twenty-five, schools. "A larger u nit for administration in the Cool of Wisconsin Every sport and every sumnmer joy awaits you otthis modern resort. A beoutiful kodqe in'English Tudor- style with fln- est occommodotio»ns ond; splendid food. M7oles of golf horsebock, ridinq; tennis. primae loke. Your children a re completely cared for by a competent hostess 1932 SPIECIAL RATES, Weekly-DoubLe-$25, éach. Special Monday f0 Fridoy Rorte-INCLUDING GOLF FEE45 DîIly., Write W. E. Davîý Mgr., Nipperink Lodge, Genôa Ciy Wisconin. Two hours from Chicaqo. "Cater,»ç /0 restrcted cl/en/te/e." GEflOfI CITY Wisc6nsn Our Leaider is GENUINEBrMOPRS~~AQCk Clen er-Heat-~ '~~l \ lean astme sue Hedt J3very COKE order guaranteed with a gold certificate Le ss Effort Leas Expense!, Place YourOrder Today With WOOD and CANNEL COAL for your Fi DRY COAL RESCREENED BEFORE DELIVERY. Yard-730 Pitner Ave., Evanston GRE. n%0 73 0 Rog. Pk, 1836, p