Save $1 b§Y bWWSin régirane- For a short timeo yor old iron has a trede -i value of $1 toward this sensatiopally dèrent SunbeamIrnat. See it today and learn hoiweas ironing au be. Tb .Ironmasteristho saie size as ordiniry irons but weighs only half as mýuch-only 3%a Pound. hhas almosi twice as muh.: heat capaciîy which more thanmks pfor us lighîness. Noextra pressure is - necessary. 1 30.dayTrial Off..eSor,,%,0 Try, the Ironmaster for #jttî'& it " 30 days. If you don't thiuk it the speediest,$1 the best iron you've ever used, you can re. turu it for full credit. PUBLIC SERVICE STO RE S andactnea tker LOCAL STORES 621-~ Main Sté. Phono W11. 1870o 6617 yea".. on Main Street".. MONYSA VERS ALL Tais WE Sprlng LambLgn ......... b, 25'e sign and has a studio living room measuring 30 by 16 feet, a Iibrary and a basement recreation room in addition to the usual facilities of a well appointed new home. The sale was subject to $26,500 first mnortgage. William F. MeLaugblin of Buis Réal- ty, mnc., repres-ented both parties in, the, transaction. MOTHÉR'SCLUBPAR.TY FRIDAY The. Mother's club of" St. .Joseph's church: is giving a card party. Friday evening, July'22, at 8 o'clock. Prizes ivili be. given and refresbmenits are td be served.* Mrs. Phil H1illinger, Jr., of 1715 Elmwood avenue,. is chairmian as-. sisted byi a ommùittee consisting of Mrs. John. Corregan, Mrs. George Steiner, Mrs.. P.: Didier, and Mrs. Anton qtef,- fens. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H-. Rehbocki (Lilliàn. Fitch) returneri to WVilmette last week- froni their wedding, trip, a three mweeks' motor trip) east. After' spending about two weeks witlî the latter's parents, Mr. ani Mrs. Claude E.. Fitch of 1033 Elmivood avenue,, they will drive to. Seattle, Was.h., heethey are to inake their home. The Drama -Study. club met on WVednescla3,. Julv 13, at the hiome of Mrs. Frank L. Koo,îtz, 1121 Ashland avenue. The club -ivili be entertainecl at its next meeting, \Vednesdav, Julv' 27, by MNrs. William A. Matin, 1121 Greenwood avenue. -o-- The niany north shore friends of! Mrs. John B. Boridie, 1710 juiieNav, terrace, forinerly oi Wilmette, will be happy to learn tlat ,;lie is now home f rom the hospital andi recover- ing nicely fromn lier recmnt accident -o-. Tlhe C. E. Fitch .famiily, 1033 Elmi-. wood avenue, and Mr. and Mr.s. Raipli Xi.Rhbc (Lillian Fitchî) were entertaineri at *a picnic su pper on Wednesdayr. by. Miss ,Ellaý Waid- ner, 1048 Lake avenue. U*ic *8UL*V* LIIC .ibo J growth and vital importance of the postal service. L In- Kenilworth Postmaster Douglas Crooks is collecting and plans to have on display, in the postoffice lobby his- toricalviews of ýthe ,village. The Kenilwor-th postoffice, Mn'. Cnooks states, was established in 1891. The late Wil-liam H. H. Sears Was the first postmaster.. The histony of tihe postal, service dates back manyyears. So far as is Iknlown, the first postoffice was estab- lished for the géneral, public in 1516' between-Vienna andS erlin. In 1523 England establisheri a postal system-, but it was used only for communiica- tions between, membens of the royal family. In Amenica -the postal systemn dates 'frnm 1639, when, the Genénal court of Massachusetts, directed that .aIl let- ters brought fnom overseas sholuld ýbe Ieft at'the. home of Richard Fair- banks in Boston and be transmitted. by hiin to the proper part of' the country to which they were dinecteri. ,Frankinu First Postmaster 'Geènera1 The Virginia colony : soon after- w'ards stablished a postal system. In July, 1775, the Continental, cong-e ress established the postoffice depart- ment, with Benjamin -Franklin as the first postýmaster:general. The to- tal number of postoffices in. opera,- tion in 1776 was only twenty-eight,-, fourteen of *which we-re ini the state of Massachusetts. In 1812 there were but four clerks in the postoffice at 'New York. So fan as the Unitedi States is con- cernier, development of the postal service. really began in 1789, and 'tii. pnogress which has been marie dur- ing the time i'ntenvening between. tlen ari i.ow is a matten of record famil-, ian to miost every American citiz 1en. TO MARRY SATURDAY St. Augustine's churcl ini Wiînîette wiIl be the setting, for the ceremony Saturday aftennlooni, which, at 4 o'clock, will unite in mnanriage Miss Jeanne Davis of Rogers Park andi Robert Dawes Smith, son of Mr. andi MInstte ICenilwoirth Ghuncoe Wi 4 DoIiveries Dafly ... 9 A. M, Il A.M., 2 P.M., 4 *200 Drosses from thé Budget Shop at $4.95., Au early selectios. j, advised