Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Jul 1932, p. 13

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bits conducted by members of the Raymond foundation staff, wiIl be features of the progranis. There will be six entertainments to be given on successive Tbursday mornings, begin- ning on juIy.7, and concluding on *Auigust Il.* Following is the sche- dule: July 7-Motion picture:- "Winners, of the Wesàt," at 10 a. mi.!and Il1 a. m. July 14-10 a. nm., story-hour: "ILife ithe So'uth Seas" (illustrated with coloed pictures); il11a. ni.,.tour: South Seas. Exhibits. juIy 21-Motion picture: "Adven- turcs in the Far North'," a 10 a. m. and il a'.nM. JuIly 28-10 a. ., story-bour: .'Queer Birds of Other Lands" (illus- trated with colored pictures); Il a. mi., tour: Bird Exhibits. August 4-+10 a. mi., motion.picture: "Glinipses of South Amner.ica ;" Il a. ni.. tour: South American Exhibits. August I 1-Motion picture,: "Ani- mnais at Rest' and Play," at 10 a. Mi. and Il a:.nm. The motion picture and story-hour progranis will be given in the James *Simipson theater of the museurn. On days when tours' also are, scheduled the parties will assemble at the thea- ter doors ýat :the conclusion of the mnotion pictures or story-hours. Childrei f rom ail parts of Chicago and suburbs are invited to attend. No tickets are necessary for admis- sion. Children may corne alone, or accompanied by their parents or other aduits. Community centers and *other' local organizatiofis are invited to organize large groups of chljdren and bring themn to the museurni John Edwiýn, Kenneth and Ran- dolph, sons of Mr. and Mrs. John G. Seyfried, 724 Cummfings avenue, Ken- ilworth. spent last Week-end at Greenî Lake wivt h Mr. Seyfr ied's sis ter, Nlrs. A. E. Hill. - .: -> Mr. and Mrs. Robert, S9 Smith, 324 Cumnor road, Kenilwort h, have as their guests for two weeks, Mrs. E. S.. Tayl4or and son, Leslie, Jr., of Members. of the advisory commit- tee are as follows: Mary Anti Dickej and E. H. Blinstrub, antiques; Rollo E. Gilmore,. coins and paper mioney; Robert Woot ton, Indian relics?.Hen- ry Morris, firearnis; Norman Picht, postage stamps; Mers. Eveleen-.,Sev-m ern, Severn Wylie, ,Jewett company; and O. C. Lightner, Lightner Publish-1 ing corp. The following organizations. bave also pledged their: support; Women's Stamp Club of Chicago, Chicago Coin club; Fort Dearborn. Philatè'licasso- ciation; and the Pr.ecancel society. Mr. and Mrs. A., R. Peterson, .227 Raleigh road, Kenilworth, announice the birth- of a daughter, jane Clare, on Thursday, june 23, at the Evans- ton, .hospital. 0o Zada Craft, daughter of the D. D. Crafts of ,195, Ridge avenue, Win- netka, is the guest of Barbara Bag- galey of Kenilworth at Lawsonia, Green Lake, Wig. The Rev. and Mrs.. Leland H. Dan- forth of Kenilworth are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Perry Buchanan_ at Bass lake inà the Land o'Lakes: regien. in Wisconsin. Mr. and, Mrs. L.* M. Allen and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ware of Kenil- worth, recently returned from a mo- tor trip of a few days to Leland, Mlich. Mrs. Walter Noble Gillett, 533, Roslyn road, Kenilworth, entertained hier bridge club on Tuesclay, JuIy 5. Main, St. Wilmette Phone Wl. 32 A TRUST COMPANY located at Wilmette, State of Illinois, at these o.f business on, the 3Oth day of june, the ,luditor pf Pub.lic Accountsof, nois, pursuant to Iaw. 1932., as made to the State of 11hi- RESOU RCES Cash, Other Cash Resources and Due. from Banks.........$550,140.17 U. S. Governme nt Investmients..... Other Bonds and Securities ....... Loans on Collateral Security.... Other Loans ............. ...... Loans on Real Estate............ Overdrafts ........ ..... Other Real' Estate....... Banking flouse,, Furniturfe and Fixztures ............ ...... Other Resoutrc.es........ Total Resources..... LIABILITIES CaptalStock........ -Surplus nid>ivi.ded Profits (Nét)..... Reserve Accounts .......... Dennd Deposits......... Time 'Deposits ............. Bis Payable ............. Other Liabilities............ 3069452085 1289,697.01 2969.013.27 749809-177 *$ 1,972,895.83 *$200,000.00 *200,000.00 309908039. 59e334.28 .. 9599813.46 .. 421,701.83 *. 1009000.00 The. Bible and Works of Mam Baker Eddy and Ail tber authorized Christian Science Literature Mpay be read, borrowed or purchased at the Reading Room. THE PUBLIC 18 CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THE CHURCH SERVICES AND VISIT THE READING ROOM Subscribed axid sworn to before me this 5th day of JuIy, 1932. Ul. L. STONE, (SEAT.) Notary Public.

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