Legion Sponsors FI ST NA ION A L hP eident BANK IS CLOSED~ DýIireeors, Decide Upon Action Whée Unstable Conditions Threaten Deposits. Serions disturbance of banking conditions in the Chicago area, whichi. tllrcatened to jeopardize the funids of the depositors of the First, National Batik of Wiimette, prompted the. di- rectors to close the bank Satui*day nxorning, j une 25. Trhe bank's, off.iciais. inniediately cailed in a national banik examiner Who is now in.charge. A receiver is to lie appoited 13Y the National Baiiking departie-nt, a fact Wltichi gives assurance that the appointaient wvilli be free frornthie political taint that lias been apparent 'under similar circunmstances ipn the closing of Iliii- nois state batiks. It iW fully expected that whien liquiý- dations are coipleted. ail depositors wîlIl receive full 100 cents o h dol- Iàr'. the officers assert. .rra ngeiiients will i)e Iade withil! a, feiw days, it is, aiiiotunced, wherebyv safety deposit b ox hoiders*Nvil be grantcd access te thecir boxes. *The batik as organized iii 1910. 'l'le capital and surplus was $200,000 and the. deposits at the tinie of clos- ing last Saturday %vere about $600,000. The statemnent issu'ed- by the direc-' tors-.of the batik is 'as follows: -'The' closing of, theý First :National Batik of Wilmette on Saturday, June. 25, was decided, upn by its directors only after it wàs definite1y apparent that, due to the serious disturbanice of banjking conditions ini the Chicago ar.ea, to continue businiess-would jeop- a rdize the funlds of the remaining deèpositors. "The batik is now in the hiands, of the. National Bank examiners and it is fully anticipated that whien liquida- tions are completed ail depositors Nvl11 receive full 100 cents on the dlollar." T I Ijourtsiof juty( D r. H orace G.S nd k Pa t'f flcWilmjettc Parish.. Mcthodist clitcli since October, 1926, lias: been clected president of Garrett, Bi blical institute at Evanston . Dr.. S>,ûtlh assuiled h is new post Tiues- day o.f tiuis tueek. H-e zwill continue to occlipy the pulpif of the iWililcf te cluurch through JuIy. Wilmette State Bank Withstands Real "Run". of met witnessed the spectacle ofa:lively bank "mn" Satuir-day,. June 25, iven, upon learning that the First National bank had closed its doors, many depositors of the ýWilinette State baink hastened to retrieve their funids. TIinigs begau to hiappen in eartiest at a)out 10 o'clock, in thet momýning ,%Oen. a long lune, made up largely of I'voieii anld children, sought access Schol Employes Get $409960 in warrants for Pay A total of $40,960 ini anticipation Wvarrants against 1931 taxes -was paid to school emiployes, includifig teach- ers, to retire the salary iindebtedness of the Wilmette school district, for the year ending July 1, 1932, it wvas announced this Wveek at the school offices. ;Sîin ce. no ready .cash ý vas, available,1 on account of the miuddled tax situ- ation, it wvas necessary to pay with, warrants, which represent approxi- .mateîy one-fourth of the past year's1 salary of, school emnployes in Wil-î ,Mette. Uniless citizens rally te the causeby purchasing ta x'anticipation wa rra .nts, a. precarjous financial situatioln faces, the publ ic schools nlext year, is the gist of a finlancial statemnent issued à iithe junle 1( issue Of \'V LME TE ,ÉZF byHenry EÈ Cutler, president of the loardof education. Unless funds are forthcoýming[, M.Cutier cleclared. the schools cannot be.,openied ini Sep-, temlber. the superilitendeut's o.ffice, 738 Teth street. The office .wiil be open ail day from Monidays to Fridays, inclusive. Pro vide, Work for Jobless Veterans Wilmette' Post No. 46, Anierican [<egion, is s ponsoring a ý plan. m which -legionnireoherwise unem- ployed .an earni money enough .for tht ý,necessities' of> life by paintîng house numbers on the curb)iigs c \Vilmette streets. This plan lias th e sanction- of George F,. [<tai,ý commnader of \Vil.- Mette Post. No. 4(), Amieri can,egioti. The Village of \'ilinette is cooperat- ing %vith tht Ainerican 1<egion i M cIr- ryînig out this plan. Persons. wlo vIsh .to have nuiblers,. painted on the curbings iii front of thepr ho-ies are reiuiested to cal1 NM r. ] -4 CF , w FIELD EVENTS BIG FEATURE Pat riotie Programi to Inaugur.' ate Community Festivity on Village Green Wiimette's nifith anniual community Fourth of Jtily celebration sponsored by the Patriotic Celebrations com- mittee of Wilmette Post,. No. 46, American Legioin, with the coopera- tion of the Wilmùette Playground, and Recreatin board, ill begin ith a patriotic programn at the Village Green, west of the Hoivard school at 1 :30 o'clock, Molnday, July 4.. Field events wiil feature the afternoon's activities., this year are under the supervision of josefhl H. Heinzen, Jr., chiairmoan of the Iegion committee, who is having the -active, assistance of Daniel M. Davi:s, director of recreation and his staff ofworkers. Presenrt Colora Présentation and posting of the colors. will forrmall inaguate the celeliration. This will be dont by the Wliimctte Post of tht Legion. George Leal, commander .of the post, will give tht a'ddress. Field events, in which villagers of aIl ages have been invited to coin- pete for, attractive awards, are sched- uled. to begini at 1:45 o'clock. Thiere wili be a championiship b ase.- hall gaine at 4:30 o'cock. Tht, progr amn of field eventshs 1)etn announced >as follows: Many Field Eivents Open onlir to residents, of -Wilmnette. No individual te. receive more than four prizes. (Relay race excepted.) Spiked shtots imaynot be wgrn. 1'. 25-yard dash-ýGirls under 8. 2. 50-yard shoe scranmble-Boys Un- der 14. 3. 25-yard whieelb)arrov race-Girls 10, 11, and 12. .(Contintied on Page .5) 5 :30 o'clock<, n w àsa u oIuIu u 'Y~ " i g t e r m n y t h a k Assessor George R. Uarbaugh. Af- ingternoe otebn..-L n ter~ ~ -' toa I shdlsand responses othier withdrawals were re-deposited te five-day notices must be taken Up on Monday. I adfiled at th office of the County The strength of tht Wilnwttt State ssessor in Chicago, Mr. Harbaugh bank was clearly indicated in its abil- appreciable diminution of deposits. .... . 00 Uines .. . . ... . . . . . . . . 36 age .28 Ar CLOSED JULY 4 The Kenilworth postoffice will be closed all day on july 4. There will be no delivery, and no dispatch of mail.