1144.46.48 Centwal Avu ISIX TELEPHONESI FORDEL FORDOLRDTG $ILI Old Monk. l large packages ur 0. "1 ][9 Kitche KI I a k s. . . . .. .e u .. . Procter & Gaanble's CLEAN QUICK ...pkgs.,$1 ril.carton se" FIaku King ýOscar Sardines, large aise cana nous. fers tliat pi mfue miise big uaangs in qùality and u tity for Dollar Davs'. »aslias Ergs, have a Dollar Dl -IVFMM rug cleaning offer that commandst IVEIESattention of evéry householder %' DAY ie a genuine. bargain. La jeunesse, lae.ê the shop t1i abounrds in' Juniors' and Girls' we 1168 Wilmette 'avenue. willI have RL Y- unusual collection, of 'dresses for gi of ail ages on Dollar Days. :Theri another attractive Dollar Day spec li. jI ~at La jeunesse. Pay vou to: nvc ~ I tigate!1 Nelson Laundry and Dry Clea ing System, .1210 Central avenue,1 baze, E vites you to"av on your, clean.i ~ A during Dollar.Days.", Take a look the Nelson advertisement and be co 9Z12 WILTO CLEANED With one 9.x 12 Domestic Rug at the regular price of $3.00. 5 Weklh'sGrape Juice, $1 Hiela. or Welch's Tomate Juice, 5bottles )ro- tee Mis& Macmamon, who specializes in .modlish chapeaux at Wortlien's, -)av 1148 Wilmette avenue, offers Dollar, the Day bargains ini bats that are start- V;ho ling to contemplae. Looks 'like 'a glorious shopping. "spree" at Mi ss ýhat MacMabon's next Wednesday aid, car, "Thursday. anl Ethel M. Mamierud; 1159 Wiliette iris avenue, where lingerie, hosiery and re's jewelry-comprise the stock'iii trale, cial bas unusually attractive Dollar Day 7es- values for- next.' Wednesday and Thursday., Among other things, re- an ductions on French crepe gowns. in- Motos« Service, .lac., 721- Main ing street, lists a haîf a dozen Dollar Day :at specials just by .Way of indicatirig thai on- the car owner will, do- well to tarry, ~-there on Dollar Days and. reap the benefit. of somne genuine bargains. Worthe ' trstedepartmient store at 1146-48 Wilmnette avenue, and the men's store at 1152 Wilmette avenue-utilize a full page ini which to display Dollar Day values. There are bargains in every department. "If economy be defined as 'the judicious expenditure of money,'"' says, Mr. WVortheni "then- everv shopper at *this store on Dollar Days will be practicin g 1economy n its truest a sense." The statement is augmreitedý 'bv a lengthy list of the outstanding Dollar Day' values at Worthen 's. J . (Continued on Page 4) For. Juiep Héauz Baked Beau', ý7 large size cas- jLibby'es Salmon, $ .4 cti No. 1 fiat Fancy Red. Alaàka.ý 4 R oyal Ana Cherries, Largue No. 236 sine ean. SParkwaày Pa, 9CryCon, $ ta" s .... .. Large cati No. 2%6 centain- ing .8 suces te the cati. Our Weekoe<l Sp«1am wl U appear la WIUi.ft. Lite asu mai Peacoek,"s Jre Creain 523, Fourth St. Wlmete 4120 ç~5. o M g E E g I E g g g I g g