Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Aug 1932, p. 11

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Issue, the First * Howdy, folks. Just a word to ex- plain this column. We will publish everything of interest that -happens on the beach, to the--employees of the beach when they're.on or off the beach;, and personals, of beach mtemï- bers. We will Mention award win- ners and thèir. awards, and mention swimming exhibition s by swimmning celebrities.. Hëes to.You, Dick First of ail we ant to introduce to 'beach members the new beach miaster, Richard McAlister. "Dick" * has been a life guard- onr the beach -for -three years. He was, ap- pointed boss of the beach a fcw eesago. Reniember 'Em We. are-sure that the changes and improvétments he is making %%,Ill 'af-* ford us a better place 'to swimn. The first thing he has donce is tighten up Qon check roçui riules. WEAR TrHAýT RING YOU FIND IN YOUR. BAS- KET, FRIENDS! Too Impatient Somne people inust have been- in a big hurry to, make use of the diving board. They didn't even let the 1paint dry.that took Leonard Krupnick twýo days to put'on. Now it's ail off and, he is very downhearted. Have you ever seen Dave Fuller- ton, boss of the check roomn brigade, in swimming? If you have, please let the column know. Early Bird "Chuck" Boyington is the fellow who gets to work at 6 o'clock every. morning and prepares the bath house for «u's beach menibers who corne. lat- er.. He's working before rnost' of. us have even 'started breakfast. Let's give him a big hand. Yes, If At Al We're wondering just what Leon- ar 'd Wolff's job at the beach is. Every timne we sec bim working hie is doing * somnetbing differe nt. whien it is overcrowded. raft tipping ail the time,s tnay be burt. Thanks, kiA 4h the of YOD "Dick" makes a request through the column that you refrain from standing on the 'seats in the lockers. He also asks that the tops of the Iockers and, other braces in the bath. house be Ieft alone.' Dont bang on em. HelpI Help I We should* appreciate àt very much if you would give us any contribu- tions you can.ý Leaveyour contribu- tions, at the beach office. "Butterfly" Next Opera, a'~~refor Lecture. Recital misRutheda L. Pretzel will give a lctrerecital on "Madame Butter- fl,.OnMonday morning, August 8, at lier -home, 1035 Bluff road, Glencôe, at' 10:45 o'clock., Miss Harriet Krauth, soprano'. and David Drollet, tenor, wiIl be the assistîng artists. M\iss Krauth is with NBC radio studios, and bas sung with Publîx and Roxy for several years. Mr.Drollet, now broadcasting over an NBC coast. to coast network, has been Ieadinig tenoir with the Philadel- phia Opera company for the past three years, and bas sung withi the Boston Opera company and the San Francisco Opera comPany1. Abroad. %vhere he has appeared in ail of the principal cities, he is known as the "Pinkerton tenior," sinice bis Pinker- ton in "Madame Butterfly" is one of the best loved of ail of his forty-two operatic roles. %Ir. and Mrs. E. J. Lipsch and their .raughiter.s, Eleanor and Arlinie, 1501 Nlaple avenue, left Monday to drivc o. the Girl Scout camp,. Hickory Hill, at. Edgerton,. Wis.,. where the girls %vili stay for: two 'weeks. George Hyde1 Reddi ne, Jr., 1516 1Elrnwood, avenue, and Dick Rellihiet of. 1535 Elnxiwood avenue. returned Sunnjay after spending two weeks at Sunny Creek farm near Clintonville, \Vis. Sale of Art Objects Furniture, Pixtures* Jewelry, FabrIes- and CÇirios frornthe col. f leetion of W. T. SIiephord, offered! fer. qulol- sale. Aiso, Guerin j Prints. 1724 Chiécgo Ave. Evanston 3 ta 9. P. M i o - IeOflblO6<~U~~ I m % m%.Ou 1 11IlI ANNOUNCES I REDUCED PRICES I University - Higli School iEImenf.r-y Subjeots 8 14 Rdg. Terraoe, UNI. 4198 1 blotk South, of Centra*l SI. Evaniton. 265 MARKET SQUARE TELEPHONE 1. F..548' Drastic Rductons for .1mmediat Cearance 0 SPORTS WEAR *DRESSES 0: COATS *SUITS *HATS ONE GROUP 0F DRESSES s8075 oriinalypricd to $39.50 0 ail sales final 15,37 RIDI NDi PLAY ALI, DAY AT THESE RATES Mon. to Sat. Nooe, 75c--Sat. 'P.M, $1.25--Weekdaiy Twilight, Meh Sun. A.M, $1-5l-P.M., $1.2-Sat, Sun, Twilight, 75e Special Ladies' Rate on Tuesday 35c PHONE GLBNCOE 1844 ... No Charge for Roservatio Thé SPORTS -$HOP Of *LAKEFOREST NUE, N camree Sgrvice Novi

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