Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Aug 1932, p. 14

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Goes o Licolnat Forest Preserve Park in Chicagdo Tbursday, july 28, about nineteen or *~twenty girls from Vattnian park took Tbursday, July 28, Village Green a hike to thec Glenv.ew forest preserve. playground went to Lincoln park. We The girlsý met 'at % attman Park. at 11 l.eft Village Green playground at 9. o'clock.' We 1al brouglit our lunches. o'clock in theérnortfing. Mi ss'Skidmoère, We walked along Ridge avenue tili we .Mir. Stone, Mrs. Burbans,, Mr. KIV came toMernorial park, then wc turned land, Elsie Paterson, and, Kay Hoff- to the right and went straiglit ti11W>e meyer drove us down to Linden avenue cm 0tefr S rsre.S- eo station where we took the elevated. the girls followed the trolley tracks Marger>', Paterson, Bill Schoenhg,, but flic rest of the girl s stayed on flie Grete. von Reinsperg, Kay, lHoffmeëyer,- road. Miss Skidmore, and Mrs. Sartgent tcdi Wen we got to the forest preserve took about ciglit chldren under their 've sat down by a table in the shade. care. There Nerc, about fifty chiîdren . Then someý girls brouglit wood and we We had to. changeý cars at. Howard builf a fire. The girls wbo brouglit Street. When wc -got off at our sta- weinies or po .tatoes roasted tbern, vhile tion We bad to walk six: blocks before others ate their lunch. After lunch WC we arrived at Lincoln park-and the> crossed thé trestle that led over a river. certainly were long blocks. 'The efllwddiieet tstat Ourî first -stop was the flower house. went'through tlic Woods., We came to a Itwas ver>' beautif ut inside. Flowcr little ereek with a board across 'so we pos ee agingfoufi eln n went across and saw we were on a tlie vines wbich grew in tliem touclicd Ilittie island. There was water 011 ever>' the floor. Then WC saw the bears-. side of us. Across one part of fthe water brown bears, grizzly bears and polar 'f liere ivas a log, ro twe decided t w-ilk bears. We also saw a fox and a wolf. across. A fcw of the girls. took )ff *We ate lunch after we liad scen also their shoes and stocking-s to walk across tlie lions, ioness, tigers, and dliffe rent hecause it was easy. kinds of. leopards. By the time we wvere finished runninig 1Visit M onkey Hou». and exploring througb the Woods it was After lunche ont we. went f0 sec the tîrne to go home. Then Mr. Davis and lagon.Boa ries eretwcty-iveMrs. Hargis carne with their cars and cents an bour. W ewere not perrnitfed 'drove s rnoe-=Hildegarde \Toeller, to. go in tbern, however. We then went Vaftran Par k. to the monke>' bouse where there wcre monkeys, chirnpanzees' and other ani- Take Lunch to Beach for mals of thie monkey race. Ther were Sand Modeling, Contest heing f ed b>' the keeper wben w2 vent -C --- .. --. Tbis was followed by a visit te the bird bouse wbcrc there were ail. kinds of birds f rom different parts of the world. The aquarium was our îîext stop. Fisb, big, small, fat, and .thîn, and ail kinds of thcrn were seen. Turtles and. alligators were also, there.. ve then wvent to thle haticlery. The smaller cbildren. then went for. their pou>' rides Nyhich were five cents a ride. 1As if va s 'ver>' tiresone W'alkink arouind, we fook a rcst for about baîf an hour. Then we wvent f0 sce the ra- co0ons, carnels, buffalocs., zebras, and cie- r ridav o.01 ast weel< we took our lunch 'to the beach for the sand model- ing côntesf. The Village Green groUpi joined us at the beach.1 The following children f romn Vattrnan worked A last. wveek in tfle Sand box to represent our park iii the confest : Junior group-I 'Bohbv Matson, 'Lillian Joncs, Mary Ruthi Fanickboner, 'Gene Fremont and, Doris, Jean Hargis;ý. intermediate group -Bruce Borre, Betty. Todd, Eric Sarn- uelson and Junior Matson.-Marjorie Wood,1 Vattrnan park. Children Are Learning Rags. Rags. Have .you any at home? You don't know.? This we heard over and over this week. Why? The girls are making rag rugs. Tbey' surely look nice .and sorne of thern are gettinq wider and wider each-day. Sornme of tbern have pretty colors in thern. W'e know our mothers will be glad to have us finish ours,' for the'y are very useful things. Sorne'of us'are makirg tbern for our rooms.-Marcia Anderson, Vattmati Park. :Librarian Regular Playg round Visitor Weekly visits-are made by:Miss, I Highes, the children"s librarian of the Wilmette Public ibrary, to the Vil- lage Green playground on Wednesday mnornings, at 10:30. Ou. August 3 a story ýwas. told about the Brownie, of Orcharc f arnm and Olaf of Qrchard farm. The first story told how the brownie came to Orchard farm and why lie le ft. The second story told bow Olaf fciund the* brownie, traveled over the wbole world" with bhim and then took'hini back to -Orchard farrn wvere lie stili wo.rks. Next Wednesday the childrenar to drarnatize this story. I.kîîuw itwill, be a good craratizatio.-Jacqueline 'Miller, Village Green. Village Green Juniors Win From Vattman Park Monday, August 1, the Village Green junior boys won their. third gaine f roui the Vattrnan Park junior boys. The score was 12 to 10. The Village Green lineup was: First base, Dick Hall; sec- onid base, Leonard Borre; pitcher, Earl Borre; short stop, Robert DeVininey, and ,George Mayfield,; catcher, Tom Zaremba; third base, Tom Kivland; fielders, Harold Kummer, Henry Jan- nes and Walter Tobin. The. substitute fielder was Joe Tripicchio. These boys have a good record, playing five games,N losing twvo and winning three. The next junior ganie was to lie nlaved Mnnldav. Winner in Bal Gamne, il to 10 Monday was the big day at Vattrn for the baseball team. Village Green camne to Vattrnan thinking it, was, an- otber Win for themn, but as!the 'game' came to .a close Vattman had won il to- 10.î They also f ound that tbey had ýlayed extra innings, s0 this means'Vatt-. matin seniors are getting into shape. In the three extra inhings eàch téam mnade l i runl until two lIong bits 'and a fiy, produced the winning run for Vattmnan. The juniors lost their game 12 ýto 9. It seerns that wben the juniors go away, frornborne they lose and when they stay at homne they win. Vattman started tlie game off with a baLng. They, made six runs in the first inning but.by the fourtb inning Village Green bad tied thescore. Vattman would have the bases fulil with one. out, and then there, would corne the weak end of-lthe batting order and no runs would result. Everýý,imorning at Il o'clock we have bicycle races. "flap" bas divided us inta groups and then takes the tirne as we go around the park.-Fred Asclibacli- er, Vattman.park. Indian Entertains atVillage Green W\ednesday, August 3, we had a sur- prise in store for us at 2 :30. When Wc were finally. seated an Indian 'vas ush-' eredi to the front. The chuîdren were so pleased they clapped and jumped up and down. First of Al he told us where he lived and what food he and bis farniiy ate. This Indian was 52 years old but this didn't rnake any difference to birn, be- cause he skipped and jumped a lassoe rope like a boy of ten years. H-e told us our fathers, could do the sarne thing, if tlhey ate fresh. vegetables anîd mo re milk. Hé then showled'us how, an uni- brella' was held by, a lady durirg wind that was going sixty miles an hour. After this lie shot arrows at a target which liad a bottle of niilk, vegetables, glasses of water and tooth brushes and soap. Then lie told us lie hoped we en-. joyed the performance as well as lie liked entertaining us. ATPi I go toth( ing to make it,-Mary pgrk. ýa, Au- vn there we saw Villageý 1Green. play the game, "battIesIi nice game. We Iike if verj finies we cannot find a cannot play if.--Buddy man ,Park. how to Is is a 1Some- Sso we , Vatt-

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