among th( lirojects. d r.iren j oncs are ve workecl on the A rock gàrden with bird bath, wateri f ails and a tiny rivulet descending into a pool at the foot of the garden, bas héee completed, at the homeý of. Mrs. M. R. Rosen,, 1045 Elmtwood avenue, wbo bas offered a corner. of ber lawn. for. this. demonstration by Wilmette public school children. The second project bas. been complet- ed by the art appreciation class at 'tbe home of Mrs. G. B. Williams, 1137 Lake avenue. At the parkwvay of ber home, the cbildren in the class bave used siates of different colors to niake stepping stoiies and a platformfi from the walk to the curbing. Conerete WaIk Has Leal imprints A third conipleted project is a con- crete walk laid through the garden to the alley gate at the home of Mrs. W. C. Buethe, !351 ('reenwood circle. Here are not only lmbedded 'varircolored siates*, but, also a va rlety, of laves from trees. shrubs and plant, thus miakiné designs in the cernent. It Is plannied: to renrove the leaves and to pait their impressions In autumn colors. A fourth projeet will be undertaken on.Monday, July 25. This is the plac- ing of the prize-winning miniature rock. gardendeslgned *by one of the younge r girls at t Francis sohool, followlng intruofo-I the art appreciatioi class conducted after. schol several weeks ago. When this comibination rock garden and: pool has been placed -in a corner of Mrs. E. A, Beach's garden, 1114 Afih- land avenue, the class will make water color or crayon sketches of some fea- tur'e in the neighborhiood. Members of the class are urged to brlng their. p:jints, brushes, paper and crayons next M\onday afternoon. * May Tench VUe of Corals Lois Roseinay-be present to teaoh' the artistic use of shells and corals In the decoration of the edges and bottomn of the denionstration pool In the gar- d n.. Djonationsý of black dirt by George Melntyre, coloire4 slate ýby R. G,. Geb- harfit, and sand, gravel, cernent .and tlagstones by Charles F., Brandt have helped to> make possible these art ap- preciation classes which are open witti- out charge to any' Wilmette chlld. In addition to teaching the art ap, îreciation class, H. L. Beach is donat-' ing 4iis time in teaching chess and the clay modeling .of chess sets. A group ofches players is meeting with Mr. Beach ¶Thursdiy evenings during vaca- tion. Fi" h Dx-sse' 191/2c prime igeef Rib RO"14 q BSth and 7th Riboi, lb. .c BONEL ESS VIEAL- ROAT, b......... Photo by qrlnsted Mrs. George A. La Rocque, Jr, t/he former Eldora E. Hopkins, dauglater of: Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Hopkins of 1322 Greemwood ave- nu. uas ia rried oit lune 25, to tihe soit of Mr. and Mrs. George .4. La Roc que of Tucson, Ancz. The bride and bride groom WlI re-> side in Washingt on,. D. C., where, the latter ha.s a position in tihe U. S. Departinent of Commetrce. ve a Sunc1ay -One guests. II, ii; tea for MOVINQ 16ci * Dressed., BROiLERS9 lb... 231/2c" PRIME REEF POT: ROAST, 1lb2C .MILK TE.D LE.G OF VEA4,b 151/2c HINDQUARTER.19/c FANCY LEG OF ý,Spr LnbLAMRBO x.......... c Fl ake Sqpoelov Wht l11b Fresh Lake TvUt ........ ............b. l Fv8IIsauo...................b. 251h pisob Halibt...........................lbo 193W Vnmsh LakBerHoing .... .......lIb. 12340 FnUit Lake Pernh« bo 123/3 Fremit Jumabo Sbtlmps....1..........lIb. 23o I EST CREMu«RY BUTTEIR Duk IL19½he wiek lb. 210 o e 1900 WSF......... ' NEW COOKING APPLES, 4 Iba. for.. 5 FANCY RIPE 1 CANTALOUPE, 2 Zfor 19iC FANCY JUICE ' ORANGES, 3 dozen.. 59ci FRESH GREEN BEANS. 3 ouau 19t -#J --..-, - . . 6- Fancy Iceberg Head 19 Lettuce, 2 large hem&19 FRESH RIPE . TOMMTES, basket.' 25c 521 *The Bible and Works of Mary Baker Eddy and, ail other authorized Christian Scienice Literature may be read, borrowed or parchased at the Reading Rooni. TH1E PUBLIC IS CORDIALL! INVITED TO ATTEND, THE CHURCH SRRVICEý AND VISIT THE READING. ROOM Lb.1 MOU. 0O Iy. JuIy 25 10 L for. Tueis- Lb. 14Ac Wed. Oui,,e>Jufr 27 Fa 26