Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Aug 1932, p. 22

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IGrade Separation7 Wil Save Lit e Le'aHuaten the Dag! To. a bost of friends we take this oppor- tunitv to express ourtpcatinf or the congratulatorv messages received in conse- quence, of thé consolidation We T/tank Auguist Il of the Harvey N YOU! Bowen ,cornpanv pl,)bica- tions - Kenilworth Times, Winne tka, Times, and Glencoe Times--*wh WILMETTE LIPE, ýVINN-ETKA TALK- and GLEhcoE NEvS.. Witb the discontenuance of the Bowerx publications by ,virtue of the consolidation. we accept an increased responsibility toward our wide circle of readers. W'e are decply conscious of tbis added responisibility% and, at the very outset, wish to state that we are Y.leternined to render an incereasinglv im- proved service to our communitv. It shall be our constant aito neit vour good will and continuied inîCerest. Thank vyou! The Oli and very wise sing, "A f riend in1 need i s a f riend inideed." is a trille euvo cal. Iioes it niean. A f iend wbo is i need, Friendetc.?ý We liardlv think so. It A Frend must mean, A f riend who In,.Need befrienijs one i i tinie of one's need, etc. îs ifl(ieed a f riend. Lake .Michigan is a f riend just wheài oneü is nîiost in need of a f riend. And surelv .on ,som e of thées hot Augt as(iCIli lire nieel of a f riend:. Fans of variaius kinds,« especiallv electric. iced drinks. liAhtcohî waternîielo'n; ail these are bot weather f riends. 1Ilut none of theni can begin tv compare with. L ake Michigan.. nomic 'emploNuIent, many take advantage of the o1portunity for wholesorne lplay afforded by municipal recrea tion centers. Our own north shore towns are blessed .with abundant opportunitie.s. for indoor and stateinent that the '*avera ge cost to commun- ities each time an individual used a play- ground ' swimming pool, batbing beach. or in- <loor center, was Iess than five cents." It certainlv Iooks as if for anv town rec- reational facilities were not an- expensive Iuxurv hut an inexpenisive and vital necessitv. N\otes P'roin:tflic Non/i Forced this past spring to' give bis. full attention to b is'w ife and five cbildreh,> victims of the MflU." .our local butcher killed a bog and. a cou. hung the meat in bis ice-box. placed on.bis counte*r a note directing ail who carne for mieat to help theis'elves and leave a nienoranduni of the amotnt taken. The plan, wprked wcll' wbicb encourages us to believe thatfat ïn-m i"rsellowman is. stili justifiable. Recently wbvilie motoring. beside the backwaters of Glen Lake we saiv a row, of tweive smalfl turties sunnin g them- selves on a bal f-sunken log. We've often seen one basking ail by bimself, but neyer, have we seen twclve. As wve quickenied. our speed the odd little crèatuires,, lookinig inuch like large black bectles. slithcred, off the log intoa safer:,location.. When one passes Most of bis time %ith- in the walls of buildings be pays slighit attention tpo clouds, sunisets, wind, and other natural affairs. But when these tbings cut a figure in bis living as wbien he is outdoors practically ail day, moon, sun, and cloud corne to have a mceaningy for bim. An increase of rneaning itself ineans increase of the valuie.of living. Our family of.-kinghirds gre% s0 rapidlv that1 one- night not long. ag 1o ail four of the voung ones took wiing and left for p)arts unknown. lt's a littie bard to conl- ceive of their becômiiîg as tyraniiical as their 01(1er relatives arc well knonin to bc. We have sometimies believcd that the purpose of thinking was not to solve the wprld's great problerns but to bring about better conditions within the individilal thinker. c,,,, zinnia, q Spet unis of0 Lilies and daisies praced a Placid pool- .1 stately eC.1111garded ils waters cool, W fhile'icerise phlox ousîde thte gardesi grcwu .4)id cdirîuw vista lent achrin ew yl.fth wealth. of beatttv M -a Singlie aftcrnjooi- .Sre.'îd ail to n rnch of j0V f0 l'e our boonvi SÇo Past- the grove îv'e1renched the "Orcliard . id lucere îvr ske.1ched as quiet ns a miose. lf'ntelîivg flic la ppv childrei paddling ,ýwlirc Trige,îtild -irds.sang 'inid clovv'r scenjfedni,-.. flitil thiccosY cam»p ire called ius' ark.. T/ici! înt/v iin fthe dai.'.Ç..o.'vwr' îiiýj1/it lack. -Edia I.Lniierinn. MIDSUMMER DAY DREÀM Tliere is a gyarde»z quai» t 'd love ta sec,. (t unist be jusf the place for reverie. .411/o' it lias no lo;'evî. rippliinq streamn 1h zviieli f "lie !:.sit apîd dreamn." 1-f ee I)inQite (.>cfiqit.ç ls way olone e, te)ount-oî1dhvPonce De Leon, Anid t/f itnîncs.t iliv piupiles pa IfVcr ierce "Cave C<iiu,,îi" scares thie folks ava v. hi F ie.fn sure aillooc'o and »ise»vl if 7m/d lier e be clîavjed tfa mv and lerif v. LOST JEWELS If is six o'clock in tfli norni nil Of0 a briglît îidsiminner da - . Anîd ouf'inlthelic arden the suinbean is s5/10w *T/uit a Quelen lias wýalked t/ils w<îY.1 Il c niqlif vînt have kïiio -le isif. FM. vîobodv sau.lier pass- Plît!she las! ler dianods-tbliero0w1yal qe S- Sec liene l.fliv!leavi inflie grnss! -delr jordaui Tnr. MEADOW S'0F.GLENCOE 'The vieadowzs are a gardep» Wlith 'daisir.. baviks of w/i 'i4., Ilfid fa/.red qrasseS nii In t>îe /rimlorvieliq llqlîf. Wec arc deeply indebtecl to our f riends for these sunvniery contributions and ho pe for niany more of the 11k 'ere Jack Frost launches his bold invasion and the leaves corne uttering down. [t is our pleas-' tire to give over SHoRE LiNes to the contribs, so sit thec down andI ply thy pen >witb diigence. -MIQUEi

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