During Augu t A sale to make more friendse. Buy a bottle of Mi - 31 Solution,àg 59C, and receive f reeý your choice ýof: Rexa-il Orderlies SOC> Rubbi*ngAlcolhol 100 Puretest Aspirin Tablets Klenzo Shaving Cream Klenzo'Dental Cream Rexail Milk o Mag- flesia, 16 oz. Central-Winette AvenuesR 'Phones: Wih.tte 28 and 29 the Ina:ans flie; tuai eiserezsina his tribe knew years ago, things that the white man is just :iow finding out. The Chicago Tuberculosis institute is represented in iWilmette by Mrs. Inez Bliss who is known to the'boys an d g.irls as the "Cbr*istmas Seal gurse." Mrs. John J. O'Brien of '315 ýSev- enteenth *Street .and ber littie ,son, David, returned Monday f rom a six weeks' visit with her sister, 'Mrs Thomas Mahoniey, in Springfield, .111. Mrs.. C.,M. Pi*nkerton of Oklahoma ?iyis sp endîng the summier witb bher latighter, Mrs., Hiltonl Ira -joues, 1538 ~orest avenue.> PAUL KRUPýPA Painting - »ecorating 1412 Elmnwood Avenue, Wilumette W;iete 2997 winnetka 1912 Alert Men Pre fer Clothes That Are MIRA CLEANED Su.Ccessf ul fellows wýho know the importance of having their clothes always in proper shape h ba s% ue v amusem by atiy clown with the big circus is amaster of bhis' art and each is a provider of mfirth and merriment. 11ýý ý.ý For example, there is AI Bruce with bis famous mechanical cigar ligbter, Buck Baker and bis funny automobiles, Bluch, f amed Hippodrome clown witlî bis. dinner pail and h is plank; Felix Adler, expert sDake-up artist, the Harts In tbeir f unny "rube" inipersonations, the NeIsons and their stilts. Chesty with bis- renowned laugb; Herman josephi, greatest of character clowns; Polidor and Denaro in their clever bur- lesque boxing match, Jobnny Grady, ex-choir boy of Boston wbo is the cbildren's celigbt and scores ofotbers whose sole purpose is to create laughter. ýMore than eigbt bunidred m en. and women arenic celebrities are. presented by The Greatest Sbow on Eartb this season. And the f ull complenient. of onc hundred clowns will appear in a continuous festival of fun throughout amer sehool. at the New The class lias 'been conducted by Gordon Van Kirk of the high school dramatic departmnent, who is direct- ing the play. Included in the work of the class. bas been the reading and studying of plays by tbe best miodern authors, as well as, the,- acting. and producing of.these plays. "The'New Lady Bantock":is being presènted for the general public.: It is a four-act comedy by jerome, E. Jerome. A'nominal atlmission will.be charged& it is announ.ced. Miss Jojy Stover bas tbe leading feminine role of, Fanny. Fanny, a musical comedy star in tbe "Our, Em- pire" Company, ýmarries Mr. Wether- eIl, an, artist, wbô turns out to be Lord Bantock.. Wben, be t-akes lier to bis ancestral, bome shie discovers tlîat .al of -Lord Bantock's familv servants are lier. uncles,- aunts and, cousins. These newly acquired relatives try to "train" -Fanny, with indiffe-reîit success. They endeavor to regulate ber habits, lier amusements aad lber clothes. The climax comes. wlen ber uncle, Martini Benniet, wbo is also lier butler, attempts -to turn away a group of. Fanny's. theatrical.,friecnds f rom' the "Our Emipire" troupe - :lîfo bave appeared, for a visit. Followitig are the menibers of t he cast: Fanny ..................... Joy Stover \-ernon Wetherell, Lord Bantock........... Ned Sliapker (Fier husband> Martin Bennet ............ Tom Wilson (Her butier) Susanxnah Bennet .......... .......Elizabetii Boldenweck (Her' housekeeper> Jane Bennet.... ....athierine Hepburn (Hrmaid) Ernest Bennet. ......Ioy lRennacker <Her second Ifootman) Hlonoria Bennet .,., .Ilizabeth Jannotta 1. .(Her still,-room maid) The Misses %%etlieüell . Forene, Carey« Margaret Cobb, à (Her aunts by marriage) Dr. Freeinantie............ BIh Miller (Her local medical man), "Our 1Emnpire"- England .................Jean IHaskins Seotland............... Geraldine Dahi Jrela.nd.............. Eleanor Erlekson Wales.. ..... ............ Peggy Steele Canada,. .. .1oselary PrIee Ne-w Zealand........... Florence Grie Afrira.................. Sabra Roberts India .............. ......Ruth Suekof Newfoundland ... . Mary Louise Doran Malay Archipelago--------- Jean Teth e Ce. Member lViWmette Chamber . Of Commerce________ I3 i 1 51 W ilu -'Phone Wi Av. i 214