the season thus far iast weeic, wflen the tetnperature cllrnbed to the upper 90's and villagers souglit the cooling water of the lake. The peak attendance of the year ivas reacbed, last Friday, when the officiai temperatuzre inCiag a W. A total of 5,220 bathers registered at the bath house that day. Pliew! 12S In Sun!1 Aithougli the officiai temperature was ,97 last Friday, the thermometer reading in. the sun was 125, according to Beachmnaster Dick Macalister. Monday of last, week, before the heat wvave struck, only 1,850 bathers regsteedat the,'bath bouse. Tues- day. the registered attendance was 2,592.'On Wedne sday, with the tem- perature-in the 90's, the attendance was, 4,240, and. on Thursday it was 3,315, the beach records show., Friday, the peak day, was followed by cooler weather, and on Saturday only :3,106 bathersregistered. .The. attendance last Sunday was 4,151. The water temperature last week raniged from 64 to 72. No Drowuiag Ofticials of the beach and of the Xilmette Park. district, which con- ducts the beach-activities,,are priding themselves on the fact that there haàve. neyer been: any drownings at Wilmette's popular' summer, play- grounld. This year is. no exception, FOLD)INGCHAIRS Comfortable and durable $ .45 CROQUET SET 6 hall set, i22 .icemettery. Attends Annual Meeting of Cleaners at. Joliet Bradford L. Keeler,. business man- ager. of Schultz and Niord, the Village Cleaners, accomnpanied by, Mrs. Keet- er, left..Monday for Joliet toý attend the state* convention of 'the Illinois cleanerg and dyers. Mr. Keeler -was to beone of the speakers at the con- venitionl. RECITAL WINS PRAISE Mathes Kritchever, 1119 Central avenue.,,violinist and .artiàt pupil of Misclia Livschultz, appeared in con- cert june 25, in the Fine Arts Build- ing- studio. 0 f bis performhance the Musical Leader said, "a recitai ôf un- usual excellence. He gave a very finile reading of "Thais" by. Massenet. Bishop and Mrs. E. -H. Hughes and family are, spen4ing the summer at Cohasset, Mass. although one boy was saved f romi drowning recently. The beach is open every day f roin 10 o'clock in the morning until the' same hour at niglit. Six life guards are on duty on week days and seven on Sundays. WASH DAY SUPI'LIF CIATHES PINS- 4-inch size, 40 in package. You Don'Knou' What Real Ice Cream la Until You've Tried, Ours! NOW ONLY Aý QUART Dutch Min Candy9 <YOUJR N -Iriluding SI3LeCTION) Govt. Trax This includes Orange, Peel, Toffee.. Fruùit Cordial. Creams.and. a hun- dred other varieties. Regular $1.,50 -and $2 value. 50- Your Choice of 1 These Delicious Flavors Banana Toffee. French 'Lemoix Custard. Chocolate Chip, Choc- olate Vanilla, Straw;berry-Van- illa-Chocolate. ELECTRIC FAN. 8-inch size, metai base ,$2.;5 Window Ventiltor Mud Electric Fan Fits ahxxost any window. lOc S -iIicI size, best irch,.4 c CLOTHES PROP- FullI size, notche'd elid 25C .SOAP CHIPS- 27 5-lb. package. Palmolive White Eagle..........C METL LOTESPOS-Wthground socket,$25 easily removed for storage ................. ÇLOTHES BASKET-. Ih Ies T lite rc MombeWilmetto Ohagnbeot couwaaro Liglit and cornfortable -L, 'q D UrCiM 1187 WILMETTE AVENUE Stores in Evanston, Giencoe, Lake Forest