J.E.l'or»thens, presidenit of ihe il il;iputte, Citamber of Cmec h hsponsors flth e ei-ainuai ihlitr Pays for IVil,,wtte and Kenil'orhmsade lte following igîziÎficant *staitem;ient titis week con- cerning thle big bargain days I-ved- ncsday otd Thuirsda.v of this Dollar Days this year prov'idC anl tinustial oI)portunity for WVilmnette resi-' deîis to purchase articles thiey îeed at Hére la Your DIGGEST DOLLARS WO9TýIm -A ,9 x 12 DOMESTIC,, RUG CLEANED F~OR SHOW JAPANESE PRINTS, Thirty-six japanese prints, known as ink-prints (sumi-e) have been placed on exhibition. in Gallery 115. Hutchinson Winig, 'Art Institute -of Chicago. They -are by the fato'us .îesigner,, Okuntura Masaànobü, and are of a variety of subjects.. The tities of many of tiiem are quite, a mu sing, such as. "An Impossible. Feat by '.Imaginary Meln";, "The Great Irunkard Boy of Oeyamfapp; and "Peddler. of Housekeeping Ut en- sils Dancing Before a Womaii." Those interested in composition and bold and vigorous line. drawing will- find them of great interest., Weânesday and Thursday, Auguat 10-11 Ethyl ..6 gai. $1 Red Crow.n7 gals.$1. Stanolind'S gais. $ 1 Mlore QualIty andi Value Im OUI DOLLAR DATS, One sheet SIX99 With 2 css Best q uafity Blankets, Cotton. plaids, Sizel6.6x7, New FaU Prnts, ab x 809,.guaran- teed fast colors, Fall Trave:l Tweeds, a new. Cotton tweedt, 4 yds.. Boys' Wash. Suits, sizes 2-8. Tom Sawyer values t. $3.00>, each Turkish 'rowels, C a n n o a uake, larve si:e, 5 f6r 1.00 1.0 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Wi' ahDresses, values -froun $11 to $1.95. Ladies' Te& Aprons of fine percale, 4 for F 11 Fashionied Hose, pure i& i lchiffon or seivi 2 fôri Chenille Rugs, a special, buy gives you. these lovely rigs at.... M en's Blue, Chambray Shirts. A good quality shirt fo>r lots of Wear. 2 for Steven's Ail- Linen Towehing, 7l yds. for, Polarine 6 qtse 1111S. INC. 511 Main Street, Wilmet te Wil. 5050 Uni.- 5050 BOR 'N MAC' MAIN STREET at LINDEN AvENuÉ PAhowe WILMuTR 3334 $port Shoes and LeatheriýT1orshei other brands, -J" 1100 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 taarrow widths,