Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Jul 1932, p. 14

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and ïndoor recreation iaciliiiv snceç 1929. is revealed in the year-book of the National Recreation association, a digest of which bas been received by Daniel M. Davis, director of rec- reation, frorn joseph Lee, president( of the associationl.. In 1,010 cities and towns in the C. United States, and Canada, outdoor A playground atteridance rose, 17 per- H cent in 190 and 1931. At indoot rec-. reatîin centers, participation in dra- sc matics, mnusic. athletics, craft activi- ties. and educational classes inecased 63 percent -and in separate recreation B. buildings such, as commuity houmes, G. 70 percent. R Last year's attendance. of aduits K. and -children at outdoor playgrounds J- reached an estimated total of 271,-E 000,000 and participation at indoor centers 75,000,000. Much of the in-St creased. attendance both inidoor andH outdoor reflects the. presence of un- A etnployed men and wornen. and of G children f romi homes where incomes F. R. have been reduced. "The vear-book R. figures-- indicate :that the* recreation H. movement bas responded to theG challenge presented by the vastE amount of leisure time resulting from R widespread unemploymient," the' in- troduction to thie year-book states. Miore Serviee; Fewer Centers H This Inçreased service was given *by, j. recreation directors with fewer area.sC. and centers than in 1929. The total j separate play areas, numberig 13,1324 D were somewhat fewertan n199A whlle the indoor recreation centers re:4 ported open last. year were 12 percent fewer. The average cost to comumunities each time an individual used a playground, swlimling pool, bathlng beach, or i- o doT center, was less than 5 cents. Samplings of such uhitcosts for opera- R. tlÔn and'nmaintenance (excluding golf E. courses) in 62 representative cities of E. the United, States revealed the follow- P. lng resýuIts:- New York and New Jer- p, sey, $.037; New England, s.08: Minne- *. sota, Michigan and Wisconsin, s.06; H-. South, $929 ; Pennsylvanlg, Ohio and )B., West Virginla, $.034; PaËclflc Coast !C'. $.061; Indiana and Illinois, .$.056.. J.1 The total cost of' municipal recrea- tion was 1 percent of ail local go vern- mental cost. St. Fewer Bond Issues voted '1rwenty-seven cities. voted bond issues 4G.0 for recreation purposes in 1931 as j.i against forty-one in 1930 and thirty- B. .4even In 1929. Many of the 1931 issues R. were devoted to giving thbe unemployed 'F. worlc In. clearing or, irprovIng land for R. athletlc or other recreational uses. H. While the total number of separa.te J.,C play areas was sllghtly less than in E. Berol WV. Rogers J. Harrison L. Goss C.Nordberg J. Langdon V. wyle H,1H1 : iStordeur, H. Kaufman Schultz & Nord :(4) I., Nackel F. Schaefgen B. Braun r. Thalman. RNord C-Herbon K.Wagnler LHoffmann D.Bremner t. John's (3) PrOchnoi *Cramer Cramer Aschbaclher LCarlen tBaker f. Bleser Schopen, Priebe Waters ilmette Tailors.. 1.Peterw Miller Iverson Bauer Waters Schiniler T'ioff mann Sehieuter Offman Florists (<10) Huck Udell Miller Bohneni Ma rtnian Iluck Johnson Thalman. S.Zteffens3 Hoffmann John's (3), Cra mer, Bles.ýer Cramer Dewar Carlen Baker. A schhaiehexi KOSSO-w, Proclinow Cicebhii A. C. U~ G. Blesei, W. Schlnler R. Chester S. Bohinert J. Bleser E. Bieser T. Shildgen B 1. Russel B. Thalmanri Wagner's Service Statioii J. Steffenxu G. Ludigel 0. Wieberg W. Huclk W. Uttenreuther M. Heinxeii R. Graham J. Cassel B. May P. Schopen St. Joseph (13) W. Hawkinson R. Kling.- S. Hawkinson K. Maller, H. Schleuter S. Keil J. Hoffmann J. Ciechini V.Deitilei West End Florist (4) t. Bleser P. Bleser G1. Bleser S . Schlldgen H. ,Russell *J. Blesýer A. Thaîni Ankola Coffee A. C. (01) ,E.Berol W. Rogers J. Har.rison L. Goss 111 L. Langdoni C. Nor-dbe4rg *V. Wyleý H~. Kaufman WV. Winherg C. Hill WaN'gner's Serv. Station (4) J. Steffnq, G.Ludiger- O.Wieberg W. H,,,.I V. Utte P. . *P. ners , v*vAK&VrLe oeaW,~, 3 p., m.--Swlmming lessons for ad- vanced, pupils. Wilhette beach. 7:15 p. m.-Men's playground bail. Fast Pltchlng.league. Schultz & Nord vs. Hofflnan Florilt. Village' Green. 7:15 p. m.-Men's pla.ygroufld hall. Fast Pltchlng league. St. John's vs. West End Florist. Village G reen. 7:15 p..-Men's p>4yëround hall. Fast Pltching league. Ankola Coffee [A. C. .vs. WIlmtte Tailors. Village Green. I MonUday, JulY 25 I2 p.. --Sw1mîn1ng lessons for be- sginners. Wilmette, beach. Sà,P. rm.-mSwimmnlngý lessons for ad- vanced pupils. ýWilniette beach. 7:15- p.' m.-Men's playground baIl. Slow Pitchlng league. Lynam Texacos Ivs.' Methodlst. Villageý Green.11 7:15 p.1 m-Men's playground ,bail. Slw1 lthng league. Baha'i vs. Wash- ington. Parks. Village Green. 7:-15 p. m.-Men's _playground ,ball. Slow Pltchlng beague. Joe's Tigers vs. Ridge Avenue Pharmacy.- Village:Green. Tuesday, July 26 2 p. mn.-BegiînnerSe swimming les- son4s. Wilmette beach.. 3p. m.-Advanced swimming lessons . Wilmette, beach. 7.15 p. *m.-Men's playground hall. Fast pitching league. Hoffman Florist vs., Wagner's Service Station. Village Green. 7:15 p. i.-Men's playground haill. Schultz & Nord. vs. St. Joseph. Village Green. Wednesdfty, ,uly'27 10:30 a m.-Story hour. Conducted by Mis-, Mary 1W. Hughes. Village. Green playground. Il a. m.-Story hour. Conducted by Miss Mary W. Hughes. Vattmian park. *2 p. m.-Beglnners' swlmniing lessons., Wilmiette beach. 3 p. m.-Advanced swimrning lessonS. Wilmette beach. 7 ý15 p. m.-M-%en's playground hall.1 Slow Pitchlng league. Hoffman Florist vs. Baptlst. Village Gr~een.5 7:15 p. m.-Men's llayground hall. Slow Pitchlng league. Lynam Texacos vs. Washington, Parkq. Village Green. 7:15 p. nt-Men',; playgr'ound bal, Slow Pitchlng league. Mtoitvs. Ridge Avenue Pharmnacy. village Cree-n. Tlursdny, 3nly, 28 Seventh annual sand .modeline con-'1 test. Wilmette playground eblîdren. Time fl ot yet announced., Wilmette 1be«aeh J. Moore Baptist (7) W.Alex~ander R.Nelson V. Schmidt D. Clheste.r M. Krafthefeyr iJoe's Tiges 1 s (29) dren will ne neld at 7 o'cauc'c uIis evening (Thursday) at the Village Green playground, the second of the after-supper playground events in- augurated this year. Vattnian park and Village Green playgrounds will compete against each othelr for hônors. during the, evçning, thre contestants being al-. loWed from each playgrouild. More than' two .hundred children will par-. ticipate. The contest isfree. and,openi to the, public and director of. recreat 'ion,. Daniel M. Davis, and bis playground staff. have issued personal invitations to aIl parents of the playgroutýl chil- dren to-attend the meet. Forty-four, e-vents will be Co nducted, during the evening and every- age :group will have at least two event.s. ..Give List of lEeents The following events will be run: 40-yard dash-Under 6 years ; 6 years; boys 7 years;, girls 7, years; boys 8 years;, girls .8 years;. boys 9 years; girls 9 years. 50-yard, dash-Boys 10 yeit*s;- girls* 10 years; boys Il years; girls llyears; boys 12 years; glirls 12 years; boys Il yea.ss; girls 13 years; boys over 1.1 years; girls over 14 years, Standing broad jump-Boys 8 years; ,girls 8 years; boys 9 years; girls .9 years;: boys 10 years; girls 10 years;, boys.il years;, girls il years.; boys 12 years; girlsq 12 years Running broad Jumpý-Éoys 13 yiears: girls 13 years; boys over '14. yen.rs;.- girls over 14 years. Playground bail throw-boy.s,]0years.; girls 10 years; boys ily1 rs girls Il' yeaxs; boys 12 years; girls 12 yCars, boys 13 years;- girls 13 years; boys over 14 years; girls ovei' 14 yearýs. 30-yard hop) - Intermediate girls; senior girls. A nnounce Winners. . of Poster Contest Announicemnent of the îýrize winiiniig poôsters ..made hy the p.)lC lav- gr.ound children. in a 'village-wide postelr naking competition, is made iw Daniel M. Davis, director of rec-ý reation. Posters were subn itted ini three ag-e groups: juniors, tunder, 10 vear.s of age; intermnediates, 10,. Il and 112 years of age, and seniors, 13, 14 and 15 years of age. Wininers in the va- rious groups were:. juniors:. first. Mary Ruth Fanck- boner; Vattinan Park-; second. Rulth Ketter, Village Green; third. Suc junuor boys, urner 10 years ot age; ' E intermediates, boys 10, 11, and 12 W. years of age. and senior boys, 13, r. 14, and 15 years will compete iii B. their respective age. groups, with teams representing the Village.Green c and Vattman park. R imitz ppert Jim She i-ms standings. in llaygroil es: Fat lteblig Les gué Won. Lost man Flori-tF, il 0 rer's Sel,,,". tat ion 8 4 1oseph . 7 4 la Coffoe A. C. 7 .4 Itz & Nord 5. 16 lette Tailors 3 ,6 Won 1-Toffman Florlsts 9 Pet. Lynam Texacos 7 1.004) Baha'l 6 666 Washington Parks .5 6,36C Ridge Ave. Phar2nacy 5 636 Mfethodînts 4 454 Joe's . 'Tigers 2 333 Baptists. pitcbing Pet. 900 70t) 601) 556; 500 444 200 100) Lost 1 3. 4 '5 1

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