Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Aug 1932, p. 26

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August 9-Match* between "Heavy- weizhts and I.ightweights" to de- termine "who the better gôlfersare; putting conte&t at 1:30 o'clock,. August 16-Guest day. with special events and Ilow gross e vents for Classes A, B, and C. August 23-Low net matches fol Classes A, B, and C, and a puttinI contest at 1:30 in, the afternoon. August 26-Lad and Lassie. day ont of the higzhliights of the season August 30-Bal sweepstakes; Fiap tournament; qualifying round foi September trophies. Mms A.: D. Collins bas been goil chairman for July,. assisteti bV M rs. C. E. Barrows. Mrs. H. P. Saundersi Mrs. Harry Kliest, and Mrs. WV. M. McNamee. Mrs. W. H. Moiter is cbairmaii for the current- month, witlî Mrs. R. J. Feilinghan, Mrs. G. D. Full'.anîd Mrs. J. P. Norling assisting her. Mrs. H. D.ý Fargo is general chair- mnan of wolnan's golf events, witlh MrsI. H. P. Saunders, co-chairinan. andi Miss Mary Elien Boozer anti Miss Beatrice Drive on the coni- mittee -representing Junior interests. The golf chairman of tbe ýVIlmette Golf club. Mrs. Sam. W. Sbipp, the co-chairman. Mrs. F. P. Machiler, . nd' the mnembersý of the. woniani's golf. canînittee. Mrs. Nàt'Arinel, priýes;: Mrs. Roger B. Little, rinzer scores:, Mrs. G.. M. Hamlbleton, social, and Mrs. Glen E. Dewey, publicity, have matie a sligbt 'change in tbe Tulestia v progranm for August. and tbe follow- inz scbedule is to bie mn, off: August 9 and August 16. there wvill. be 18 holes in each class, with a total of 54 hoies for tbe tbree Tuesdays,, anti with first antisecond iow met in each class. On Tuesday of this week, the, same, proçedure 'was, followed. Players arranged their own npartners, for that occasion. with pairings tben to bie nide accortiig to. score s for the following Tuesdays of 'Play. The orizinal schedule of events will be ini effect for the remnainder of the season. the coniii«ttee lias anl- nounced. Circle Plans Quit 1- ros Photo) Iliss 'Phde iI,'drick of Ke.pil- wnr h ~ec>»'>he:bride tif Stcrli;lq L. .Sylitl,.of Nru-York oit Priday affernitonlit11..29. , 'itKilmalcohi., St'okff hlirr M>'è>fs. ifr. anîd Mrs. I,*dre 'j, R. 1Hedrick iof 304 .1elrose avenu. anotttce titis u'eek. Her we4tiig was a quiet ceremony )erfto-rmed iiu the homne of frieutis of the lritiegr(ooni. Inîmietiately after- wards Mr. anti Mrs. Smith tieparte' 0on a two weeks' niotor trip tbrougli the lake aand bil countrv of Scotianti v'isitinig the interesting 'andi heatitiful parts of the Trossacks. They ivilI be at homne later on iii a typical country bouise. -St. Colmis" iii Kilmalcolm. Renfrewsblire. a subuirl of Edin- blt-di. The bride's mother anti sister. Mar- ion, niiotoreti east %vith lier to Hamil- ton, Onit., and fromn there on she tra- veled wvith NIr. Sniitlh's father and mother. MIr. ant iMrs. Laurence S. Smith oi Detroit. On board the ship which carried lier to Scotland , she' ivas specially introduceti to' the cap- tain 'who inviteti lier to sit at bis, ta-* ble. a coveteti hono--r, anti a privilegre whjch atitet to the gavety of'lhér trip. Episcopal Cirdle Meets Mrs. Daniel Browver oPeniet lier and the plays are for children.. Miss Marie Agnes Foiey is director of the players. Mrs. Henry J. ÏBrandit, Who is chairman of the coin- mittee in charge of the club presen- tations, attended a performance of the troupe at Lake Forest'Wednes- day afternoon,, July 27, when "The Magic Wbistle- was presenteti for the, beniefit of Druce Lake camp, witb Mrs. John McCutcheon the bhostess at the:borne of b er. mother, Mrs. Howard Shaw. At a conference -after the programn, plays wyere tentatively chosen for Wilmette production. The members of the club attending the benefit witb Mrs. Brandit wé re Mrs. Clifford Ives, Mrs. John Booz, 'Mrs. A. V, Gruhn, Mrs., Enoch Steen, and a proup of Wilmette chiltiren. Volun.teer Drivers Malke Beach Outin7gs Possible, The Beach 'class for, the Wilmette H-ealth Center chiltiren conducte I hy an assistant in Miss Betsy Sbapker';s Recreation school bas heen very suc- cess fui. Manyý people have contri buted to its success by giving batbing suits.. Two volunteer'. drivers have, calieti for the cblîdrenl eacb day at 8:45 ini the rnorning .and returnedi theni at 12, rosy and happy. The I-ealth center expresses its thanks to tbese drivers: Mrs. Ralph Potter. Mrs. A. E. Klunder.. Mrs. John Brunbaugh, Mrs. \Viliani Har- ritige. Mrs. Albert Grinneli,. Mrs. Randolpb McCandlisb, Mrs.. J. J. Huerter, Mrs. Russell Floodi, Miss Connie Bersch, Miss Lora Baugb- nman, Miss Patsy Fientye, Miss Cath- erine Cook., the Misses Helen, and Marion Kirtley, Paul Hosking,,er- bert Co.ppel,, Stephien andi John Hell- muth.. "You bave matie.this enterpriS. possible," tbe Health Center board states in expressing. its appreciation, to those wbo bave çontributed gifts and the use of their cars. Gi ves Pro gram ton isradburn. of Appleton, Wis.. son of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Bradburn of Caro, Micb., WedneS- day. evening. August 10. at 8:30. o'clock. at the Wilmette Methodist Episcopal chijrch. The wedding re- ception following will be 'held inl the cburcb rooms. Trhe bridegzroomis, brot her. Dr. Weldon Bradburti. and Dr. Horacce G. Smith wl perform the ceremlonv. the brides cousin.. Miss Florence Osburn of Wihnington. 1,11., is to be ber ýmaiti of lior1 and onlv attenid-ý ant LaVoni Maesýcl of Appleton. is to serve-Mr. Bratiburn as best mai and L. M., Krafft of Oak Park, Benjamin V.'. Hollister of Chicago. and, Leland Case anti J. Eichelharner of Evans-. ton are to usher. Entertaining for Miss Jones, lias in- cludeti the shower and tea given Monday afternoou. mulv 25., 1w Mrs. Matriain Cotton., Miss Winifred Mickey, anti Miss Susanniab Arm- strongj: a s.hower and suier Wed2 nesday eveniniz. Julv 27. given Il%-a group of ber rélatives,*at.thie home. of ber uncle, Henry 'Schneider ot Chicago. A. group of. Miss. .Jones' friends living in La Grange enter- -taineéd Saturdav' eveninz. Julv' 30. at th.e homle of Miss Viviau Walters. andi Saturdav afternooiï. August 0. M'rs. Biert Krafft is io he ho-stes at a shower at ber homne ini OakPark. S Dr. and Mrs. J1tops vilentertain the 'bridai parti-. at a buffet Supf)er Tuestiav eveilnig Ato'ust 9. fol1owivî,, the rebearsal at the. chut-eh. Peonies and Iris Next To pics at 'Garden Club This rot' etgo the Eve- ning Gardeni club of NVilmette ivili bc ielti Tuesday evening, 'August 9 Plans for holding this meeting on the, lawn- of tbe ho me of one of the ýmem- bers hati to hé poistiponecd. so the clu'> will meet ,as usual iu the louinge ol the Woman's club. Tbe. speaker of the ei ening is \V.; F. Cbristman. vice-o)resideiit aid Quiîts from ber own rare collection' as we'll as beautiful ones beionging to Wlmette residents will be, displayed September ?3. Miss Retty wooti aven Sigma Kapr the Universi andi tea at Wetinesday. ,e nortn shore. >.restMontiay in honor of their bouse club painted guests,- Mrs.. Bruce Campbell 'and state in Lake Mrs. William Grèenebaum of Ponti- s group. the ac. Ill, who have been visiting them centlv at the for a few days.. Mrs. Greenlebauni is :hesney place. now spending several days with Mrs. painters fromflolmes' othertiaughter, Mrs. George H. Dorman 117 Ninth street.

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