It nas been tne plan of thne club to ailow ladies of the north shore to pla.y without cost each Tuesday, but a check-up shows that during the past few weeks between three and four hundred women were playing each Tuesday, and withi such a large *cro-,wd some damage to the Course re- sulted. Mr. Williams further states that it isn'tthat we don't W*ant'the ladies to play, but we feel that a small charge should be made :té help defray the *expenses incurred, and this charge would. be- less than. haif. of the ordin- ary playing rate, whichi rate, we feel,' will not be a',burden to ane of the, great nunîber of women who have been playirîg, our. course on Tuc'sdays, and other day 1S as .vcll." The condition, of the Glencoe course is said to be far superior to niall of, the feecourses in the north shore area. The greens and trees are heing top-(lressed wliencvcer neces- sary,, the fairways -are. in e xcellent shape, an&d theý traps are, keiit as traps should be, it is said. *"Play golf at Glenicoe.y" says r Willianis, "thien hiave dininer at' the clubh)loulse." Fuller, Piekard- Report Leass on> North Shore Mrs. G. P. Fuller and William J. Pickard report a- number of le1ases made on the north shore. A.-J. Bamiford, vice-)resident of, the Bkrs'" Weekly,'. lias retcd file home' of Channing 'F. Coolidge, 920 Euclid avenue, Wininetka. The home of Fred E. .Sloan, 121$ý Isabella street, Wilmiette, lias been rented to Ralph S. Arnold. Isabelle M%,. Corboy lhas rented the J. C. McKeown home at 395. Private road, Winnetka.. J. Faul layt on 'las ren ted the home. ofJames Forestaîl, .199 Birchi street, Winnetka. Number 607 Greenleaf Street, Wil-. mette, the home of, Mrs. Carroll H. Harringto'n, has been rented to Rich- ard Gùniho.rp. E.K. Hardy, Jr., bas rented the Ben S. Wilson home at; 841 Foxdale avenue, Winnetka. The home'of Harry E. Weese, 1414 Kenilworth avenue, Kenilworth, lias beenIrented to William H. Pihlcrantz. W. S. Shaw, has rented 200 Wood court, Wilmette, the home of Charles Knobel. Mabel .1. Wakem lias rented the Peggy and Jodie Ketcham of Kenil- miorth returned f rom Hickory Hill, the PA T R VI Z EQOU R GirlScu camp, last week. A D VER TISERS rIeatest Littie Lake in the Word" Many of you have a place where you cap go on Saturday afternoon and keep Durelle Moulton, 235 Raleij Keiilworth, was à recentv guest of Miss Eunice Merrill Geneva. La1ke 0o Betty Ketcham is visiting the W. Noble Gilletts, 533 Roslyn road, Ken- ilworth. .Her home is -in Nýew -Roch-, elle, N. Y. best possible telephone serv-. ice at the lowestpossibé cost small cost of the. cali, when you hear titthe littie fellow" saying,<t 'Lo Daddy." . . . i