Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Jul 1932, p. 30

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Cubs, Phihideiphia Children f rom Vattman park and Village 'Green ' playgrounds recently went to Cubs park at Wrigley lIeld. The leaders who accom.paiiiédus were Mr. Stone,- from the, Beach play- ground; Miss Skidmore, Miss Grete vonReinsperg and Jerome Ciccbii fromn the, Village Green, and "Hap' Gathercoàl, Mr. Todd, Mr. Johnston, Miiss Higgins and ,Mrs. Fanckboner fromi Vattman, park. The North Shore line had three special 'cars on our train. The batteries for the Plhillies were, H.,'Elliot'and ýDavis; fr the Cubs, Pat Malone and Hartnett. The. final score was 7 t 'O in favor of the Cubs,, -Bob Lyons, Vattman park, Vattman Park Mothers- Join' in Lunch Day Fun We had our lunch day on Wednes- dàY of iast- .week instead of Tbasrs- day. WTe al' were thinking of our plans to see the Cubs play. We had a nice fire and roasted "wienies.Y We told stories while we ate and some of us even sang. Many of our nioth-- ers broughit their lunches over at noon. 50 they might enjoy our fun. -jean Lindstrom, Vattian park Seniors of Village Green Strengthen Indoor Team [ The Village Green senior indoor basebail team was impatient for Mon- day's game with Vattman park. Our tearn bas won onie and iost one gaine up to this day. The seniors have been strengtliened by more~ players and better attendance at practice. The weak spot in the teami is its fielding abiiity .hI spite of this weakness, Village Green beat Vattinan park, 9 to 6, Monday; July Il. 'ee ce to beat themby alarger score Mon- day, July 18. --Bill Stordeur, Village Green Village. Green Having * Juni >ors of Vattrnan The Village Green juniors defeated the Vattman juniors, 7 to 5, in an in- door basebali gane at the Village Green, Mond4y, July 18. The last in- niing a boy, bit a double and he. took another base and was tagged out at third. The line-ups were: Village Green- Tom'Kivland, Dick Hall, John Mitchell, Earl Borre,. Bob DeVinny,, George Mayfield, 'Walter Tobin, Carl Beck and Tom.Zaremba'; VtmnEic Sam- uelson, Arthur Ciccbhini, David Geppert, Harry Bohnen, Robert Lyons,, Ernest Bail. N.- Gaubrock and R. Winiter.ý -Joseph Tripicchio, Village. Green Tuesday of Last.Week Was a Cool Day, Folks! You may remnember that Tuesday of last. Week was a cool day, but still we' went to the beach. 'Some of us* went i th e water, but others of us were made coid looking at it. Those who did not'go in the water enjoyed garnes in 'the sand. The beach bail served to help us keep warmn while we played with it. We hope Mr. Weather Man is better to us next time. -Bruce Borre, Vattman park Why Have So Many of Us Been in the Attic? Mfany of us 'have been visiting the attic. Why? "We were just .lookiiig over our dolis to sec whiclh one. each of us would bring to the dol. show friday.' I pianned to give my dol.-a good cleaning 'and' make ber some niew clothing. She had mnanv dresses, but they .were aIl out of style. For my dolly to win' a prize, I 'know she would need neiv clothing. -Frances Dahincke, Vattrnan park Betty Anderson Takes Bubble Doîl to Contest Last week was doil week. We miade nxany kinds of dolls. Some made. We bhave several new safety ruies in our playgroÙnd. We have rules about swinging, so none -of us Will gét hurt. Do flot stand up' in he wins. o not stand in front, or back of, the. swing. Only one person in a swing at a time. Do flot.walk in front or back -of a moving swing. i-Evangeline Oison. Vatmnan park Contest DayWinr Get Tee C ream Cones Thurs'day is contest day at the Vil-ý lage Green. Among the man«y con- tests there are races, territory, 1-ean bag, baill throw, broad, lump and hop- ping. Each win'nerreceives a c ...ram oor di ie. LIs week, there were twenty-eight win'ners a nu each received an ice cream cone. .-Thurs- day is aiso lunch day at Village Greeni. Eaeh' ehild briflgs his lunch nd e ats it under the trees. AIl are glad.when Thursda-y cornes so they may win ice cream -cones. -Bessie Costo, Village Green, Horseshoe 'and Croquet Tournaments This Week We have two tournaments this week. They are horseshoes and cro- quet. We are practicing each mnorn- ing the first thing. We, are ail wide- aw'ake. We are Jioping to .vin a rib- bon, but we'ail cannot. Stili we have lots of fun playing these games., 'Many 'of' our 'mothers corne over 'to see us play, We can show them how we enjoy the gaines. -Martha Leach, Vattman Park Village Green Seniors Win 2nd Basebaîl Tilt The Village Green senior boys Mon their 'second gaine'in indoor basebaîl at' Vattman park 10 to 6, on -Monday, July 18. The winning pitcher was Bill Stordeur and the losing pitcher was Howard BaIl. The lineup for the Vil- Gives New Hope to Village Green The Village Green senior baseball team's defeat of Vattinan' Park, July Il;- was more ýpromising than the last gamet in which the' Village Green Iost, 42 to 6. .The good pitching of "Lefty"ý Stor- deur heiped' win the game. The'home- rua. of Reggy Green in the first inn- ing was a great' factor in winning, also. T .he.lneý-up for.the Village Green ,was: W aily Meier,- catcher, Lefty Stordeuir, Pitcher, Reggy Green, first base;, Ralph ,Borre second base, Niek Miller third- base, Bern De Marco, shortstop, Frank -Franchi leftfield, Marcus 'Meier, centerfield, Gus Fran- chi, 'rightfield. -Ed Stancoe, Village Green' Dols Look Eager; Long for Awards Last week was dol week. We al know what that means: the fun and joy of. making dols-ali "kinids of them, spoon, hollyhock, oul cloth, rag, doils, and a large variety of, others. Spoon dolîs are, made of a face painted on a paper spoon. Then crepe paper is used for the dress"and hat. We also make doîls froni bottles. The children love to make doils and spend many happy hours making then.. Judges were to look at 'them andr ribbons will be awarded the winners. --Josephine Costo, 'Village Green Playground May Stage Exhibit, of Bar Stunts- "Hap" Gathercoal has been helping us learn st'unts on the rings.' Some of us can swing by rneans of Our' knees. on the rings., Otherscani turnl somersaults on them. We have- lots of.fun on ourbars. and rings. If we, do good .work., "Hap' may let us. have an exhibit for ourfolks on thèsebars. It will be hard to pick, theý best' ones. -Ruth Standwood,' Vattrnan park i'hey are wh'ite,, black, yeilow, 'ICaTned how to kick the baIl, and aiso -'BULLDOG 9 YEARS 01..» orange and purple. We are ail the ruies of the game. We hope to I have a dog that 'is nine years old. when we have our b'uckies to have a game with the Village Green Rer name is Tootsie. She is a bull- on. Some of us are making our soon. We shal t.hen be able to tell dog. She always plays with a bail. She 1beit, We know they are pretty. if we can play a real gaine of kick- has' a broken ieg. I1 iile her very much. -Billy White Vattman. park- ball.-.Peggy Peterson, Vattinan park . -Billy Davis, Village G.reen termiediate horseshoe 'places. Thursday xnorning, we 'played ive other teams and we-won Cvery gam.e.ý We shall continue to pracice everoy day. ý-John 'Mitchell,-Village Grýeen 4,

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