Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Aug 1932, p. 11

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score. Sclileuter 'ailowedl only six hits and the home tearn got nineteen,. The' Elmhurst Red Sox will be the opponents of the Wilmette' nine Sun- dav afternoon, August 14, at the Vil- lage Green. This is.one of. the fast- est teamns in. the semi-professional feld. anida close game is expected. Grant Phillips, Wilmette's pitcher, twirled for this teamï in the, early pa rt of tbe season and is anxious to see bis prescrit teamm ates win. On Tbiursdayevening, August .18, local' fandom w.ill be given a genuine treat when Wïlmette hooks up with the celebrated Detroit Clown aggre- gation in a twiliglitaffair. The visi- tors appear ini clown costumes and delight the fans, with their antics througliout the gaine. T1hey also play a fine brand of, basebail. The lone tally of the.visitors %%,as made off Harry in thé first liiing through a pass to Wick,.,a' sacrifiic by McGowan, another pass to C. Berg and ýa single by R.,Berg which scOred Wick., After tbat the- Barringlon boys were hariess except in the sixthi when the bases were filled tbrotigh an error by Yule on C. Berg's, liner, a bit by R. Berg and a pass to Kasch, but the side was re- tircd without a score. janetz, Schroeder, Yule and Baker were the bitting bieroes for Wilmette and Rudy Berg for Barringtoîi, eacli garneritng three bits. Wilmnette tied. up the score in its baif of the first iiining. Janetz bit tbe first bal pitched for a singlc and went to sec-' ond on MelIin's~ bunt. When C. AI- tenberg overtbrew second to get Janetz, the runner went tco third and scored on Rudolpb's single to ceilter. Thbe home teamn went abead ini the second inning >wben Blackmorc' igldbetwveen second and first. s tole -second anld. cored o Schleu-, ter's single.2 Scoreý More in Fif th Two more runs were scored U)' Doc Rennol ds' Boys ini the fifth, with- out much -effort.. Mellin siingléed, througb sbortstop, went to third on Yule's single, and scored on Kasch's 'error. Wlien C. Alten'berg pitched a wild onepast bis catcher, Yule scorcd. The fifth run was made b1w the Wi1- Schleuterp 2 0 1 C.Alt'nb'rg.p 3 0 1' E.Alt'nb'rg.p 0 O 0 40 11 19 "321 6 Wilmette ........ 1 1 0 0 2 1 5 1 *-il Barrington ...1 0 0 O 0 0 O 0 O- 1 Sacrifice hits-Mellin. McGowan. Stolen bases - BlAckmore, Scble uteýr.Berol,' Schroeder, R. Berg 2. 2 base hlts-Yule. 3 base hlts--Gaîbisch. Struc k out-b y Sehieuter. 6;..by C. Altenberg. 2. Base on 'halls Schleuter, .;, C. Altenberg. 3. Wild pitch-C. Altenberg. Umnpies- Leis ànd Stordeur. làndoor Basebail Fans Promised Real Treat The Hoffmann Florists, champions' of the Wilmette playground basebal league for. tbe past two yea rs, wijl meta ticam, of so-called ".Oîd Tim- ers," in a gaine Sunday morning, August .14, at 10:30 'cloçk on tbe Village Green west of the Howard S=0oo. Tbis contes-t promises to entertain local fanclom with tbhe.greatest array of ste*llar, talent observed here in many a day.1 The Old Timers are stars of anther 'day wlbo, though now out of tcompetition, still retain their prowess to no mean 'degree. Tbe Florists have long since pre- sented a lino-up that bas been well nigb invincible for several seasons. "éFat"' Hoyle will hurl for tbe Old Timers, witb Brusky behind the log. Botb are alumni of former cham- pionsbip aggregations. The Florists will depend on tho saine lne-up that bas carried tbem to their second consecutive 'Wilmette cbanipions'hip. jimmie Hoffmann, firebal'flnger, will be on the mound, with 'Hartmiann on the-receiving end. ENTERTAINING FOR' GUESTS Miss Margaret 'Aun Welcbi, for- mer-Y' of Kenilwortb, is tbe house- Lguest tbis week of Miss Martha Jane Forman, 1357 Scott avenue, Win- netka. The girls are members of tbe Alpba Pbi sorority at the University of Wisconsin. Miss Forman is giving a luncheon and bridge for ber guest, today (Tbursday). Miss Welcb is now residing witb her family in Madisoi,' Wis. SThe display was divided into four classes. The first was an arrange- ment of blue flowers; the second, a breakfast tray; the third, miniature arrangement;. the fourth, any ar- rangement of the exhibitor's own flowers. A fifty-cenit limit.was pflaced. on the entry expenditure. Tea was served later in the afternoon. Mrs. T. 'C. Moulding of 1004. Green- wood, avenue entertained the 'tues- day bridge club this Week.. Mrs. Bernitf's ICE CREAM O'ilv purest in gredients. ini- cluding, fine fresh fruits. inake it the choice of those *who consistently demnand the highest quality. *REDUCED PRICES ... A recent reduction gives cus- ~toners a saving of 25% anid places it at a pleasingly 10w price, consistent with prod- ucts whieh rétain quality, but pass on savings in mnan- ufacture., *NO DRY 10E . Dryr ice Io, neyer used l" paeking. Bernitt's cream is (llivered In speciai bucket,, packed In sait and ice. Re- tains its original firn con- sisteney.. just ready for servlig. M RS. BERNITTS ICE CREAM KITCHEN -N 6 Befautiful $5 ' Phtgrapks During Augat Only THE S AM E'R AY QUALITY enid PERFECT SATISFACTION EUGENE: L. RAY STUDIO 1606 Chicago Avenue. Evanston University 2238 5. Wiete IIUnIUa DUwW UBell, VUon- wiWlluette Wllmette:28-29 PhoMuW32

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