Membership in the lionor society is based on scbolastic accômplisbment and is open only to sixtb, seventh and eighth grade pupils. An average of ."E" is required. Following is a list of the h1onor rolpupils:9 Miss Leah .Ciark',g third gratde-Vir- ginia Burkhard, Don. Camîpbell,, Pris- cilla Colvin, Martha Flsher, Joanne Hathaway,. Caroline Johnson, Kathleen K elly,* Frederic, Kilner, Catherine Loueks, Avan Noyes, Dorothy Starr, Buddy, Streed, Barbara Wakeley and Billy Wright. Miss Nel M. Llttlerýs third grade- Glenn Andersen, Jimnmy Blackwell, Carol Brlggs, Malcolm BroWn,. Bert Buehler, Ellen, Coale, John Conley, Muriel Craig, Grant Ellils, Nancy Fox, Charles Grayling, Bob Johnson, Jack Ketcham, Joan. Ross,. Bob Sanders, Patricia Van Arsdale, Charlotte Wiids and Tom Wright. Miss Lillie T. Bitting's fourth grade -Barbara Buehler, Wendell Clark, Kenneth Crocker, David Dale,, Betty Anne Faulstick, ýErika Goebel, Dorothy Henderson, M a ry Lidecker,. Peggy Marsh, Robert Ostermann,.George Rot- hermel, Elizabeth ýSimon, Ralph Star- rett, Daniel Sullivan, Eart Toops, Nancy ,Weshaar and I)orothy Wieland. Miss Bessie Stark's fourth grade- Barbara Bell, Dorothy Blurns, Edward Claffey, John Connor, Glenn Eggert, Charlotte H'uck, Virginia Huck, Paul Kelly,- Joan Kilner, Isobel Mathleson, Mi[mi Streed, Conine. Tortorello, Dick Vanihalanger and Dorothy, Wilson. Miss ,Florence E. Allender's fifth grade -Denise Armstrong, Ell5abeth Becker, Suzanne Hazelet, Myrtie Hollo- way, Frank Knoop, Robent Landon. Charlotte Miller, Shirley Scarrett, John SeerleY, Elaine Vaught and Phyllis Wheelock. Miss Emma W. Billington's fifthl grade-Barbara Burch, Mary Kathenine Cunninghami, Betsy Davis, Jean Dick- erson, Tomnny Ellis, Albert F'leisclhman, Martha Hale, Dorotliy Iendýrson, Isabel Johnson, JQan Retchani, Richard Krause,i Nelson McClary, M ar y, MeIntosh,t Thomnas Meredith, Bernice Modine, Ele- anor Morrison, Kathryn O'ReilIy, James Robertson, Elaine Rothenmel, Natalie Smith, Ralph Starr, Bud Stiliman and. Susan Wolfe. Mrs. Mollie K. Foremnan's and Miss Tolita.Hanson'as sixth grade-Rile Bay, .Norman 'Bernis, Jane Bignell, Margaret Boozer, George Brown,' Louise Burk-'ý bard, Helen Coîgrove, Janet Colvîn, Suzanne Fisher, Edward, Foscue, Pa-1 tclGover, Szne Hawxhurst, Mel- vin HaWley, Lucy Huck, flarriet IrnUs, Tomf Keith, Nadine Kinney, Warren Knatier, Andy Kuby, Seeley Lodwick,t Ruth Mervis, Marian Mesick, Evelyny Montanaro, John Noyes, James Olin. Bettie Schrei, Ruth Sprenger,' June RUY SUMMER HOME 1 Mr. and Mrs. William 0. Belt and FMiss Virginia J3elt, 202 Abingdon road, Kenilwortb, have gone to Toma- hawk, Wis., wbere the Beits bave purchased ýa âsummer home, on an ishand ini tbe Wisconsin river., Mrsi' William Englar, formeely of Keîîil- worth, was the owner of this attrac- tive property. Mrs. Robert K. Beitý and ber smalh son, of 1601 Tenth street, with ber fa.ther-iii-l'aw, W.,-O. Beit, will join, the, fanîily on Friday. TEA FOR DELEGATES .Mrs. Arthur Long and ber niother, Mrs. William Goodsmjitil, weie host-* esses at a- tea Monday afternooîx at thei r bome in Wilmette in, honor of, out-of-ýtown delegates to the Alpha Phi convention who are remanian1g on thenorth shore for a visit. 0. OF M. BENEFIT TODAY. St. Francis, Housebold. Order of Martha will bave a iawn party and benefit bridge this 'afternoon (Thurs- day) at the homne of Mrs. George Ludwig in Evanston. The officers of Martha wil be 'bostesses. Hugh J. Weh.ter, 225 Fifteenth street, and Curtis, E. Colegrove, 1631 Spencer avenue, moëtorçd fourteen boys f rom' Boy Scout troop 10, to Camp Ma-Ka- Ja-Wan at Spriîîg Lake, Wis. hast Sat- urday. Miss Janet Murray, 625 WiIhow road, left Winnetka iast Friday for Stonehill camp, Haywarcl, Wis., for an eight weeks' vacation, Miss Murray 'has taught dancing there forl'he last. three years. Mr. and Mrs. .H. W. Alger, 154. Warwick lane, witbt ir daugbters, Elizabeth and Mary Louise,,heft Ken- Îihworth for their sumîier home. at Pentwater,' Micli., on Monday of this week. -o0 Miss Katherine Stohp was hostess to ber sewing club Wednesday of ast week at ber home. 336 Warwick road, Kenihwortb. AWAY FOR~ FIVE WEEKS The Rev. and Mrs. 1.eland H. Dan- forth of Kenilwortli left the first of the week for a five weeks' trip through îiorthern Michigan and Wis- consin. They wiIi first> visit Mr. and Mrs. Carl M. Huck, who are spend- ing the'summner at Trout Lake, Wis. While thev are away',Mr. Daniforth's mother. Mrs. George F. Danforth of Deerfield. wilI lie a guest- at thc rcc- tory. 333 Warwick road. WINS COLLEGE SCHOLARtSI-IP Miss, Catherine .Rae .Pearsôn. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray C, Pearson.' 117 Dupee place, who wvas graduated eariy. this 1 -onth' fronm Mallincèkrodt H.igh school, is the fortunate winner of a four-year, scholarship at St.. Teresa's college,' Winona, Mi. Miss Pearson re- ceived honor ribbon ini E nglislî, Iis- tory. and religion. I. IN RECITAL 1-efrn Mac ,Meves,.522 Lightil street, and Edith Louise Mlendun., 605 Sixth street, took part in a pupils1 recital given on Monday aftcrnoon01 of, Iast week by the students of 'Miýss Myra, DalîmIan, a, teacher froi the, Americai iConservatory of 1*11 l.1 Chicago. TO PREACH IN KENILWORTH *The *Rev. Eugene WVettling of Ev- anston, will occupy the pulpit of the Church of the Hoiv Condforter while the rector. the, Rev. Leland HL. Dan- forth. is on his vacation. A daughiter, Mary Edi-ina, wasf born Saturdav. June 4. at the Swed- islï Covenant hospital to NMr. and Mrs. J. P. McDonald, 321 Fourtli street. Mrs. McD).ôonal is1 the forré lE.dwiitia Vosburgh of Wilmnette. 1 Nanci' Landis and Patricia Austin,f with other Glencoe and north shoreéý girls, motored to the Girl Scout canmpi near Edgerton. Wis., on, Monday,1 where they will reinaiti for two weeks.. scattered ail over under shady trees for huincheon groups as weli as for games of bridge wbich foilowed, A fortune teller had ber booth at the edge of the terrace :and a liue of patrons awaited the hearing of thelr fate ail afterno.i. , , : . .- A buffet.-luncheon 'table iii 'the back-door garden was ' arrayed, with deicious salads, sandwiches, 'cakes, and other foods, jellies and relishes, and coffee and tea Were served. While. many played bridge, within doors as well as without, others, re- mained chatting in small groups on the terrace aund under trees. is-i the isecond sumimer the Webbs, have opened their homte for such a picnic, aithough this is tbe first time a circie bas been, in, charge of the huncheon. Mfrs. E. A. Kaumeyer of Wilmette lias invited women of the. churcb to 'a dav's outing at' ber summer home on the- lake, at Cbiwaukee on July 22. HONORED AT LAW SCHOOL Charles G. Koepke, son of the late Chiarles A. Koepke and of Mrs. Ko)ep- ke, 414 Washington avenue, was gradu-_ ated with honors f rom the Chicago Law, school. At thé commencement, exercises wlîich, wcre held on Wednesday ève- iig of last, week hie was vaiedictorian of bis class. He îiot oilly received, the .hîghest scholastic honors in his class but was otie, of three niembers to re-,. ceive CuiLaude (Order of Lincoln).- HOLD SCAVENGER HUNT *Mr. and Mrs. Walsh B3aldwin of 1496 Asbury avenue, Winnetka. and Mr. .and Mrs. John Cory of Dcer- field entertained a group of friends last Saturday evening at a "scaven- ger party:." After the hunt the guests miet at 12 o'clock at Mrs. j3aldwin ,s for a bitec to eat. Mr.. and Mrs. H. 'F. Sparrow and famuly. who have been, stopping at" the Kenilworth Iiin. slow are occùpy- ing the tliev lhave rented at, 554 M eadow lanie, Winnetka. Th'le Harry E. Hughes farnuly, 929. Shieridan road, are leaving earily îext %%eek for' California. .wherc they :wilI ý,Peiid the suliniier. 0o- .rout fishing at it week-te sooi, Wi's. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Landis of Glen- 'coe are at Burt Lake, Micb.- the sunimer home of Judge Kenesaw M Landis. one Driver, Thie Tuesday bridge luncheoin club met this week at the home of Mrs. Charles N. Reese, in' Wilmette. Rodnian Hans en of the Kenilworth Inn ieft .Tuesday for Duluth, Minn., to be gone ýuntil Julys.,