7. 50-yard thre2e-legged race-Bovs under 16, 8. 50-yard dash-Boys 8 and 9. 9. 50-yard dashL-Gir1s 10, Il and 12. 10. 25-yard wheelbarrow race-Boy4 10. Il and 12. il, 50-y.ard three-legged- race-Girls under 16. 12.. 50-yard dasi-goys,*10, Il and 13. 75-y'ard dasli-Girls 13, 14 and! 14. 25-yard and 9. 15. 50-yard 16. 75-yard,, hopping race-ýGirl.s.8 relay -Husband -and dash-Boys 13, 14 and 17.* 75-yard dash -Girls 16 te, 20. 18. 50"yard.dash-Boys under .16. 19. 100-yard.dash --Boys 16 to 20 inclusive. 20. 50-yard dash-Womien over 21.- 21. 50-yard halloon race-Girls 'un- der' 10. 22. 100-yard dash-Mvr 21 and ovr 23. ý0-vard I)aloon race-Bovs tun- dfer 10. 24. 25-yard dash- Ladies 35 an..i (Wer. 25. 50-yard1 three-legged race-Hlus- baud aOd wife. 26.. 25-yard dash-Ladies over 1601 .1)0utids. 21. 25-yard dasi-Men with waist tieastire of at least 4,3 inches. Go t. Homes The following teachers wiIl spenid muçhi or most of their summer vaca- tions at their homes: SMiss Caroline Littier and Miss NelIý 'M., Littler,' Potomnac, Il;, Miss. Etta E. Knudsen, Clinton,, Iowa; Miss Edna R., Mayer,. Evanston-; Miss Florence P., Tatro, Forest Park; Miss, Leab Clark,. Platteville, :Wis.;- Miss Lillie T. ýBitting, Evanston ;'Miss >Bessie Stark, Chicago;ý Miss Florence'E.. AI- tender,. Clintonville. Wis. Miss Emmna. W'. Billingtoni, Evans- ton, Mrs. 'Mollie K. Foreniau, Paris, Ill.: Miss Anna M. Pemberton, Chi- zago; Mis Edith M. Stryker, Wilmeétte; Miss. Margaret Davenport, Baraboo. Xis.; R. J. Finnigan, Wilmfette; M iss. Mf. Louise Robinson, Wilmette; Miss Aitha Lyman. Evanston. CamP Counselôr Miss Elizabeth Macauley, director of physical :education for girls, will be a counselor at Camp Bonhie flrae, land- 28. 50-yard sack race-Girls indter 29. 50-yard dasi-Men. 30 to 40. 30. 50-yard dash-Men 40 and over., 31. Bail throwing contest-Boys 15 anid under. (Official league basebail.) 32. Tug-of-war-Single men %-s. nmarried mien. 10-.Omati teaxu. Ordinance Prohibits .Sliooting of Fireworks Persons who violate the ordinance which prohibits the sh ooting of. fire crackers, irearms, .or. the ischarge, of: other, explosives within: tbe village limits of Wilmette; will be prose- cuted and fined, Chief, of Police Henry Brautigamn reminds Mi the Fourth of july approaches. HAVE SURPRISE PARTY Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schmitz, 1936' Schiller avenue, were surprised at an ev ening party. on Tuesday of, this week by 'thirty of their relatives. The occasion was the Schmitz' tenth, weddinig anniversary. The L. C. Werdenis,.forînerly of 229 Ninth st reet, XViimette, are iow *t Rydal, Pa. FA&cKXO Phone WiL 32, In order that the woinen of WiI- mette niaY become acqualnted wlth these young *%vomen we are Pleased to oWfer them ample sav- Ings by "OUR OPERATORS4 SPECIAL'I each Frlday and Sat- urday durlng July. Quality work at reduced prices.. An oDpportunity you'11 nQt over- look. OUR OPERATORS' SPECIAL. Fridey and' Saturday FINGER WAVE ...45o MARCEL........... 50o Why flot phone for an appoint- ment for any, of theSe fine per- rm'nentik? GABRIEILEEN .. 5O DUART ..........7 ZOTrOZ .e.........ijo The New , Machinelea a et hod o! Permanent Wat>tng Mme. Huntingford coametica used exclusively i 12 6 Central Ave. Phone Willnettt 4 5 8' A Guaranteed DANDELIONand WEED REMO VER Sori on an. absolute mone.- back guarante.. We want you 10try t! WHOOPEE TENT-Made of slicker cloth to resist rain. Lar~ge sizei--complete '1 with potes.. Real funi for the kiddes49 CROQUÉT-Six-bail set complete with mnal- lets and aréhes. Fun for the wlxole .family ............. 2 5 Advanced Croqut-now . 47 GYM SET-PIay fcatures-Rings- Bar-Climbing Rope-See-Sýaw and Swng. Very sturdy construction and healthy children. See the othe>rs adyou will realize the ~< value .. .. .. .. . 7 9 evegreens for 50 ft., 11-iuçh. Sine (Dot % M~mwr flmtte Cisamber of Commerce. L I md