Saturday is a day set aprt. a day on which 1 have. planned reaIIy stupen- dous shopping opportunities for the entire North Shore. Here you will find one-day specials calculated to delight end thrill you with their oufstanding value, their f ashion-.rightness, their tîmeliness. Evanston Store ýManager EVERY -DEPARTMENT TEEMINO WITH: BARGAINIS HE-RE ARE BUT A. FEW TYPICAL OFFERINGS:ý WOMEN'S PRINTED HANIKIES Fuil size , in gay desig ns, hemnsitched 5c orwhipped bems... ...... ALL-LINEN HANDKERCHIE§rS Menis and women's, white and witk color. Wonderful buys .............. 9 PURITAN PSYLLIUM SEED Triple cleane.d. Large 5-b. size. Remarkable, laxative ... 'Pé89U RUSSIAN MINE-RAL QIL Half-gallon size, pure white irn.ported. minerai o.,, specil . . .. .... Firsi Floor Pure .SïIk Hose 29CP,. ChifFon or -servk. ýhose, sizes ..81/2. fo 10. Double heel' 1a nd toei, sîlk feet.. Marvelous value flor this one day oniy. 4-PiECE PEWTER SET Sugjar-creamer set in smart, simple89 *design. A rare, barg.ain et.,... 9 ALL-OVER, LACES Just the tbing for Suffmer frocks.7Ô * Rich p.afterns oendI utî.ds, Yar .. 7 OUR $1.95 IIANDBAGe * Real leather bags, pouch, envelope. end novelty types. Taloni * fasteners . . . .. . . Floor 7-PL.AY GYM SETS Monkey ladcier, ring$, roPe, swing, Lc sea-saw. $9.95 valueetai..... . .9 . Thîrd Ploor, Éast Room ______________________________ I *1 Coat Clearance! A wonderful chance' to smarten ýyour owardrobel Polos, navy blue, black coats. Broken sizes. Radical reductions. Second Floor THAYER'S COCOANUT SHA MPO Genuine quinine cocoanut oil sham.. poo. Keeps your hair healtiy .....19 CONGRESS PLAYING CARDS Famous Classique cards. Single decks. 37c Assorted colors. 50c values,.... BOXED STATIONERY, Attractive packages. Regulor $ quality. Good seelection, naw. First Floor 45c. FLUIFFY *ToILET TiissuE Regularly 12c a roll. Highest gradeý and wrapped in cellophane.3 Perfued ..... ...... 3roils25 Smart White Shoes Values to $6.50 at $3045 White kid'and linen shoes .. manyý. combinations, too. Pumps, straps, fies and sandals wth Cuban or Spanish beel. JE IOLDT S -EVANST ON On Dais Sreet ITERALLY HUNDREDS 0F UNADVF.RTISEOD BARGAINSI imteIIO I On Davis Street Wilmeife -1 ÏOQ