west to York roaci. Arriving there one is greeted by what is said to be the finest poîo plant in the United States,, a Iayout of seven fields, each at a different level and each pictur- esquely situated. 0f these, the No. 3. field,' reserved for importantmatches and totirnament play, is regarded as the most perfect ini the country, with the possible exception of Meadow- brook on Long Island. Last season the new Qakbrook club- house was opened. Three weeks. ago the club's new ý polo stadium,' largest iii, the middle wesÇt, wvas dedicated. Thisý stadium seats 2,500. Onwenitsia club, was honored. for the stadinin decication match,.facing Oak Brook ini a game. the proceeds of which were turned over.to thel American Olympic fui.d. Last Sun- lays contest wvas betwveen Fort Sher- idan and.Oak Brook. The.matches, between now and the end of the season in October will find the best teanas o4 the, north shore at 'Oak Brook. frequently in inter-clu,,b and * fotrnanieflt play.' The gaine set for text Sunday afternoon, August 14, at 3 :30 o'clock w 1 Il bring. together two. natural rivais, the Four Horseinen and the Flying Dutchmen, who electrified the large crow(l two weeks ago. So important is this match that it will be played on *the famous No. 3 Oak Brook field. It will enist snch popular and spec- tacular players as Paul Butler, Bar- *ney Balding, James Hannah, M. L. Stockton, George Bates, R. W. Mc- Ilvain, Deering Davis, Horace Wet.. more, John BoNvers, Roy D. Keehn, J r., and Charles. Xinston. Elbert K. Jones Dies at Minneapolis, Minn. Wordhas just been recei.ved of the death 611, July 2 of Elbert K. Jones of Minneapolis.Mn. nsado Katherine Bartholf- Jones, formerly of Glencoe. Mr, Jones had resided with. bisparents, Mr. and' Mrs. Johnàl Howvard J ones, for many years in Kenilworth. 1Besides bis widow, Mr. Jones isý survived by three cbildren, Normana, Alan, and Corrinne; his parents, and two brothers, Merton-and John H~ow- ard Jones, Jr., of Des Plaine--. into one Spirit." (1 Cor. 12:13). Amnong the citations which coin- prised the---esson- Sermon was the how manifold are thy works ln wis- dom- hast thon made them ail; the ecarth is fuli of, thy riches. Tho sendest forth thy: spirit, they. are created; and thou reneçwest the face. of the earth" (Psalms 104: 24,30). The Lesson-Sermon also, included the following passages fromh the Christian Science textbook, "Sicience are to be awarded on both occasions. A daughter was born Monday to Mr. and Mrs. William B. Plumer of Waban, Mass. Mrs. Plumer is the former jane Ridgewayof Kenilworth. FRENCH LESSONS. at your hîome or xny stuid Io, Spedîa1 Rates î Wlnnetka 1121 Salon Parlslen. 045 Lincoin Ave., winnetka preferenoes for recreation id diverson. Alil at the lowest rates in historyl GOLF -... on 18 hoIe oed on9ko"ecuru BATIING ... from tI'hoel steps. IIORSEBACK RIDING ... a stable of fine saddle homses. TENNIS.. two courts with ba.ckstomp Kenilwortfl. Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Knauer and their three boys, lý6 Abingdon ave- nue, returtmed Friday from a stay of six weeks at their summer home in Berrien Springs, Mich. HO TEL. LA SALLE CHICASOI'