THERE ARE. TWO PRINCIPAL GROUPS 0F MERCHANTS I'N',THIS'COUNTRY. The first end larger is the price group. Its appeal is always on price. t tries to buy and seli things 'cheaper, cheap er. cheaper. To meet its dernands manufacturers are contin- ually Iowering standards. The other is the quaqliiy group. Here the effort is to.offer the best possible quality at eaceb partiç- ular price. To win the business of these merchants. manufacturers musst produce better and beiter quai. ity..Tbe resmit of such competition is the vervy best merehandise to be bail in each price cIasmificaiion. ffïhout. any "i à, ands or buts," this Store luis al- "llyS belonged to the qua lity group. Our whole endeavor is to give you the best possible value at .whazever price you wisb to Pa). A4nd, in these times of stress,. our entire orguniïza. ion is pledged aneu'ta the »mii Lfleflafce of our quoli£y standards. MARSHALL FIELD &COMPANY Marshall Field Company THE CHICAGO SUBURBA QUALITY RU ECE THOSE WHO STILL INSIST ON QUALITY IN WHAT THEY, BUY, EVANSTON WILMETTE REVIEW LIFIE r advertisemerit reason is: weýre spe*iks volumes for &Comipany. shoul.d we say' wbat Phone: C entral 3 35 5 IChicago Office:, 1016..17-18 Willoughb.y Tower e e