Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Aug 1932, p. 20

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natiVoJI48Jmst eaenineen8rr oy"* uJ Asu4y nou L masure appearance ln current Issue. Resolùtlons of condolence, cards of thanks, obitu- aries, notices of entertainments or other affaire where an 9admittance charge la iubllshed, willI be charged at regular advertfisng rates. Grade'Separation Will Save. Lie'> j Let'a Hasten the Date! A, blindnman living in Trennessee writes. couagoulyto the officers of 'the _Hadley Correspotidence Sebool for thue Bind at. Winnetka: "'Although I arn "Above temporarily o U. t of j1int Water" with my place in the world of nuen, I have neyer inrny life had a shadoNv of doulit that I can stay above .ater." "I cani stay above water !" How mucb that declaration meanis tothose who have been rescued from drowning. in spiteof pnle's best efforts one bas suink twiceý, but on the verge 'of sinking 'agaîù, a helping> band bas been extended just in the- nick of timie. It takes tremendous amoqunt of. courage and determination even fora man, in. ful possession of his faculties to, declare 'SMn-, cerely that ini times of distress lie can "stay. àbove water.",How rnucb more courage and determination it takes for, a blind mani to take this brave stand! Use sorne of whatever mionevy you have- to lbelp the Hadley school at Winnetka to increase the resources of the blind, lthoh te dav. i.s ap)proacling %ývhjen ýa fair portion of the world wiIl be on wi-ngs, instead of wheels. stili the Public and-priv- ate car ýîill continue to The World carrvinuost of the trav- on Wheels. eling worid. We caninot )elieve* that niost of the huinan JIoad \výil e ver: 1e éborne o n wings. Wheels. Nve believe, will at Ieast ini the preseiit century- be-ar the nlajor re- sponsibility7 for gettin.g huinan beings frorn place to place.. WT'e ead recentlv vwithiniarked interest variQUs north shore coinmunities equally deserve commendation. It bas the iîîerit that rnany phiIantbrppic plans do not have. and that is the merit of working well. If a man is hungry, give hirn food flrst and postpone the giving of good advice. If a m an needs employrnent, give. hirn erploNv- ment first and after, that find out by care-, fui 'and long-extended, investigation, 'i f necessary, just how hé lost bis Job. Feed the hungry!,Give work t, the u leniploYed! One of the best results of the present bard tinues is the publication of .the bud- gets and audits of various towvns. In, nor- nmai ines few citizens woid 1)e int 1erested ini the costs of running a town, but now An.aniv a citizen studies. the budget of bis own particular town îth vers' close at- tention. Cain' asked, "Arn1I mv brother's keepe r?" If lie wvere now living- and'. vere aise a1 citizen, 1 f anv one of :our nortb shore tow-us, be xvould sce. that lie and.Iuis bro.ther -were s0 closely bouind togetlier, tlîat the question *weuIl net even occlir te binu. It would seern log ical te conclude that wlîen people xvent on a vacation 1tbey 'V ould: be'content net te sée the gay liglîts pf any city for rnany weeks. Butwe .knowA fronu experience that bumnan beiiîgs of ail ages and both sexes evidently get a little bored -with the 1peace and quiet of the counîtry and showv at.tinies an eagerness to look into store wvindowvs and watcb the beliavior of Garbo, or Gable. Wbenî und(er good, control. Wat.er, dçec; tricity aîîdfire-*are invaluable hielpers of hun-anitv. But, when ' electricity, in 'the ferni of -.igbiqing, bites,,sections. eut of trees and bhurîs said sections across our buisy streets, as ýit. did recent lv, in Hubl-* b)ard Woods, we realize keenly wbat, elec- tricity caîî do ,Nben uncontrolled. W'ater and fire, likewise, do lots of darinage whein tbey go-on a ramipage. .-. WNe visited. the Nationm al, Music C. amup lA e 14hile noonbeamjl;s kissed cach /'otal, That drooped iei dying prayer. T'hough fadedl they stili are lovely. Thélre's a cha-rm in each withered. hléom Likc iiother,'s check izlci'he ekisscdit, Sqf t and fainlt zwit/î perfii»e. Dear Mique: We received sombe days ago f roin the b.ead builder of this column of caustic comment a clipl)ing wvhose content -wa sppsed to show con-. clusively ýta golf was a grand game for. every able-bodied persoin. Our contention is that golf is not a grand game for us. It niay be grand for other. able-hodied people,.but îiot for.us. It seems to' us a gaie'especially suitable for those business, and pro- fessionai men who ini their youth engagcd ver,% littie, if at ail, in outdoor sports. And now ini their. more advanccd yvears they'are taking up, mainlv o n the advicc of their doctors. a mild forin of ûxercise: that wil1ivolve inucii walking and î nuch talking. especiallv ini the locker-room, and, considerahle ex- pense. \\e choose basebali anid.telnnis. -FlOssifer. With. the avowed intent of- preserving, insotfar as we are able, Fil Ossifer's diigity whicli lie bas guarded so zealouslv Io, these m any years, were-, frailned f rorn quoting froin the clipping dispatched to bis sumnmer*retreata f ew Wveeks since. WXe stilI retain carbon-copies, however, andl shali hold thcm in- 'readi-ness for ans eventuality; 'Ne ean. say now, without, fear of successfutl, conitradictioni, tbat that worthiy gentleman's apparent conternpt for the grand o)l garne is not attributable to animeisatiab>le passion fo1r>tennis and hasebaîl. llie Bell Telephone News in its departnient en- titled "Excu1se Lt Please !" supplies, this one which siou]ld serve to) start a famnily argument most any- turne. Here goes: . Traffic cop): 'Don't you know that you must give the lady one-haif of the- road." Motorlst; "I always.do, when 1 find ouit hvhkh half suhe wants." E Fxperts, ýhowe.ver, teillUs (after painstaking investi- gation, we hope) - that w"to 1men arel actually' more competent. bebind the wbheel than memnbers eof the -alleged., stronger sex *> Wbich would seem to caîl for a readjustinent in tbe back seat driving business.' Many..tbeo ries are, being advanced. anent the sudden .utpward, trend 'in 'stock prices. Wil,*1 if it makes us forget- the depression, even for a brief -spell, that will, as Andy 'would say, be sumpin'. - Thie alert lîttie one who handles the classified adIvertising desk submits- appended as evidence of the power of advertising: . - nortneaste-rn states, incluuung, Qt course, a fair part of Canada along the St. Lawv- rence. Then we'd turn towards the equa- tor and sec the south in the colder weather.- Then as the weather wartnéd up we'd -point the radiator towards , Michigan'and, If you have- neyer fotind yourself 'a vc tipi of c ircumstance," thank your lucky stars, or whoever is re'sponsible, and do what- you can for your1 less fortunate brothers- and sisters, Study the rnan-a-. block plan.ý representative ta xation to resuit, tboùgh, not unlike the Bostonians, we'll probably havé to fight for it. -Better -check up on some' of those Stocks recently, -servî,ng as decorativeý wallpaper - -M E.U

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