Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Jul 1932, p. 36

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Rates-là cents a lhue la one paper.. 26 centsa alin. blnaytwo paperi.I 3cents a line in ail three paper.MINJIU IRN ONE BIOLLAI. Average of liv. words to the line. No black face type usedi 1% igBomUt o *Il enth with eu'der slvethlements wbez broxgb*t to ur ffle at 183 Central Ave., Wilmette, or "3 I Uela Ave, Wienotha. Deadlmne for Insertions- c' ed dveusee ?t ji bforc WILumneT LIFE or ail Lree paper.; Wedaesday 9 P. M.. for WINNETKA, TALK and ?hburaday 6, P. M.. for GLENCOBI NW. 1Tolophonea:*Wilmette 4300 Winnetka 2000. Greepleaf 4300 or Sheidrake 587. 3LOOBT ANO IFOUND LOST-PAIR OF WHITE GOLD SPEC- tacles, at or near Winnetka -beach June,29. $5 rewardà. 418ý Ridge av e., Winnetka. Phone Wlnnetk& 284. 2LTN9-ltp LOST: CLLE,>BLIND IN EF eye, answers to -"Suds" Reward. 33t Central Ave. Ph. Wilmette 1820. zLT9mltp S UUINXEs SEVICE PICNICS - PARTIES.- BIRTHDAYS Serve angel foo; 'double icing, large sgize 1,ushne cake 70 cts., to order._ Ph. Wilmette, 3407.9LN-f WILL MAKE NEW SUMMER DRESS- es; remodeliftg. will make old lothes 1g.CLAIRE MODISTE, Winn. 147., 1ILTN7-tfe DRE8SMAKING, RE-MODlELING, AND plain sewlng by the day, or at my home. Ph. Greenleaf 1142. 11LTN9-lte DRESSMAKING BY DAY IN YOUR home; or in mine. Experienced. Rea-. sonable. Winnetka 186. 11L-ltp le INSTRUCTION TUTORING POSITION DESIRED BY Yale undergraduate. Wlnnetka 1279. 15L9-ltp 17 ISitRIOR DCORATINQ CEILINGS CALCIMINED, $1.25 UP Kit., bathrm. painted, $5 up. Outslde painting lowest prices in history. WiI- mette 2088. 17LTN94ltp 119 LAUNDRY 4CURTAINS AND BLANK-TS. ALSV. other l.adry work, don., reasonably. Wil odl for ad deliver. Wian. 1924. 18LTN8-tfc IGH SCHOýOL GIRLWîSUES POSI- tion as mother's, helper during vacq:- tion., Good home, small wages., Write B-79, box 40, Wilmette, 111. 4ILTN7-BLp EXP. LAuNReISS, ALSO' DOES_ cleaning; good, fast wo rker, bas some daysvacant. Pb. Wilmette 4113_ 41LTN9-ltc BIEAUTIFUL HOME FOR, ELDERLY convalescent:or helpless patients. Spe-m cial attention to diet. 13y experlenced n,rse. IVilmette 5099, .4lLTIN9-ltp ELDERLY GERMAN WLMAN WANTS gen. hsewk. in snil. tarniy. Ucod (cok, reS!. -Ph. Wilaette 100 Odays-., 41LTN9-ltp RELIABLE WOIMAN WANTS CLEAN-1 ing or laundry Wednesday and Fri- ay. Exp. Ph. Wilniette 4288 after S:30 P. M. 4ILTN9-ltp PART TIME WORK WANTED DY reliable white girl., Willlng to do aiy kind of work. Ph. Wilmette 4921. 41LTN9-ltp COLORED WOMAN - GE N ERA L houswork, lat class cooklng and serving. uood ref. Cati Jane, Oreen- leaf 9771. 4ILTN9-1tp RELIABLE WOMAN WANTS ÇLEAN- ing or laundry by the day. Ph. Wil- mette 4288 after 5-,30. 41LTN9-ltp EXPERIENCS2D WOMAN WANTS houLsework by day, Best references. Ph. Lake View 3862. '41LTN9-ltp 42 ITUATION WANTEDF-MM..E YOUNG GERMAN HUNGARIAN MAN wishes position as chauffeur, bouse- mani.gardener, or butler.. Good Northi North Shore references. Pli. Diversey 9156.42LTN9-Itpi RELIABLIE ,WHIT- MÂNýWISH-ES gardening and housework. N o r t h Shore refer. Cati hefore 7 :30 A. M. or evenIngs. Exp. Wllmette 4677. 42LTN9-ltp EXP. HOU7SEMAN & -GA1kDENEU. netka 2906., __44LTN9-ltc WANT FI1WT CLASS SEC-ËOND >IAID. Protestant 25 to 35 yrs. old. N. S. ref.. req. $15 week, Pauline's,. b22 Center St., Winnetka. 44LTN-ltpý WHITE WOMAN FOR GENERAIL hiousework. Stay nlights, 2 smnali chul- dren. $6. Winnetka 3676., 441.TN9-l tp WHITE GIRL FOR G EN ERIAL housewo6rk. No cooking. Smali wges. Ph. Wilmette 3667. 44LTN9-Itc 46 14RLP WTrD.-MALE ANDFEMAt.E WANT 5 COUPLES - Mutbe expeirienced, an. have good working ref. $100 month. Pautilinie .s .Eip. Agenicv 522 Center- St. Winnetka 2662 46LTN-ltc WANTED THOROUGRHLY EXPERI- .enced couple, *whte; housework, gar- dening, some laundry, driving. A-i1 rets. Ph. Glepcoe 1359. 46LTN9-ltc GOOD DENTISTRY Depression fées. Fillings (smnall>, 50e. Treatmieùits.50c. Ofttce 1209 Wllffetto] Ave.. Wllmette 391. 47A-LTN1-tf - m main a,.w.~ mP~ mE IW~......A iUVf~ Mvt s s - -- s - . = PACKCARD, LINCOLN, CADILLAC,.OR Franklin, 5 or 7 sedan, not older than 19~29, for cash. Give description. and price. Write B-88, Box 40, Wilniette, Ili. 49LT9-1 tp go AUTO SERVICE FROM 35 to 50 PRXCENT DISCOUNT on general auto repair work Del Lago Auto Service, No Man's Land. Cadl Wllmette 5346. 50LTNI.-tfe si FOR RENT-NOOMS LARGE, PLEA7SANýT FRONT ROOM with Iaî*ge closet, convenient to bath. Reasonable. Ph. Wilniette 3206. ______________ 51LTN9Itp BeAUTIFUL, ROOM IN REFINED private honme. Nr. beach, 4 blks. to "L"ý >and N. S. Ref. req. Ph. Wllmette 171. 5LLTN9-Itp FOR RENT, ONE DOUBLE, ONK sîngje roo n.. neast side;homne.. Near ail transportation. 731 Tenth street, Wilmette, 111. 51L9-tfp 1? 2, OR 3 ROOMS IN. PRIVATE home,,together or separately', furnt, or unfurn. 2 blocks trans. Tel. Gleco 1646. 51LTN9-2tc LARGE, NICELY FUÏN. -OOýM-Iq quiet orîvate home. Lady nref. Vfii.ýr RENT TWO ROOM1 apartmnent near tran im- heat, electricai rel 1wllmette 1800. âROOMAýPARTrMENT,-CENTRAILY located, south and oast front. Ph. Wilmette 239*9 or. 2427. 5SLTN37-to ONE 2 RU.. ALSO, ONE 4 RU. KITCH- enette apt. Humphrey building. Wln- netka 98, or 3328. 66LTN26-tfe IS, HEATED, GRAE0$5 aduits. 2300 Thorn wood, Wilmette. Ph. (Jienview 106-M. 56LTN-ltp, 137 moi RmENT-rUitNISHab ApT. FURNISHED AND UNFUffNISHED 2 and 3 room modern apts. Fine loca- tion la Wlnnetka. Reasonable. Win- netka 690. 57LTN53-tfe FURNISHED 1 AND 4 ROOM APT. conveniently located. -Ph. Wilmette 239or Wilmette 2427. S7,IT3O-tfd 60 FOR RENT-1tOUSES YÔU iiii and energy looking fo' a hoinst, to, rentor buy if' ' FrorinEvaîstèn to ighland Park, we have bouses of dit'- .'i'ent sizes anti prit!es lthat %will hellp you to sec . the be-t thé market affords at the pl'ice you expeçt to pay. F. M. ORNDORFFý Uni. 8700 Uni. 51 6OýLTNI4-ltp 8 O~ BRICK HIOM~E, CLOSE IN to sclhool and station.. 85 ft. lot. 5 br.,2. baths, 2 porches. Gar. io. at once. Special. price $100. .4lso 5 roonis, modern, s. e. $50, and Oither .special listings. Cal sMNITlH & GOSS, INC. 725 Eln, $1,Winnetka 142 6OLTNù- ltc FURNISHED AND UNfURNISHE]CD houses, and apartments on the North Shore. Mrs. Fuller & Wth.'. Pi*ckar,4 1618 Chicago Ave. 'Greenleaf 7220 _______ ___________ 6OLTN7-tf 7 RM. MODERN .BRICK HOME. ALL c onveniences. 2. car gar., Northfield on W4ignèr Rd. Rent $50. REAL ESTATE SERVICE W'lnhetka 3450 ' Lincoln 1760) gen. hsewk. Ph. Kenwood EXPERIENCED ,'COUPLE position la private family. houseman, and cook.. Ex. Ph. Greenleauf 2595. à $22 ConterE 895. - 3, 4, an ýTN9-tp One 5 ESIRES hauffeur. 980 IL S. ref. 43L9-Itp, rd. woods 5.64TN9-ltcI SOLTNS3-tfe ~I ~, t 'p 1

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