Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Aug 1932, p. 3

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DOLLAR VALUES Unprecedented: Reduction in Cost of Commodiies Augurs Banner Dollar Days Wednesday and Thursday of this week will be Dollar days in \Wilmuette and Kenilworth and' merchiants in. these villages bave been busy for several days preparing for the semii- ainual.bargain event. This special Dollar Day edition ýof Wiun~ri~Livit is devoted exclusively to a(lvertising the great bargain day values -offered by progressive mier- chants of the commulnity. It a ppears ini ample time to.afford every bIouise-. liolder an opporturiity to survey tlie Dollar Day offering.s at leisure and thus lie prepared to lautnch forth on the big cconomy- buving veniture N\edniiesday, and Thursdlav. Sponsored by Chamber Dollar (lavs.:are sponsored by the W\\ilmiette Cliamber of Commerce, and are. hcld eacl 'ear in Flel)rumiry and August. The retail.commtiittee of the Chamiber lias charge of arrangements for the big sales evenit. Every dollar spent, lnuWilm-ette, and Kcinilworth, W\e'dne.s<Iay and >fhurs- s-lav -*will bring the wise. buyer th eý greatest value thiis year that hie lias *ever efljoyC(, B. T. Clark, secretary of the Chamiber of Commerce. asserts. Merchandise prices, lie says, are * oNver now, perhaps,- thaýn tliev ever m-il1 be at thiese featture sales éeeits. Uuiprecedonted Bargains 'Élie mierchants have. been, takîng a(lvanitage of the loNy prices in. thd whlolesale markets and are passing tliee saN-igýs on to their ciustOmners.' On Dollar* days the thrifty buver will find that neyer before lias lie been able to. buy as iuch :for. his mnoney as, the local merchants will hê able; té offer, Mr.. Clark points'out. John K. H4ughes is 0-iairmiain of the retail comiittee of the Chamiber of. Commerce, whichi has charge. of ar- rangemecnts for Dollar days. Othier memibers of the commiittee are E. L. Griffis, Carlton Kaumeyer. A. C. Pearson and John Schneider. ýNeed J obs for J obless Cati Charles W. Lerch, '1715 Highland avenue, if you wish to provid or or an unmployed villager. WVilmette's Commffittee on*Unem- ployment which is sponsoring the "Man-a-Block" pflan1 to secure work for jobless residents of the comù- munity, last week succeeded in pflac- i'ig 280 hours of wvork. The village lias been divided into districts and jobs are lieing. given out every day. More are needed constantly. Two hundred and eigh- teen householders liad joined the cause up to last. week. There are approximately 3,000 householders in the village and' the list of unem- ployed increases. The answer is simple. Help sup- ply jobs,for the jobless! Caîl Mr.. Lerch at Wilmette 4391. Calhi mtoday!1 .119 '11, Post Graduates Must Pay Fee at New Trier Stuent taingpost. graduate vork at New~ Trier -High school-.this,yçar will be required to pay fees at the rate of $25, a course, it wasannounced,,at. thehigli school offices last wveek. The precarious, -inancial- status at the lîigh .school brought on by inabilitv t)obo- tain tax ýrevenue promptly, led the board of education to adopt a' resol-- tion calling for* the fee for post grad- uates. rilmette - Kenilworth1 Merchants Announce Amazing Dollar Values Séores of Progressive ýStores and Shops Participàté in SeMi-. Annual Dollar Days Wednesday, and Thursday of this Week; Expeet Record Sales Uniprecedented values in first quaI- ity merchandise are.offered Winette and Kenilworth householIders Wed- nesday and Thursd.ay, August 10 and 1l, the occasion of the 'semi-annual, Wilimette Dollar Days sponsored, by thc Wiimette Chamiber of Co mmerce and participated- in by. progres sive merchants of the village. - Neyer before. have 'the Minmette nierchants been afforded the privi- lege to provide, such attractive bar- gains for the local buying public. Ability to miake extremely favorable transactions with the wholesale deal- ers bas lieen an important factor in miakinig availabhe a great variety of hiighest quality merchandise on 'fli shelves.ami counters of the Wilmette stores- which is offered at. astonishingly attractive Dollar. Day, prices.. Just a Few-Hiýts. An indicationý of what the Dollar Day shopper may -expect, next MWed- nesday. and Thursday Imay be hiad by scan,àining. the Dollar Day advertise-, ments in tthisý special edition of Wu.- Wilniette Battery and Electrit Serv- ice at 740 Twelfth street offers a variety of Dollar Day values, as well as Philico radio tubes at a 25. percent discount for the, bargain event. Wilmette Grocery and MArloet, 1144. 48 Central avenue, bas many, attrac- tive bargainis in foods and beverages that will permit you. to stock up tbe larder Without severely taxing the pocketbook. Just look at that. rüe-, markable. value in oranges, for ex- ample. The, Oi Well, operated by-Bob 'n Mfac at Main street at Linden avenue, makes it advisable to -"6i11'er up"l on Dollar Days and get tbe benefit of the biggestabargains ever offeredon a Dlar Dy. Also values in polishes to keep the bus looking Jike .uew.11 Milieu Hardware compasy, 1219 WUilmiette avenue, cornes forth with, ".valucs that speakfor thiemselves" on- Dollar Days. In addition to a variety of. Dollar Day Specials w note "Thrift Tables of ýdiscontinueed items" that rate with the most unusual values offered in many a day. ano- Dominic Pagliaruloi jeweler, n p tician at 1166 Wilmette avenue, in- vites the thrifty shopper to "see our window display for our Dollar Day Specials." What a distplay of genuine bargains 1 Schultz and Nord, the Village Clean- ers, 1152 Central avenue, make Dol- lar Days a fitting tinte for that "mid- summner cleaning."' Work called for and delivered at the 'reduced Dollar Day prices. Among other tbings, a chance to get, 15 neckties, cleaned for just one dollar. Other bargains apace. Hall'. Service Stattion&, 421 Main street, offers the rnotorist réal bar- gains in. practically ever y. commodity ýq'Uantitie.s not limited. Mestjian B,...., lue., 511 Main street, declare they hiave the "biggest Dol- lar's worth" to offer on Dollar Days. They'l dcean a 9x12 doniestic rug for Nfax Hayford of 109 Fifth street, Wilmette, was a passenger aboard the U.nited States Air Lines multi- niotored transport plane leaving Chii- cago fast Friday for the Pacific coast. Mr. Hayiord, who is ticket manager of the Northwestern stadium,traveled to oakland té visit bis niother. Ln Morcer LuIle~r Com~panies .......... 9 ElMestjian Bros ......... 3 FI Millen Hardware ...... 5 El Motors Service, l.8' leti....... .....12 *Wilrnette Grocery & Market .............. Wilson Bakery ........ 9 worthen's 11.Inuide 'Front Cover t ra 1 ting Le.. Resuty Waon, 1126 C<en- enue, has a novel wav of set- 'rth its Dollar Day offerings. (Continued on Page 2) Index to advertîsers. for, Wilmette's.great. DOLLAR. DAYS'. This issue Of WILMETTE Lîin is literally crowded with more than thirty.five Dollar Day advertisements of progressive Wilmette mer- chants who -are offering amazing values.to Wilmette Shoppers who take advantage, of th~e Dollar, Day bargains event Wednesday and Thursday, August 10 and Il. It wilI pay you*to serutinize carefully the appended Shoppers' Guide, ailording as it does an opportunity to lay out your Dollar Day shopping programn !Mal

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