Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Jul 1932, p. 20

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ks. obitu- er affaira 1, wfil be IGrade, Separation Will Save Lif eJ Let'a H lasten'the Day! Try as we -wil ,tp ýforget, we are now, and then forced to refiemfber that we have certain humble, .flot to say unrplea.5ant, duties to performn. Even Humble though thle doing of- these D~uties- duties miav notie of im^me- diate 1efefit to ourselves. stili the' M,1 sooner or later l)e recognized as Our- real duties. One of Ithese humble duties' is .the ýkeep- ing of oui- premises fi-ce fronii standing watier, excellent bréeeding places for mios- quitoes. Nw.it Mav happen that nos- quitoes b'red fipon olir préi-emses will flot troub)le uis or oir fainiilv.])but confline- thè jr attentions tQ ,our .neighbors. Stili. it is --ou.r duty to l)ievent the birth. of these. pests. The riunining of pulawuv-mnower during the -early morning hours may not bother uls in the least. We1 may, even enjoy get,- ting up b 1efore dawn, and opicrating. the, mower- But oui- neighbors may inot like early rising. Thev nmay have the hab)it of 'retiring late, and arising late. Thev inay very well bé sensitive to the clatter of the mpwver, a sound that fiIls us with joyful expectations of getting a nice looking lawn and a vigorouis appetite for b)reak- fast. But it is our 'plain duty to postpone lawn-mo.wving uintil' a more seemiy hour. 'Sorte- people love the .l)urple fliwer. of the thistie. The Scot.ch. do. Purpie is a royal color.. The thistile is a hardy child of nature, not to be trodden uÙpon with * upunity. But ini miany respects it is highly objectionable. It is too prpôlific. It hav'e no'doubit., Sidney Smith, '«cll known British' hu- rnorist, once' said,, "I neyer read a book before reviewing it-it prejudices a man so.." ,But we can't help believing that even mankind? Hle woul get this answer, if there were such an' answer, by getting from' leaders in Asia, Europe, and the United States answcrs to certain second-, ary quest ions such as, "Would you per- mit classroom! discussion, of current is- sues? What is the atuthor's resuit, or result ant, as he cails it?, What isthedeposit ob- tainped by him l)y boiling dowTn ail these .minswerspluis bis own individual ahs'wer? Here it is. in. the au>thor's own words, the last sentence in. the book, "Oui- education- ai' thinking and pian.n1ing mnust l-eý decp- rooted wvith realization tbat equaiiv in the ivorld's good is one's own, and ini one's own goo(1 is the world's." Jn a short. highly comprcsscd phrase,' individualistni l)ýalanccéd by.collectivisni. 'Whether this means capitaiin, f.ascisni., cônpniunismi, sociaiisn-i or a i)icnd of twvo or more of thesè" "isrns" readers perhiaps can decide by a thioughitfui stifdy 0f the enitîre boo0k. 'Olene ust at least rcad the 1)00k before revi'c-wing- it. Man coopcrating witli nature:,bas ac- comiilshled many things. ýSo mànýy -tbings thiat we nention one. merely, as.an, ex- ample of the ;nfi'nite iiumber. We Can .'That one is, control of thie Do It iirth rate of thde miosqu71ito.. Our main reason for 'calling attention to thiis one comparatively trivial case is that any one '«ho is intem-estcd can sec the work actuaiiy1 in progress on the nortb-. shore. Hfe can almost litcralv sce the extinguisingw of thie -oun'g mosqui- toes. Alrnôst every w cekn e ws of the resu.ts effec ted, by the forces of -the North, Shore Mlosquito Abatemh.ent district may l)e rcad in 'the public press. Reccntl'y ve were. told of the cutting of brush, willpws, and wveeds along the north branch of the Chi- cago river. This was (loue to decrease the, eé every, l'y iimiLL ana1U isewiaere. Moreover,,.WE iCAN BRINCI BACK GOOD TIMES. There are ways of re- stpring worid confidence and world hap- piness. Man working with nature-why flot calit God ?-can solve even this tre- menidously big problem. théc "hui And another .thing. We were simply dazed, last week whien, oui- society . editor wrote. of a "stuning old pewter bowi". which she had seen at tie. Winnetka flower show. Té be hit on the * ead with a. fragile vase and, then watch the fragments. fali about, one's .feet li ke snowflakes -ýthat's rather artist'ic. But it's a lot differentý to l)e stutned by a -pewter bowi. The bloomin' bowl' woùld only lié denited, at best. Then, too, our countenance bas been "sicklied o'Wer with the pale 'cast of thought" until we've almost lost that coat of tan which we worked so liard to acquire on the tennis courts,. A question. of historicalinîportance -one rega rding the great Benjamin Franklin-has. heeni repeating itself: " *Would Ben eat buns if lie Nvere living now and could convèniently get awav from Pliiladelphlia?" Well,' Glencoelias eased our "mitd" somewhat *h sending a response. What's more,' its rhythmic: Would Bgen Eschew Buns? Shotild Beit Franklinat aur bake SIZol' TIae senthis Pence today, * JIe'd hqz'e pai;ied more systeneiirc and Joy From r.vi, 7ith carav'ay. -Glencoe Bard.* ýYep. life niay bÏe .nottled. witlî. per plexities,. but it does have its .surprises and joys., The other night we were as forlorn as a, baril without a' horse,. andi we were also devoid, of, ideas (can 2vou conceiveý of it?). -And so to thé restaurant wvhere the waiter r'ecomniendlàed soàup. He- was right. It -,as alphabet soup. If we had only thotight' of it at the tini1e, w e'd have saved the letters, Ph. D., anid also given the waiter a' neatly rolled piece of copv paper as' a diploma. But wýe only h'ad' oie bowl of' soup). *Went to the ý.big oilt ire inWXest Wiilette earlv. Tuesdav morning and leariîed liow manv north shore' residents are. suffering f roni inso!n- nia. Perhaps, they wanted to 'see that snîioke drive ailthie mosquitoes froni their Skokie ho~me. We usedl to think that oui- pipe could do pretty, well, but that ire destroyed oui- illusions. The pipe alxùost auitomatîcally biows .smoke rings, but it cannot fill the sky with soft,. sooty billows, We must admit that thte ire provided plentv of light and gave Wil'mette residents a squint at But we are going to Wisconsin for our va- cation. 'Wer'r "nertz" about Strauss waltzes, the way the.y're 'played in Milwaukee. So it'll be from musings to music. M~IQUE, to the rescue! .--Night Editor '.1

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