Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Jul 1932, p. 32

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ILE!NECKAR'S ilmette WiImette 28.29 RANDLEVS F.«rly I~Danuemark RIecicC.. Everything Electrical:' 1151 ih..tt. Av.. Phpone WiIumtte 214 521 Màin St. WiImette: Phone WIL. 32 PAUL KRUPPA, Painting - Decorating MIGAS. HEAT COST us $184 her two chldren, Mary Helen and Jane, are staying witli Mr. and Mrs.. Boylston for tbe remainder of the summer. Lieu- tenant-Commander Farrior lias gone to the. west. coast to sail for, Manila and China. 0o Friends of Sheldon Fox, 1317 Elm- .Wood avenue, and Lee Blaylock, 1202 Lake avenue, wlio are touring in tlie east, will be interested to know that the boys arrived in Buffalo, N. Y., on Sun- d ay and tbat .tbey planned to be in -Boston, Mass., o 'n Tuesday or Wednes- day. They will visit Slieldon'is sister, Mrs. J. H. Haines, in Boston. Mrs. 'Daniel E. Winter. 2951 Col- fax street, Evanston, entertained on Friday in bonor of Mrs. Abe.Warren, Who is visiting her parents. Mr.. and Mrs. Richard F. Winter- of 105 Fourth street. iNW. and 'Mrs. C. J. Nylund, 1634 Forest avenue, drove to Melvin, Ill., on Saturday. Mrs. Nylund's mother,, Mrs. S. E. Rowcliffe, and nepbew, Fred O. Kellar, returned to. Wilnette ,Vitb tliem for a few weeks. -- Mrs. Percy Andrews with ber twe childreii, Nancy and Barrett, from, Bronxville, N. Y., is visiting ber moth- er, Mrs. M. J. P. Barrett. 533 Forest avenue, for tlie summer. Mr. and Mrs. Roger E. Wiliiams and, ilstaying sînce the - ô,uko it. Clean, carefree gas heat cost ýonly $184 during the. lait. heating season in this large 6-room Evanston boôme (under'the present bouse heating rate). Write for a bookiet of what gas heat is. costing Lolita BertIinig of. 315. Wash'ing-: lon avenue, Wilmette, gifted young soprano w'ho hswon the praise of many cit ics. for t he beayty of her woc ci!l- i' e a recital Monda y eveni ng, .Tulv 25, at 8:15 in the evcning, at Kimbail hall. This will he Miss .]ertling's. ,first pub)lic concert in four years, for* she bas been on private programs these last few years. Henry Jackson will be lier accornpanist Monday evening, when sbe %will give tbe f ollowing program: When 1 amn laid ln .earth.....Purcell Love's a dear deceitful jeweI ... Handel 0 whatpain it Is to part (froin Beggers re- Uniower >'<>ung tp aiarry yet ........ at.. .............I.....ÂArr. Goossens ýen Hat dich die Liebe Beruhrt .-. ...Marx Venetianisches Wlegenlied..... .. Marx U Tnd gestern hat er mir Rosen gebracht ....Marx I3arcarole .... ......... .,Narx Die Necht...........Strauss Die.Allee............Trunk M attino di Soie..... ....Bettinelli Priere qu'un enfant ne mneure pas. ..-. . .. . . . . . . .FeVrier Le 'Miroir ...............Ferrari Mandoline . ...... ...Szulc IV In a myrtie shade G..... 0riffes Lament of Ian the Proud - .Griffes, T'hy dark eyes to mine .... .... .Griffes Symphony in yellow ............ Griffes Park Rose of the night ......... Griffes third time this season. These nines broke even in a two-garne series -h*i May. Wilmette has added conisid- erable strength to its lite-ujp since then, and hopes to win. DRIVE TO DETROIT Mrs. Edwin Hedrick of 304 Mel- rose avenue, and ber two daughters, Misses Phebe and Marion' left Mon- day to, motor to Detroit. Mrs. lHed- rick and -Marion expect to leave Miss Phebe there as the guest of. her fiance's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.. Laurence. Smitb,ý and will go on to Rocliester, N. Y..for a week. Miss_ Hedrick will motor from Detroitto Montreal with Mr. and Mrs. Smith... Billy. Norton, six-year-old son, of Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Norton, 614- Central avenue, who lias been con-, valescing from an attack of infantile paralysis at 'the. Evanston hospital, will return home on Friday, July, 29. jean Agixes Schwarzbach of Edger- ton, Wis. is visiting lier grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Buege of 1133 Central avenue for three weeks, two. of whichi already have been pis.sèe Mrs. William E-dgar Firth of 101-1 Thirteenth street bas just retu'rned. to ber homne from Montreal, Canada, where she lias been since May visit- ing ber sister, Mrs. Edgar Scott, whob is very ill. Miss Mary Waidner, 1046 Green- woôd avenue, and Miss Martha Huif, 706 Wasliington avenue, are spending several days at Lake Hamlin, Micb., with Miss Nancy Gordon of Win- netka. 0o- Mrs. F. W. Gillette entertained four- teen guests at bridge on Tuesday at the'residence, of T. Slater Gillette, 930 Lake avenue, in celebration of lier birtbday. Mr. and Mrs. A. H-. Bouchard of Pasadena, Cal., are visiting Louis C. Boucliard, -222 'OxIford road,' Kenil-' wortb, for several weeks. Tbey ar- rived by motor ou Sunday niglit. -0- Miss Phyllis Fuerxuann, 832 Green- %vood avenue, bas. biad as ber guest, Miss Mary Harrison of Dallas, Texas, her roommate., at Sullins college iii u.~ a I meiei i,4aL~ugnter o i vr. and ±vrs. and -o--R. C. Taft, 900 Central avenue. Mr.an Mrs. John R. Walsh Bald- 0o wi, 1496 Asbury avenue, Winnetka, Robert Merriman and jack Long entertained a. numnber of friends at a left on Tuesday, July 12, to spend two picnic at Mr. .and Mrs, John Cor-y's or tliree weeks at McLean,, and De- homhe at Deerfield on Monday, July IL. catur, Ill. S T

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