Read the Want HILIL18-hEOT TO oeASII- boSu» te.dmresha,. Imihiti p the tondi. . . aDao'&etit hmuin- Yom himeues«Me«UMW bu*e MW vmtectila iMlmt e IIenace. Guari thon Wleh Saey Uvoemw gtb iemaut oista bidi. TIsAVErT IRe aLYs umitI pDARALY ZING terror-'thst's tionalmnt-skidmiles-ProoI Athlmles effeot of a skid. that its FuJi-Floating Cord For thousands, emyayear, the brings greater protection- resuit is injury or death 1 against blowmoutsl Urcater driving speeds-. quick-action brakes-smoofli, oil-fihned roads-aII have in- Its extra sajety douas 't cos: is a sensatioflal draina of moderi society and its reckless d i ver- fans. On these tWo days the Wil-, mette 'WshsOwing S6L e tty Lyntô.' An: added f eature JO4AN CRAWFOIPD for, Thursdav and Friday is a Llo-vd sions, wîth Joan Crawford and RohI- ert Moôntgopmery teamed in the ,prin- cipal roles. The story is that of ail beiresS whose preoccupation withthe new "femiiine freedoin" entangles; her in.a dangerous affair with an ar-, lent Ijouth Am-erican lover. For one day only, Saturday, Aug- ust 6, t he Wilmettewill present Rob- ert, Armstrong and Lila Lee1 in "Ra- dio Patrol" and Tom Mix and Tony,, in "Rider of Death, Valley.', In "'Radio Patrol" radio listener s wbo. are. in the1 habit of switching back the dial to tune in on the thrill- ing real life dramia of police raidio car signais will find for the first turne the authentic picturizatin of what these night crime butiters encounter as they roam about the streets of a large city. For Tomn Mix Fans And for those theater-goers who like a real wiestern thriller once in a while. the Wilmette is offering on the same, bill with "Radio Patrol" that t, 1ell known star of «western pictures, Tom Mix, ini "Rider of Death Valley." Tony, Tom's. famous horse, will do his stuf ini the film. The trouble attraction at 'tle Wil- mette for Sunday, Mônday' and Tues- day. August 7. g and %, includes Joe E. Brown in "The Tenderfoot" and. Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., in "Love Is a Racket.", lai bis Iatest film, "The Teniderfoot," wide-moutbed -Joe E. Brown portrays a Texas: rancher who. cornes to New, York with the last of his rnoney, which he intends to invest profitably so he can lift the mortgage on bis ranch., Armed with bis rnoney and bis six,~ shooters. Toc becomes involved with a>ý GoocrcW. ~qSletw C«d u »a .Te.. GosC«""SaibaCnanff> "Forgotten Conimandments'" bas for its theme modern ideals-throwing off customn and conivention,. branding as foolisb superstition that which hurnan- ity bolds sacred, making a mocker-',of human love and-of buman ambition. I