LOCAL SCHOOLS 66Pine Crest" Section Requests. Annexation to Wilmette Sehool District, Actii<in l-Okinig to the consolidation of that sectioni of Wilmette known as "Pille -Crest" %N-Îith the. Wifilette Pub- lic scrhool district.lha%, just heen takei hy *two-thirds of the taxpayers of that territory. The section, lies jusi west of Ridge avenue from Was;hing*- ton avenue south to Central avenue extended west, and contains fourteer bhouses and twelve families. At pres- entthis area lies withinl the old Grostç Pit scbool district (No., 40), a d is now served -I) the Highicrest school. The property owners taking the. action, have filed a petition asking permission to break aay romn Dis- trict No. 40 an d 10 he, annexed to Dlistrict No. 3X whichl is the Wilmette Public school district. Dates for hear- ings by the- Board of Toivnsbip School Trustees, whichli as jurisdic- *tion, in the case,. havé not been set, - but if past prece dent, governs, the annexation. should be effected before * the date for the problemfatical open- ing of the schools on September 19. Similar action on the part of an- other gl-oup of District No. 40 is now under discussion but no petition as yet has been filed, The motive back of this and numerous previous peti- tions is at Ieast two7fold, it is ex- plained: residents wishing broader school facilîties ask to send their children to the Wilmette schools: this iss'not permitted except ;It a cost .of $150 per year per pupil,' for such par- ent s are paying taxes in the other dis- trict and not in the Wilmette district. Although the tax :rat e in theé Wil- mette district, is higher than in No. 40, it is estimated that with only one child in a family the actual new> tax paid would probably flot amount,,to: half the tuition. Several Changeo.. in.District Aside f rom minor rectifications i n the territory of the .Wilmette system, this annexation, if accoinplished, will of Village Are Spent A coniplete statement of the in- corne and expenditures of the Vil-, lage of Wilmette for the fiscal year ending April 30, 1932, appears on pages 12, 13 and 36 of this issue of WITIÎTTE Lxin. The statement is puhlished by, iLM.ITiE. LiPE at no expense to the, Village. Rates Increased on. Postal Money Orders Increased rates. on mnoney orders I)ecameeffectivye Wednesday, july2, Postrnaster joseph E. 'Shantz an- nounce s. The new rates are- as fol- lows:- for nioney orders f rom onel cent to $2.50, six cents; from i$2.51 to $S.00, eight cents: $5,01 to $10.00. eleven cents; $10.01 to $20.00, thirteen ce nts. These new rates are one cent high- er thanthe old rates ini each case. The charge 'for money orOèrs above twenty dollars remains the same, Postmaster Shantz states. A number of inquiries have corne to the Wilmette postoffice concerning special delivery lette.rs. There is no increase in the charge for special de- livery service, Postmaster Shantz ex- plains, althoughi the letter must car- ry the regular three-cent postage in additioni to the special'delivery stamp'. Hearing on Automatie Crossing Gates Delayed Village Attorney Willis D. Nance reported at the meeting of the Village board Tuesday nigbt that the matter of the Chicago, North Shore and Mil- waukâe railroad's application. for permisionto irîstali automnatic control gates. in place of the present. manually operated gates at the Wilnîette, Cen- tral'and Lake avenue crossings in Wil- mette* came up before. the- Illinôis Commerce commission last week. It Nv'as continued until.the faîl session of the commission. The Village did not object to the continuance, Mr. Nance said, inasmuch as the gates wili.b on Release of 1Local Teachers Alýthough f ourteen teachers who were members- of the Wilmùette Public schools faculty last year, 'will flot re- tu.rn when the school.s reopen'.in Sept- ember, Supt. J. R. Harper said in a .statement issued this week that these teachers technically are not d1ropped f rom the system but have. been given leave.of,,absence until sncb time as the board of education, can find sonne place for thiem. XVili Ask Reco-struction Fi- r a'nce Corporation for Loan to Build Water Work.s Applic.ati on w -ill be made'by the Vil- lage of Wilinette- to the Reconstruction Finance corporation for finanicial assis-_ taince* which, if granted,.,Nwould enable the Village to go ahead. with 'the con- struction of.the proposed new munici- "ýAny vacancies occurring in or pal water plant and water supply sys system in the near 'future,": Mr. Har.. tcm., per said,. "will be filled f rom. this This was decided at. the regular, group. Sonne of them wiIl be-used as meeting of* the Village board Ttiesday substitute teachers. In' other wvords,. nigbt after Village »Attorney Willis D. the mnembers of this group will be used] Nance. had explained that the Village Whenever possible and ini preference to %vould be entirely within its rigbts in anyone who was not ini our.system:last' making such an application. ,year." Wilmette voteirs, at a" special dlec- Thiî fact 'sbould be empbasized, ac-_ tion lastDemb, authorized the c-)rding to Mr. Harper's statenient, uilding of the muicüipal water. plant, "that this group of teachers 'wii 'not bei its construction to be financed through ini our systemn on account of any ni- ýhe sale of $600,000 worth of water efficiency in their teaching ahility, but rcvenue bonds. are rnerely the victinm5 of circunistance. Fail to Sell Wat.r Bonds If s iposibe t ct te tacingbud IBids were asked on the construction get $40,000 %vithout ,eriôusly,'affecting a tîùrnber ofpeople."g f the proposed neW plant, and many r.Harper's stàatement, concluded were received.* Hawever, the Village Mr. ~Nvas flot success fui in finding a pur- with the remark that "the excellent chiaser for the water revenue bonds, and work in the. Wilmette stchools by the consequentîy the letting of a contract- people in this group needs sonne coin- for the erection of the water works bas* ment. The work of Miss Nelle E beeni deiayed. Meanwhile the Village Moore, elementary supervisor, was es- continues to take water froni Evanston. pecilly ntsandig."In .making prèliminary application to the Reconstruction Finance corporation, Dr. G orge .'. tisn to the Village plans to ask that the corp- Preachat Union Services oration eitber purchase the bonds or Dr eoreD.chiopat bfthan the Village money to go ahead Dr. eore D Aliso, psto ofther wth - the construction work. Wilmette Baptist church,. will. be the ýýVillage Attorney Nance expects to preaclier at the union services of the he in Washington witbin a few days, Baptist, Congregational, and' Presby- at vhich timé he will take up with the terian churches,. Sunday morning,. JulY emfergency finance.égroup the, matter of, 24, at Il o'clock at the Wilmette Womn- pourn id* for Wilmette inte an's club, Tentb, streett and Greenleaf building of the prooed new water avenue. Dr.. Allison bas iust returned, plant., f rom the Baptist Young Peoples' con-__________ vention at Minneapolis, where h de - Iivered an address on the theme, "Pay- ing the Price of Leadership." His ser- Need More Drivers for -Shore Lies if. ....... . Dy mHe vVIIiVLLet clo tiii ojea IUIUIj4~LUI~U~.W i inegraniLlllo'1 bring this about. mit. The zoning laws ýof the Some years ago the Wilmiette Civic provide that only one bouse league sponsored a public meeting at built on a loti Tt was prop which officiais of two of the districts divide the large lot into two (Continued on Page 6). ones. 1.. foj our of chcken pox' and two of 34-35 measles were reported in Wilrnette r . 20 by the local health department dur- ....30 ng the past week. In addition to these new cases there are still active .14 in the village fourteen old cases of 24' whooping cough and one' of infantile paralysis.